Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Is 180-Pounds Gone?
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 185.2-pounds. That's up from yesterday.
I haven't forgotten that I was at 180-pounds. And I am trying to get back there.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Monday, April 28, 2008
Not Much To Say Today
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 184.6pounds. That's down from yesterday.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Oops, Gaining Weight Here
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 186-pounds. That's up.
Hmmm...I don't know what to say about this. I didn't even eat 1,800 calories of food yesterday.
We'll see what happens over the next few days.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Slipping Up With The Food
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 185.4-pounds. That's up one pound from yesterday. So I am stagnant with my weight. Oh, Argh....
I have to go back to diagnosing my weight here again. I am slipping up and it's showing.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Friday, April 25, 2008
It Only Takes A Little Bit Everday Over Time To See Results
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 184.6-pounds. That's certainly better that yesterday.
Today I went for another long walk. It wasn't a real vigorous walk. It was about 45 minutes long. I may have burned about 300 calories.
Now, what have I done to drop 2-pounds in one day? I just let my body do it's thing that comes naturally when cutting back on food consumption.
You may ask does losing weight work so quickly? Well just remember; it's only been a few days out of hundreds of days of being careful about what I am eating that I over indulged. I only had to return back to my regular pattern and my body responded in kind.
I don't have to go back to anything other than keeping my calorie consumption close to 2,000 calories. I have been keeping myself the last two days consuming at around 1,800 calories.
I have small bouts of hunger associated with this.
This morning I woke up at around 2:00 AM and couldn't sleep. I was hungry and drank 8 ounces of grapefruit juice, and a cup of yogurt. Then I tried getting back to sleep. As you can see, cutting back 400 calories over two days and then do just a little exercise had some good results.
It just takes doing a little bit everyday over a long period of time to get some dramatic results.
Here is the problem with most people, they aren't that patient to wait to see the results. It takes sacrifice to do the little bit, and it takes diligence that's why most people fail.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A Friend Told Me I Still Have To Much Stomach
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 186.6-pounds. That's the same as yesterday's weight.
Now, I guess this does mean I have gone backwards with the weight for sure. There are no anomalies here this time. I can't exactly blame it on stuff waiting to leave, now can I?
Yesterday my friend and I went for a long walk; it was about 4 miles. It took a little over 1 hour to complete. He and I were chit chatting about why my weight has turned around. I told him that I have been doing exercises. I have done some running these last two weeks. I have been doing vigorous exercises on my arms, and my legs, and my tummy.
It was funny that he told me that I need to tuck my tummy in more. I told him I do exercises where I tuck in my tummy. He laughed and told me that it doesn't show. So, I do have to lose more weight after all I thought. Twenty five pounds should do it. It would have been twenty, now that I have regained that five, it's 25-pounds.
He asked me if I think that I have gained muscle. No, I think it's some fat. That's what I think.
So, it's back to the drawing board again to see what I can do to fix this.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Giant Leap Backwards For Me, And Mankind?
Are you sitting down for this one? Seriously, it's a surprise. Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 186.6-pounds.
Whoa.... Wow.... What has happened? Is David turning back into a little piggy? Oink... Come on boy... Squeal like a pig.
How do I explain this one? Ummm, I am going backwards. Now for some of you, you may be clapping your hands going goody, goody, goody. I knew he couldn't stay there at 180-pounds.
Well, I like many others out there do have tendency to trip and fall once in a while. Yep, I went to a friends house last night and chowed down on 3 1/2 large brownies. It was late in the evening.
Today I went with a friend for a long walk. We covered about 3 3/4 miles. It was a very nice day for a walk. My friend calculated that perhaps I burned off about 500 calories. Umm... that's nice. Will it turn this trend around? Nope....
No, I have to go back to skimping on the meals again. If I am going to go back to 180-pounds and then ultimately to 160-pounds, I will have to eat less food. That's it in a nut shell.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
You'll Never Be Perfect With Your Weight Loss
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 184.4-pounds. That's not great. I am up 4-pounds from my 180-target.
Someone gave me a comment a couple days ago. It was..."Eat Less." I commented back thanks for the advice. I also asked "Where did I read that before." Well, I have been writing it for over a year.
