Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 187-pounds.
That's down from yesterday.
I commented on someones blog who wrote something about letting people hold someone accountable for their weight loss.
The person claims that weight loss is a community affair, and that it's inspiring to others.
I am not going to name the person, or try to embarrass anyone.
Here is how I view the community weight loss thing: "Bull Crap."
I am not saying that I don't think people need a coach if let's say they want to play golf. I am not saying that people don't need help once and a while gaining a concept.
I am not against community efforts when it comes to let's say launching the Space Shuttle, or building a giant airplane.
What I do have a problem with is expecting someone to coach you to lose weight, and exercise some. Here is why. This is a life long commitment to lose weight.
When I embarked on this "personal challenge," I didn't have anyone to help me. No one was around to help me keep the food out of my mouth that got me bloated in the first place.
I certainly don't expect anyone to be around to help me keep my sticky fingers off the sticky cinnamon buns.
And, who am I going to call anyway, "Eaters Anonymous?" Who am I going to tell that I am tempted to eat more than I should?
No, this weight loss thing is my baby. No one, not anybody on this planet, can keep me from putting into my mouth the things that I shouldn't.
On the other hand there are plenty of people out their who can tempt you to overeat. Isn't that strange?
I have a cousin who insists that I eat the cake she makes. I have friends who want to dine out and waste money. It's not enough to sit at a clean kitchen table to eat, drink, and talk there. No we have to have the atmosphere too.
Meanwhile all my friends are fat, except two. One guy runs a lot, and if he didn't he would surely blow back up to where he was two years ago. He knows it too.
But, I can't call him up and say, "Did you run today?" He'd get real tired of that, and so would I.
Here is what I am trying to say; It's up to you to go through what ever it takes to lose weight. No one can make you put down the donuts. No one can make you reduce down your food portions. No one is going to suffer your hunger pains. No one lives in your skin.
It's up to you to finally have that little talk with yourself that will give you the resolve you need. You have to say to you, "What ever it takes, I am going to lose the weight I need to, and then keep it off."
I'm sorry, I can't do it for you. I don't want to either. I have enough to deal with on my own.
Does that sound mean? It's not. You have to live with you. You wake up in the morning, and you look in the mirror. You see those ripples of fat. What are you going to do about them?
You know what you eat; even in secret.
And, who on the Internet is going to tell me how to live? I can get some ideas, but ultimately every one's life experiences are unique.
I guess I have one or two people who watch what I write and get inspired by it. Honestly, I shouldn't be a steady diet. Eventually I expect someone to master their own appetite.
If you don't, and I don't then we will suffer the ultimate consequences. We'll get fat (Preponderant) and stay that way.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Beginning That Slow Agonizing Weight Decent
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 187.6-pounds. That's down from yesterday's weight.
I don't think that's so bad, considering that just four days ago I was tipping that scale at 192-pounds two days back to back. Oh boy.....
Now folks, I have no one to blame for this but me....
If you will check my archives from 2007, and 2008, you will see I managed to maintain 180-pounds for over one year.
I got impatient, and wanted to get to 170-pounds, and then 160-pounds. I started tinkering with my diet, instead of eating everything I did, but much less of what many call a normal portion.
This is where I got into trouble. I started craving sweets like you would not believe.
I think I also reached a point, albeit a temporary time period, where I was thinking I could get away with eating more than I should. Well, you see the results.
I Am A Preponderant
I am a Preponderant. I haven't written that term for a long time. It means to tip the scales in the wrong direction. It's usually a term, preponderance, used in a court of law. It means to over whelm with evidence, or to tip the scales of justice; as in the preponderance of evidence.
I adapted the term to Preponderant. I morphed the term to mean a person who tips the scales in the wrong direction.
I am a Preponderant. I am very much like an alcoholic. Only my addiction isn't alcohol, it's food.
I have a slow metabolism. There isn't very much I can do about that, except add in some exercise to offset some calories consumed, and to condition my body.
If you are like me, then you too are a Preponderant. You aren't like that guy who can chow down on two big hot dogs on a bun for lunch, each half of a pound of French Fries, then a large coke, and still stay thin like a sapling tree. I am not that lucky.
