Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Flying Blind Without A Scale

Hello Weight Losing Fans...

I am laughing at myself because yesterday I actually went to two different public libraries in Wisconsin and could not get onto the Internet to save my life.
I then realized that I had left my commercial driving license up in one small town two days before hand, and had to drive all the way there to get it. I could not wait for it to come to me.

Hello, is anybody home up in that head of mine?

Anyway yesterday was a bust for posting on my blog. I stepped on the scale four days consecutively weighing in at 190.4-pounds. That's not bad.

Today I stepped on the magical digital scale weighing in at 191.4-pounds. That's only because I ate a meal last night before I went to bed. Yep, I did. It was a large slice of homemade peach pie and Haagan Dazs Strawberry Ice Cream.
My cousin twisted my arm and made me eat it.

If she hadn't been there urging me on like the devil I never would have given in and eaten that sumptuous piece of peach pie. And that's only because I have this iron will.

Oh, I make myself laugh.

Here is another funny thing that I did. I was in a hurry to leave Wisconsin and get back home to go to work. I forgot my digital scale and my food journal at my cousin's home.

So, I won't be posting my weight for a while. But, I will entertain you with my absolute brilliance. Now, I get to see if I can keep my weight down without the aid of my scale. I am flying blind here for a while. This is going to be a test of my abilities.

Will I stumble and put on more weight? I am up two pounds from my record weight of 189-pounds. And over the last few days (I blame my cousin and aunt) I have consumed more than 1,500 calories each day.

I wasn't over eating hamburgers and hot dogs. I was over eating cookies, pie, and ice cream. You know the supposed diet killers that every weight watching guru scorns. I don't, but many of them do.

So where will this leave me? Umm, I won't know until I get my scale back someday. Until then we shall see what happens. I am not happy about being so forgetful and leaving that thing behind. It will be a challenge for sure to see what comes of my weight progression. In the mean time I will post my food consumption instead. If I get the time, and can get to a place to post.

An Overweight Teenage Girl Is Going To Mexico For Stomach Surgery
Today I saw on CNN a clip about a very young teenage girl who is going to Mexico to have a band put onto her stomach because she is 100-pounds overweight. She said she is tired of dieting and can't keep off her weight.

She is going to Mexico because her surgery is illegal for a girl her age. Well, put the poor thing in a locked room with a TV set for goodness sakes.

I couldn't believe I saw this. Here a preteen girl can come to Illinois and get an abortion to kill a baby, and this is without her parents permission, but she can't have stomach surgery because she's too young?

What is this country coming to? I don't think the girl should get the surgery. But, I am troubled that anyone with sense would allow this girl to get so over weight. What is the matter with her parents? They can't stop her?

Where are the officials who could say, "That's it, we will keep you in a padded-cell and feed you small meals until you get that weight off?" To me that would be far more humane than letting her take off to Mexico and get her stomach banded up.

I wonder, will that Mexican doctor come across the border and cut my grass and trim my hedges for me? Are those hospitals in Mexico sanitary?

If you want to lose weight, then don't eat so much food. Then, if you must eat, eat the right kind of food. That's it. There is no magical mystical way to lose weight.

Bye for now...

This Morning I was in a hurry and I consumed:
  • Coffee (0 calories)
  • Chocolate Protein Bar (200 calories)
At lunch I consumed:
  • McDonald's Big Mac value meal (920 calories) (Hey it was free.)
  • Diet Lemonade (40 calories)
That's 1,160 calories for today so far, and I wonder what I will eat with the remaining calories?

I am posting this closing comment on July 8, 2007. I went home and did not eat anymore food.

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 Hello Weight Losing Fans,  Today I stepped up onto the Digital Scale weighing in at 208.2-Pounds. My heart is very heavy with pain since my...