That was the secret to me losing 60-pounds. Eating less food. Now, I have been trying to hold onto the 2,000 calorie day limit for my calorie count. But, let's face it, there were a few days there where I went over that target by as much as 1,000 calories. Ooops....
Hey, I like sweets and foods like ice cream too. I am just like you. I struggle just like anyone to hold the line. This is one of the things that I try to encourage people about. I can't, can't, can't, can't hold perfectly to the plan of a certain calorie count per day. There are some day's I am hungrier than on other days. There are days when I see ice cream and say, "Oh, I gotta' have that."
You will too. In fact, I am not saying you should avoid completely some of the things you like to eat. You'll go crazy if you do. Just imagine how boring life would be if all we ate was just broccoli and some vegetables. Imagine how frustrated you would be if you could never, ever eat a cookie again. It's one thing to never see that stuff, it's totally another thing if you are seeing it day in and day out when shopping, or stopping to fill up with gasoline.
Hey, you are human. Hey, I am human. I am not perfect, and I defy you to prove to me you are perfect. You are going to have the days when you completely neglect your calorie intake. Now, I write down everything I eat still. But, I do blow past that 2,000 calories on some days.
I just keep weighing myself, and I keep trying to adjust.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Monday, April 21, 2008
Weight Sifted Down Almost Two Pounds By Midday
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital Scale weighing in at 185-pounds. Not to worry, about four hours later I stepped up onto the scale again weighing in at 183.4-pounds. So, I think you can figure out what happened there.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Sunday, April 20, 2008
My Weights Still Inching Up
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 185.8-pounds.
Has the 180-pounds target gone for good? I don't think so. Yesterday night I was at a family members home. We order some Long John Silvers. I had two fish planks, three chicken planks, French Fries, and cole slaw. This meal was at around 8:00 PM. So this only means to me that it's food still waiting to go.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Friday, April 18, 2008
I Haven't Quit, Even Though My Weights Up
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 184.6-pounds.
Well, that's up and over 180-pounds. And, I seem to be inching upwards here with my weight.
Well, I have been exercising, and attempting to work some muscle onto my bones. Oh No, I haven't put 4-pounds of muscle on my frame yet. I wish, but no... it's not there yet.
So what is the deal? Ummm, last night I came to a family members home. I helped myself to the goodies here around the house. Some of those goodies was ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream. Yes you read it right four helpings of ice cream. Oh, so naughty of me.
Oh, don't get so judgemental here because guess what; some day you'll do the same thing. This is precisely why I don't have quarts of ice cream sitting inside of my freezer. It's too tempting to polish off the stuff all at once. I still have a sweet tooth.
Yes I do write about avoiding sugar, but I'll bet even the best critics of sugar find themselves diving into the stuff with unrelenting fervor.
I've wrtten this before, don't kill yourself trying to lose weight. You'll make yourself insane. I mean it. This is a life long process, and getting up to speed from a zero start is hard to do. I have had to over come some physical problems just to begin to exercise. It's been a dragged out long process.
No perfection yet. It's easy to let one's guard down with the weight when being hungry, or nervous, or boredom sets in. Me, I was hungry, and I like ice cream. So being as I am human, I too will slip up.
Have I quit? No, I haven't given up. I promise.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Is The Weight Inching Up Slowly Here?
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 185.2-pounds. Hey what's up with that.
I don't know. I guess I have eaten way to many carbohydrates over the last few days.
Let's see what tomorrow will bring.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Another Real Short Post
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 184.4-pounds.
That's up from yesterday.
Last night I stir fried some chicken pieces and vegetables. So, you know what the deal is already. It's stuff waiting to leave.
I don't have a lot of time to post today. So I am ending my thoughts here right now.
So, sorry. I know you live for every thing I write.
Bye the way; yesterday was the 1 Year Anniversary of me writing this particular blog. Time has flown by. I forgot to celebrate it yesterday.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Monday, April 14, 2008
My Weights Down For Today: How Vitamin D Changed My Life
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Scale weighing in at 183.4-pounds.
That's down from yesterday.
Now, I am up three pounds over the 180-pound target that I wrote I would maintain myself at. I may very well have gained 3 pounds. I am not worried about it.
If I had stayed at the 185-pounds, then I would be concerned. It's absolutely impossible to keep myself right on the target of 180-pounds everyday.
For you it will be impossible for you to do the same.