If you are like me, then you have to admit, you are a preponderant. That's a nice term for stating you are fat. You may be a little fat, let's say 20 pounds or so like me. Or, you may be a lot fat, like I was, at 80-pounds over my normal body weight.
None-the-less, I was a preponderant, and still am. And I don't have the luxury of being able to consume everything my little heart desires. You don't either. So sorry about that, I really am.
I wish that it were different. As my dad used to say, "Wish in one hand, then crap in the other. Which one weighs more?" That's a crude way of saying "Wishing" doesn't count for anything.
Walt Disney Studios had a cartoon they made where Jimmy Cricket sang, "When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true." That's all cute for children, and for fantasy, but you and I must face the cold hard reality.
We can wish that things were different than they are with our bodies. But wishing on a falling star isn't going to change the fact you weigh more than you should.
It's also not going to change the reality you may suffer adverse effects as a result; diabetes, heart trouble, joint problems, etc..
I want it to be different, but it's not.
What Must Be Done To Change Our Preponderance?
Well, you must first admit you are over weight. Like the alcoholic, or the drug abuser, you must come to accept that you have a problem with your weight. It could be 20-pounds, and then it could be 100-pounds.
Then you have to make a simple plan to lose the weight. It has to be a simple plan, because if it gets too complicated, then you won't follow it for long.
My plan was to keep a very simple food log. I had everything that I ate and drank written in a spiral note book. I didn't make columns, or fancy pages. I just wrote what I ate. Later I began estimating the calories to the best of my ability, and added those calories next to my food.
You'll be truly surprised about the amount of food, and drink you consume if you'll keep a written record throughout the day.
You'll be even more amazed when you start tabulating the calories for each food, and drink item on your list. That 20-ounce coke is 250-calories. That ice cream sandwich is 160 calories. That pint of Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Ice Cream is 600 calories. That Cinnamon Sweet Roll is 600 calories.
It's easy to over look what is causing your weight problem when you aren't paying attention to the food you are consuming.
You have to monitor your weight. There are people who think that weighing in once a month is enough. Some people weigh in once a week. I weigh most every day. I have too.
Has weighing in everyday saved me from regaining 12-pounds? No, it hasn't. However, I knew that I was gaining weight again. I was gaining as much as one pound per day. That's a lot.
This is how screwed up my metabolism really is. It doesn't take much food to push me over the edge and I begin to regain weight.
Unfortunately, you are probably the same way. Judging by the number of fatties I see walking around, I think I am not the only one with this problem.
Finally once you decide to implement your plan, expect it not to be easy. That's right, it's not easy to lose weight.
Expect that you will get hungry like you never got hungry before. That's right you'll get hungry, and you'll be tempted to eat the wrong things. This is where you'll have to have the resolve to avoid breaking your diet plan.
Don't believe the Magazines, and the so called experts in the news media. I was reading in a major magazine that stated counting calories doesn't work. The author wrote if you just bulk up on certain foods, then you won't be hungry for the wrong foods. That's a lie. You'll still want that ice cream even after you've swallowed a pound of green beans.
I am here to tell you, "It sucks trying to lose weight. It sucks keeping the weight off. It sucks."
Don't Expect Anyone To Understand
Before I go: Don't expect anyone to understand your sacrifice. Don't expect anyone to be supportive, not you're spouse, not your children, not your mother, or your best friend. Accept this is your gig, and that's it.
One would hope that those who are closest to us to support our efforts, but they don't live in your skin. They don't have to lay awake at night when the Hunger Monster is gnawing in your guts.
Nope, it's you, and you alone, that has to face this Weight Monster.
You can lose weight if you want to.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 187.6-pounds. That's down from yesterday's weight.
I don't think that's so bad, considering that just four days ago I was tipping that scale at 192-pounds two days back to back. Oh boy.....
Now folks, I have no one to blame for this but me....
If you will check my archives from 2007, and 2008, you will see I managed to maintain 180-pounds for over one year.
I got impatient, and wanted to get to 170-pounds, and then 160-pounds. I started tinkering with my diet, instead of eating everything I did, but much less of what many call a normal portion.
