Monday, February 25, 2013

I'm Making Slow Progress, But Sure Progress

Hello Weight Losing Fans...

Today I stepped up onto the New Magical Mystical Digital Scale weighing in at 228.4-Pounds.
That's down under the 230-Pound Goal that I wrote about before when I stated the poundage lost seems to freeze at every 10-Pounds or so. It just seems like my body has these sticking points at every 10-Pounds. I have read though the body reaches plateaus for everybody. These are the sticky points in the weight losing program where the body it seems like it is going to be forever to break through a certain weight. For me it comes just about every ten pounds.

Now, I am happy with this new weight... It means I am making some progress. And it shows you the observer I am serious about losing weight. I am not just fiddle farting around with this.

It's slow progress, but it is sure progress.. I am happy about that.

I am not dying to get there either. Yesterday after work I had two bowls of granola cereal with two cups of whole milk... That was a yummy treat. I ate that instead of cooking dinner.

That's all for now...

And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane

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 Hello Weight Losing Fans,  Today I stepped up onto the Digital Scale weighing in at 208.2-Pounds. My heart is very heavy with pain since my...