I haven't been writing much lately because I have been running out of things to write. You can look around the Internet and see much more than I have to say.
There is a You Tube Web Site Maintained by a Medical Doctor. You can go there and watch his videos and see a lot more than what I am writing.
So what if I lost 60-pounds? What will that do for you? Not much. So I am out of Ideas temporarily. Or, you can go read some of the blogs that I have listed on the left side of this blog.
Exercise To Change Things
One thing that I have been attempting to ease into is exercise. This morning I did fifty deep squats with out weights on my shoulders. I haven't been able to do a deep squat in well over ten years. I had to work my way into doing one complete squat, by doing shallow squats day-after-day. This has taken me a year to get this far with the squats. While I was doing this I was suffering with agonising pain in my knees.
How Vitamin D Changed Things For Me
I have been taking vitamin supplements for years, along with other supplements. I have even taken glucosamine on and off for years. I never could get my left knee to heel up.
When I was so overweight I struggled with swelling, and my left knee was actually starting to get tricky. It would pop, and out my leg would go. For no reason I would find myself stumbling as my knee began to give out from under me. Even when I lost weight, I still struggled with my knees, especially my left knee, and my shoulder (which felt like it was going to fall off.).
One day about three months ago I heard a radio commercial about vitamin D. The doctor was explaining that Vitamin D has been vilified unjustifiably. He was explaining that Vitamin D is crucial in helping the body process many things in the body. He said we could get Vitamin D from exposure to the Sun, but most people don't get enough sun...period. He was advocating using Vitamin D as a supplement. He mentioned that most people don't realise Vitamin D in small doses is not toxic. The biggest fear for Vitamin D is toxicity due the body absorbing the vitamin in fat, the second being what is called calcification of the kidneys. I don't remember everything he said, but I went to the Vitamin Store and purchased a bottle of Vitamin D 1000 milligram tablets.
I started taking the Vitamin D faithfully everyday with my Multivitamins, fish oil capsules, Vitamin B, Calcium, and some other supplements. Low and behold I started feeling less pain in my joints.
I started feelings the pain in my knees start to dissipate. Now, my shoulder is much better. My knees don't hurt nearly as bad as they did one year ago. I actually went out and jogged two days in a row before the cold came back here in Wheaton. A year ago I never would have considered doing a deep knee bend, and would never have done a push up. Now, I do both.
As I just wrote, I have taken supplements for years. I personally believe that Vitamin D did the trick. I had Vitamin D in my multivitamin, but it was as if it wasn't there.
If you have sore joints, I am recommending getting some Vitamin D. I really believe this will change your life. It will take about three months before you see dramatic results. I think I was getting pretty bad. I know this because when I would move I would here that irritating squish sound in my joints, and in my neck as I turned them, or moved. Now, I don't here it at all in my neck. And my knee isn't nearly as bad as it was.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Way Up In My Weight Today
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 185.2-pounds.
Woah... What happened? Ummmm... Last night I went to a buffet. I had steak, fried chicken pieces, salad, and some ice cream. So there you have it. I ate a lot of food last night.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 182.6-pounds.
Tomorrow I will weigh in at more than that. I ate a little bit more than I usually do today. I am going home and drinking some wine. This will slow down my fat burning. So I expect to see myself weighing in at around 183-pounds tomorrow.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Did I Alter My Death Date Losing Weight?
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 183.6-pounds.
That's down from yesterday.
I have started doing some strenuous exercise over the last four days. I am attempting to condition my heart some, and to move some of the lumps on my body around.
It's been hard to deal with the muscle aches. When I was much younger, I could deal with it so much better. Now, ouch, it's so painful. I have turned into a big wimp for sure.
A Fellow Classmate Died
Today I was at the laundry mat and opened up the newspaper sitting on one of the chairs. I opened up the obituaries to read that a class mate of mine that went to school with me in kindergarten, and then from fifth grade all of the way through high school died suddenly at the age of 50. The obituary didn't say what the cause of death was.
I sometimes wonder if I have pushed up my death date to a later time by losing weight. I wonder if it did me any good to give up something I love so much to lose weight. I can move around better than I did. I certainly look much better than I did, but that and $2.00 will get me a cup of coffee.
One never knows what that expiration date is on one's body. Is it a set time that God for ordained, or can we move it around? I guess suicide would be one way to change it.