This is where I got into trouble. I started craving sweets like you would not believe.
I think I also reached a point, albeit a temporary time period, where I was thinking I could get away with eating more than I should. Well, you see the results.
I Am A Preponderant
I am a Preponderant. I haven't written that term for a long time. It means to tip the scales in the wrong direction. It's usually a term, preponderance, used in a court of law. It means to over whelm with evidence, or to tip the scales of justice; as in the preponderance of evidence.
I adapted the term to Preponderant. I morphed the term to mean a person who tips the scales in the wrong direction.
I am a Preponderant. I am very much like an alcoholic. Only my addiction isn't alcohol, it's food.
I have a slow metabolism. There isn't very much I can do about that, except add in some exercise to offset some calories consumed, and to condition my body.
If you are like me, then you too are a Preponderant. You aren't like that guy who can chow down on two big hot dogs on a bun for lunch, each half of a pound of French Fries, then a large coke, and still stay thin like a sapling tree. I am not that lucky.
If you are like me, then you have to admit, you are a preponderant. That's a nice term for stating you are fat. You may be a little fat, let's say 20 pounds or so like me. Or, you may be a lot fat, like I was, at 80-pounds over my normal body weight.
None-the-less, I was a preponderant, and still am. And I don't have the luxury of being able to consume everything my little heart desires. You don't either. So sorry about that, I really am.
I wish that it were different. As my dad used to say, "Wish in one hand, then crap in the other. Which one weighs more?" That's a crude way of saying "Wishing" doesn't count for anything.
Walt Disney Studios had a cartoon they made where Jimmy Cricket sang, "When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true." That's all cute for children, and for fantasy, but you and I must face the cold hard reality.
We can wish that things were different than they are with our bodies. But wishing on a falling star isn't going to change the fact you weigh more than you should.
It's also not going to change the reality you may suffer adverse effects as a result; diabetes, heart trouble, joint problems, etc..
I want it to be different, but it's not.
What Must Be Done To Change Our Preponderance?
Well, you must first admit you are over weight. Like the alcoholic, or the drug abuser, you must come to accept that you have a problem with your weight. It could be 20-pounds, and then it could be 100-pounds.
Then you have to make a simple plan to lose the weight. It has to be a simple plan, because if it gets too complicated, then you won't follow it for long.
My plan was to keep a very simple food log. I had everything that I ate and drank written in a spiral note book. I didn't make columns, or fancy pages. I just wrote what I ate. Later I began estimating the calories to the best of my ability, and added those calories next to my food.
You'll be truly surprised about the amount of food, and drink you consume if you'll keep a written record throughout the day.
You'll be even more amazed when you start tabulating the calories for each food, and drink item on your list. That 20-ounce coke is 250-calories. That ice cream sandwich is 160 calories. That pint of Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Ice Cream is 600 calories. That Cinnamon Sweet Roll is 600 calories.
It's easy to over look what is causing your weight problem when you aren't paying attention to the food you are consuming.
You have to monitor your weight. There are people who think that weighing in once a month is enough. Some people weigh in once a week. I weigh most every day. I have too.
Has weighing in everyday saved me from regaining 12-pounds? No, it hasn't. However, I knew that I was gaining weight again. I was gaining as much as one pound per day. That's a lot.
This is how screwed up my metabolism really is. It doesn't take much food to push me over the edge and I begin to regain weight.
Unfortunately, you are probably the same way. Judging by the number of fatties I see walking around, I think I am not the only one with this problem.
Finally once you decide to implement your plan, expect it not to be easy. That's right, it's not easy to lose weight.
Expect that you will get hungry like you never got hungry before. That's right you'll get hungry, and you'll be tempted to eat the wrong things. This is where you'll have to have the resolve to avoid breaking your diet plan.
Don't believe the Magazines, and the so called experts in the news media. I was reading in a major magazine that stated counting calories doesn't work. The author wrote if you just bulk up on certain foods, then you won't be hungry for the wrong foods. That's a lie. You'll still want that ice cream even after you've swallowed a pound of green beans.
