Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 179.8-pounds.
That's down from yesterday.
Well, that didn't take long. Phew...
Coming In The Next Two Years: FAT POLICE
Hey, when I was driving over here to write this blog post I heard our god, (and he does think he's god) Barack Hussein Obama saying that the government plan he's signing will help impose a plan to prevent preventable diseases.
What is this man God? He thinks he is. And here is how he plans on forcing you to prevent decease. Just like we have to take our cars to the pollution center to have our exhaust checked, the government will require by law that we Americans get a physical at least once a year. Yeah, that's right, they will make you get a physical.
With his new digitized medical records your doctor will have to put your height and weight into a government computer. That computer will be set to go off and highlight your name if it sees your height and weight don't meet the government specifications. If you don't meet the specifications, then you will be given notice by the government that you have so much time to get your weight down. You will be given a new date for a physical. If by that time you don't get your height and weight into specifications, then the government will force you to join a government approved service that will aid you to lose weight. I am not sure they won't force that right away.
If you can afford the plan, then you will pay for the government approved service out of your pocket. If you can't afford it then the government will pay for it. However, those money restrictions will be so tight, most everyone will pay for it out of their pockets.
Next, let's say you can't get the weight off. The government will force you onto medication that will make you lose weight. It doesn't matter if it makes you sick, they won't care.
Your records will be permanently marked that you violated government guidelines for obesity.
If in the future you develop illnesses that are considered related to obesity, then you will be blamed for the problem.
Get ready for the Obesity onslaught. You will be seeing all over the TV, and hearing on the radio the warnings about being obese.
Who's Lining Up For The Government Payout?
Now, who do you think is lining up for the government certification in the United States for Medicare rebates, and other government finance programs. You get one guess: That's right "Weight Watchers" is.
See: "Doctors Back Medicare Weight Watchers Rebate Scheme."
Yes, the same people who put over priced food in fancy packages, and sprinkle it with magical Pixie Dust, are asking for medicare to reimburse fat people for going to their program. Not only is this so, but soon they will be working for that mandatory part of the government fat prevention program. And you thought "Weight Watchers" cared so much for you.
It doesn't matter that Weight Watchers is as useless as tits on a bull. No, it doesn't matter that time after time I have run into people who have failed with the "Weight Watchers" program. My mother is one of them, my cousins too. Nope, Weight Watchers is big enough and powerful enough to lobby the government to have their way.
I hate the weight watchers mentality. These people seem like zombies, and they defend weight watchers so profusely. These are people who really believe that weight watchers has cornered the market on food, and nutrition. It doesn't matter that people can't figure out how to count calories, and carbs for themselves, like I do. Yes, I now count carbohydrates vs my other food, such as proteins. I added it to my program recently.
Recently I haven't felt like writing a whole lot about anything because most people can go all over the Internet, and get a mountain of information about weight losing. Nothing I am writing is really so profound.
This is though: The government wants your money. They don't care if you are obese, they see a money making machine in the fat people. They see taxes and fines that they can levy against you.
So, you think I am wrong? You think I am out of my mind?
Read this: Obesity Fines
Here is the funniest part about this. The people, 99 % of the blacks in America, who voted Barack Hussein Obama into office, will be the first people he harasses with his new laws. In the black population the obesity epidemic is far worse than in the Caucasian population. The very people who thought they would get free gasoline, rent, and homes will be in for a rude awakening as the Marxist Barack Hussein Obama levels his sights on the very people who voted for him.
See: Health Before Liberty
He's in power now, and he has a compliant Democratic Congress, and house. They will move quickly to enact laws that will keep them in power forever. That's right, Barack Obama wants to stay in the Presidency for as long as he can. The only one who can remove him from office will be an act of God himself.
Forget term limits on the Presidency, the congress will vote them out. Forget, the Constitution of the United States, Barack Obama said that the founding fathers lacked insight into the future. So what do you think is going to happen?
My guess is you fatties out there in the United States are in for a shock. Yep, the warnings have been going out for years now. Has anyone noticed? Has anyone taken heed? NO, they haven't.
Let me give you a suggestion: "Eat Less Food." If you don't, then the government will make you.
Their plan is to make you a criminal. That's right, you'll be a criminal for being obese.
Expect suicide rates to increase as a result
For most people, being obese is a deeply emotional issue. It's hard to deal with the stigmatising that is imposed on obese people.
The government bureaucrats don't care if you are suffering emotionally, they will coldly tell you lose weight. Mean while in the Congress you will see people who are fat, and getting fatter. This is because these people are above the law.
You will see, as I see police who are fat. Yet, these will be the people who will get to arrest you and throw us into a fat camp.
As a result of increased pressure from a government that ultimately has been taken over by a bunch of psychopaths, fat people will suffer. They are the governments excuse for raising money. As a result of being the targets of a government crack down, I am predicting, these poor fat people will kill themselves.
They won't be able to absorb the added hype and stigmatising the News Media with it's brainless socialist beauty queens will impose over the airwaves. They won't be able to handle the fines, and the costs that will be imposed on them. They will resort to self inflicted suicide.
Don't think the government doesn't want that either. Remember something our government has been taken over by people who ultimately want control over peoples lives. Just look as Barack Hussein Obama, he absolutely loves the adoring fans he has. And he's real good at deflecting blame for things. The blacks won't know what hit them.
You think I am kidding? George Bush Redefines Conservative
I don't want to see these events take place. However, we are headed in that direction. New York has already put and 18 % tax on sodas, and sweet drinks.
Here is what's really sad, the skinny people. The people who deem themselves more normal than you and I, they want the "Fat Tax." There are a lot of people out there who view you and I the odd balls of society. We are the misfits because we're fat.
Read and watch this : "Selling the New York Obesity Tax."
Now, are you are gullible enough to buy the lies of this fascist? It seems that most of New York is. When are people going to stand up to these people? Will you?
Write a letter to your editor. Write a letter to the Congress. Tell them mind there own business. I fear it's too late for that.
We are the Preponderants. We have a big red target on our fat bodies. We aren't well liked by many. I am so sorry to write that.
So, just in case you think I am crazy, read this final article in the Washington Post: What the candidates had to say about childhood obesity.
The truth is, these government bureaucrats only want to micromanage your life, and mine.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
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Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 179.2-pounds. That's up from yeste...
Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.8-pounds. A year ago I warned you ...
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