Naw, I am too curious to see what the future will turn out like.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Monday, April 7, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Don't Let Lifes Frustrations Stop You From Losing Weight
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 182.8-pounds. That's better.
What happened to the 180-target? Am I slowly slipping up here and allowing a gradual increase to my weight? It sure looks like that. Don't worry, I am not.
I have been careful with my food consumption. I have been avoiding sweets lately. I had some wine and beer at a wedding. I had some wine a couple of nights this week as well. These may have had an effect on me. I am not sweating it.
I am now going to attempt to go out for some daily walks everyday. That is, if the weather permits I will, and my insane work schedule as well.
I am going to work tonight and going to carry a Thermos of chunky soup with me, and bottles of water. I did that last night.
I am shocked by the incredible price jump in food. The last time I purchased chunky soup, I paid $1.00 per can. This time I purchased the same chunky soup and paid $1.39 per can. That was a 40% jump in price in a matter of months. Oh, ouch.
Also in the Fascist State of Illinois run by the King Blagojevich who has his "mighty" name all over everything, the food tax has now been reenacted. Yes, years ago there was only a 3% tax on food staples. Now, the State of Illinois is desperate for money, so they have a seven percent tax on many foods now. And a different tax on other foods. It's insane.
Why would I mention this? Well, it's deeply discouraging. And this among other things has an effect on behavior. There are things that I won't do because of the price of food. I have really cut bag on purchasing food in restaurants. It's just too expensive. There is a 10% tax on restaurant food. Add this to a 15% gratuity, and that's 25% of my money going out of my pocket.
So, when I have to go to work, I make my food, and then carry it with me. I will make some boiled eggs if I am going to be away overnight. I make sandwiches. I like to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because they fill me and they are like a treat because they are yummy to me.
You have to figure out how you are going to eat. That's that. You have to figure out how to get those pounds off and deal with what's going on in life.
I am writing this so you will know that you and I are in the same boat here. On some days I feel like I just dropped my oars into the water, and I can't get the motor started. We all have stuff to deal with. I am just letting you know that there are people out there who face many difference frustrations. You can't let these frustrations stop you from attempting to lose weight and getting yourself into shape.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Friday, April 4, 2008
My Weights Up More Today: No Worries There
This morning I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 184.2-pounds.
Hey David, what's up with that? Have you quit being careful there Mr. Dane? I see that weight slipping. Yeah, you're cheating David. Look you can't get back to that 180-pounds. Hmmm?
Well, for your information, yesterday evening I got back from the library and weighed myself. I actually stepped up onto the scale weighing in at 181.4-pounds. This was around 7:00 PM.
I went to the store and purchased some food. I then made a bunch of vegetables with four small pieces of chickens. I ate that at around 9:00 PM. It's just stuff waiting to go out the back door.
And, I am sure that some of it is water retention because of salt.
That's about it there. I am not worried about it.
This morning I was talking with a family member who joined Weight Watchers. She told me she went out to Walmart and purchased up a bunch of Weight Watchers food. I swear they put Magic Pixie dust in that stuff. What kind of gas do they pump into the room at the meetings?
I am writing this because I am finding that so many people are convinced that Weight Watchers is the only way to lose weight. I am not knocking joining an organization that offers support. I am concerned about the absolute mind change these people go through when they attend a meeting. It's scary. I don't dare say anything that goes against Weight Watchers, or I get corrected.
Listen, when I eat, I look at the total amount of food that I have eaten. I look at the calories that I am consuming.
Food is fuel. Our body responds to this fuel in different ways depending on the kind of fuel we put in. Think about it like buying jet fuel, or buying gasoline. If you have a gasoline car, you wouldn't dare put jet fuel into it's tank. You would ruin the cars engine.
If you had a jet plane, you wouldn't dare put gasoline in the engine. If you did, then you would blow up the engine, and maybe burn up the plane as well.
The same goes for the human body. Sugar, fat, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals are different fuels for the body. The body responds differently to each of these fuels. Each of these foods has a different component the body needs for it's functions.
I don't have time to go into the whole list of everything the body does with food. The bottom line is this: food is fuel period. It may taste real good (chocolate cake), or it may taste bad (livers), but, it's still fuel. What tastes good is subjective for each individual.