I am here to tell you, "It sucks trying to lose weight. It sucks keeping the weight off. It sucks."
Don't Expect Anyone To Understand
Before I go: Don't expect anyone to understand your sacrifice. Don't expect anyone to be supportive, not you're spouse, not your children, not your mother, or your best friend. Accept this is your gig, and that's it.
One would hope that those who are closest to us to support our efforts, but they don't live in your skin. They don't have to lay awake at night when the Hunger Monster is gnawing in your guts.
Nope, it's you, and you alone, that has to face this Weight Monster.
You can lose weight if you want to.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Thursday, June 25, 2009
My Weight's Out Of Control, Will A Resolution Help?
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.8-pounds.
Yesterday, and the day before it, were worse than this weight.
I came in at 192-pounds two days ago, and then yesterday was 191.4-pounds. Ooooh.....
David, OINK! Yes, you are right to chide me... Ha, see if I care... Tee, Heee...
Honestly though, I haven't been real happy about this. It's more because I have been wanting to reduce down to a better weight than 180-pounds.
I was hoping to reach 160-pounds, perhaps maybe stopping at 170-pounds along the way. This is only because I have received so much criticism regarding my physical appearance.
People have commented that I would look too skinny at 160-pounds. Maybe they are right about that. However, 180-pounds puts me into the critical weight range of being over weight.
I don't care what the critics say, my frame is a small boned frame. I can get away with being down some more pounds.
Well, the critics say, "Your eyes would look sunk into your head." Yeah initially they would, until the weight redistributes itself.
Three days ago I wrote into my food log a resolve sentence. I wrote that I resolved to eat far less food than I have been.
I have been blasting through the 2000 calorie intake far too many day in a row. Many times I have actually consumed more than 3000 calories a day. Oh, shame on me....
Do you see what has happened? I have blown past 180-pounds, and regained as much as 12-pounds. For many this would cause panic. For me it's cause me some disappointment.
Am I a bit put out? Some...
Yet, I know that these things, such as regaining weight, are the realities of losing weight. Many times I have written that this is the "Battle Of The Bulge." Recently I haven't been writing very much. I haven't been very inspired to write. There are many places on the Internet a person can go to for advice. There are thousands of blogs out there.
This said, I have seen that I still have people who check in to see what I am doing. There haven't been many, but a few have.
I really don't know if I can be much of an inspiration for anyone.
Adding In Some Exercise May Help
Since I decided to lose this last regained weight, I added in just a little bit of jogging. It's not much. Snails, and slugs move faster on the sidewalk than I do.
I have to suffer through the mental anguish that I can't do what I did 25 years or so ago. My body has become rickety, and I feel much like the "Tin Man" from the "Wizard of Oz." My joints scream for oil. My muscles cry out ouch. My breath has been heavily labored.
My brain has said, "David, you are an idiot. Stop, or I'll give you a heart attack."
I have realised that in order to push myself beyond what I have been able to do with portion control, I may have to add exercise to the mix. It's not an option that I have been looking forward to.
I have a friend who has weighed in on my attempts to get my "arse" into gear. He has warned me, "Don't do too much too soon." Yep, he's right.
I like you wanted to see progress rapidly. I am risking injury as a result.
So, as the summer progresses, let's just see how I do.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.8-pounds.
Yesterday, and the day before it, were worse than this weight.
I came in at 192-pounds two days ago, and then yesterday was 191.4-pounds. Ooooh.....
David, OINK! Yes, you are right to chide me... Ha, see if I care... Tee, Heee...
Honestly though, I haven't been real happy about this. It's more because I have been wanting to reduce down to a better weight than 180-pounds.
I was hoping to reach 160-pounds, perhaps maybe stopping at 170-pounds along the way. This is only because I have received so much criticism regarding my physical appearance.
People have commented that I would look too skinny at 160-pounds. Maybe they are right about that. However, 180-pounds puts me into the critical weight range of being over weight.
I don't care what the critics say, my frame is a small boned frame. I can get away with being down some more pounds.
Well, the critics say, "Your eyes would look sunk into your head." Yeah initially they would, until the weight redistributes itself.
