Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Weight Just Keeps Climbing.

Hello Weight Losing Fans...

Today I stepped up onto the Magical Mystical Digital Scale weighing in at 216.4-Pounds.

That's up from yesterday with good reason. I ate late in the evening. I stopped by to visit my brother after work. He gave me this soup that was thrown together like a stew. It was very good. Then he gave me two rolls he nuked, and melted butter inside. When I went home, I had a big bowl of popcorn with no butter on it. Then I drank two very large glasses of milk. I know I didn't exceed 1,500-calories for the day.

Yesterday morning I had to make a long drive in the bus. So I ate breakfast around 9 AM. All I ate was two cups of oatmeal (300-calories). I loaded on top of the oatmeal blueberries, and some milk. I didn't eat anything until around 8 PM when I went to my brother's home. I drank water all day long.

That's the way it is... I'm David Dane

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 Hello Weight Losing Fans,  Today I stepped up onto the Digital Scale weighing in at 208.2-Pounds. My heart is very heavy with pain since my...