Three days ago I wrote into my food log a resolve sentence. I wrote that I resolved to eat far less food than I have been.
I have been blasting through the 2000 calorie intake far too many day in a row. Many times I have actually consumed more than 3000 calories a day. Oh, shame on me....
Do you see what has happened? I have blown past 180-pounds, and regained as much as 12-pounds. For many this would cause panic. For me it's cause me some disappointment.
Am I a bit put out? Some...
Yet, I know that these things, such as regaining weight, are the realities of losing weight. Many times I have written that this is the "Battle Of The Bulge." Recently I haven't been writing very much. I haven't been very inspired to write. There are many places on the Internet a person can go to for advice. There are thousands of blogs out there.
This said, I have seen that I still have people who check in to see what I am doing. There haven't been many, but a few have.
I really don't know if I can be much of an inspiration for anyone.
Adding In Some Exercise May Help
Since I decided to lose this last regained weight, I added in just a little bit of jogging. It's not much. Snails, and slugs move faster on the sidewalk than I do.
I have to suffer through the mental anguish that I can't do what I did 25 years or so ago. My body has become rickety, and I feel much like the "Tin Man" from the "Wizard of Oz." My joints scream for oil. My muscles cry out ouch. My breath has been heavily labored.
My brain has said, "David, you are an idiot. Stop, or I'll give you a heart attack."
I have realised that in order to push myself beyond what I have been able to do with portion control, I may have to add exercise to the mix. It's not an option that I have been looking forward to.
I have a friend who has weighed in on my attempts to get my "arse" into gear. He has warned me, "Don't do too much too soon." Yep, he's right.
I like you wanted to see progress rapidly. I am risking injury as a result.
So, as the summer progresses, let's just see how I do.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I Haven't Posted In So Long A Time
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.8-pounds.
I am not making much progress getting to 160-pounds. Much less getting down to 180-pounds where I was. It's been hard to turn down the goodies, like Ice Cream, Cake, Chocolate, etc..
Hey I am just like you I stumble and bumble. I love to eat sweets. This is my Achilles-Heel.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.8-pounds.
I am not making much progress getting to 160-pounds. Much less getting down to 180-pounds where I was. It's been hard to turn down the goodies, like Ice Cream, Cake, Chocolate, etc..
Hey I am just like you I stumble and bumble. I love to eat sweets. This is my Achilles-Heel.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Not Much Progress Dropping My Weight Since The Last Post
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.2-pounds.
Oh my, that disturbing extra ten pounds....
In now have to lose 30-pounds to get to that 160-pound target.
Well, I am still down 50-pounds from where I started 2 1/2 years ago.
Bye for now....
That's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.2-pounds.
Oh my, that disturbing extra ten pounds....
In now have to lose 30-pounds to get to that 160-pound target.
Well, I am still down 50-pounds from where I started 2 1/2 years ago.
Bye for now....
That's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Weight Hurdling Out Of Control
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191-pounds.
Yesterday I was 192-pounds.
Oh boy... What has happened?
Well, I stopped eating those skimpy little meals that left me starving for more food.
Now, I have been feeling a lot less hungry lately. Only, look at the results. My weight is climbing.
What can I say? Not, much.
I can say this, what if I had been a weight watcher member? Then they would fine the day-lights out of me. It certainly wouldn't help me to lose weight.
No, I have to cinch my belt, and get a grip on myself.
By for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191-pounds.
Yesterday I was 192-pounds.
Oh boy... What has happened?
Well, I stopped eating those skimpy little meals that left me starving for more food.
Now, I have been feeling a lot less hungry lately. Only, look at the results. My weight is climbing.
What can I say? Not, much.
I can say this, what if I had been a weight watcher member? Then they would fine the day-lights out of me. It certainly wouldn't help me to lose weight.
No, I have to cinch my belt, and get a grip on myself.
By for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
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Hello Weight Losing Fans, Today I stepped up onto the Digital Scale weighing in at 208.2-Pounds. My heart is very heavy with pain since my...
Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 179.2-pounds. That's up from yeste...
Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.8-pounds. A year ago I warned you ...
Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 178.6-pounds. Oops, thats 81.012-kilog...