When we put to much fuel into our body, and the wrong kind, then we destroy the bodies ability to perform it's functions. Too much sugar causes insulin problems. Too little sugar causes problems too. Too much protein causes problems, and too little protein causes problems.
So, what's the solution? Years ago the U.S. government did tremendous research and came up with a thing called the food pyramid. On that chart is a suggestion of foods to be consumed. That's a good starting point to figure out what to eat.
We Eat Too Much Sugar
One of the things that I keep pounding away at is SUGAR consumption. It's debatable, but I am convinced we eat to much of it. Yes, me too.
It doesn't make sense to be eating dessert each and everyday. Many people eat something sweet at every meal. Many people will eat some donuts for breakfast, then eat a chocolate shake for lunch, and then eat some cake at dinner. I was like that.
It's not easy to cut back on the sugar. I know. I love it too. It's not easy to continue eating the right thing. I know.
The cold hard reality is this: If you want to lose weight, you will have to eat less food.
Oh, I wrote it again. It's always the same thing everyday Mr. Dane: "Eat Less Food, Eat Less Food, Eat Less Food." Whah, Whah, Whah, Whah, Whah, Whah...Blah, Blah, Blah.
Can't I come up with something different? Ummm, yes, here it is. Go ahead and eat like there is no tomorrow. Eat that large pizza all by yourself. Oh, have a party and then all of you eat a pizza. Then go eat a bunch of chocolate chip cookies afterwards. Then lie to me, like I have seen people do, and tell me you don't eat that much food.
I was at home study a few weeks ago. The woman that was so critical of my way of losing weight was there. Now, this is the woman I wrote about before. I watched this woman pop into her mouth three chocolates. I saw her eat food at the beginning of the study. Did she eat dinner too?
I don't know.
This woman claims she doesn't eat that much. Yet, she is getting bigger, bigger, and bigger. She used to have some real nice legs. Now she has tree trunks for thighs, and a real big fat butt that's bursting her pants. She also has a flabby gut. Ugh... She blames the fact that she had her womanly organs removed.
Granted this changes a woman's hormones. I know, it happened to the woman in my family. She was gaining weight before that happened. She has to figure out what to do if she hopes to lose weight.
You will have to figure out how to lose weight too. I haven't given up on myself there. I still plan on getting off 20-pounds. I have to. I have a 42 inch waist line. That's bigger than it should be. If it was all muscle I wouldn't be worried. But, it's flab sitting on top of the muscle. It's not good, in my opinion.
Many people think I look OK where I am now. Well, they never saw me before when I was much thinner than I am now.
I am continuing to work on me. You work on you.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Eat Less Food If You Want To Lose That Layer Of Fat
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 182.2-pounds.
That's better.
I want you to read this. I didn't write it. I hope I don't embarrass anyone by using it.
You are so right about it being difficult to hold the weight within 2 pounds...and that is a pet peeve I have with Weight Watchers...life time members, which I am, must not be more than 2 pounds above their goal weight if they want to attend the meeting "free"...that is not enough lee way...5 pounds would be more fair.I spent a lot---close to $600---with WW to get my lifetime membership and when I need them most, they want more of my money...that is one of many reasons why I don't like their program. Many of the people that lead the meetings regain the weight...my leader had regained 23 pounds...she is not the exception, more like the rule.I've found that very few who lose on WW still have kept the weight off after 10 years.
OK... So, like many people out there who have a desire to lose weight, this person spent a lot of money. I have too.
I spent money on stuff that ultimately didn't work. I spent hundreds of dollars on a liquid that had Ephedra in it, hoping that somehow this magic elixir would speed up my metabolism. It didn't. It did speed up my pulse rate to well over 100 beats per minute. Which, by the way, leads to a condition called enlarged heart. I didn't know that at the time.
This liquid that I used was supposed to reduce the body in inches because the body was burning fat with the higher metabolism. That's what was advertised anyway. One of the terrible side effects of this product was at night, when I tried to sleep, I couldn't. My hands shook all of the time. I was wired up on this dark, nasty tasting elixir.
Eventually I quit using the product, and did the Doctor Atkins's Diet. Then I lost 60-pounds. Then regained weight after that.
I suppose that we, like all people, are prone to experiment with things. We hope that somehow we will find that MAGIC potion, diet, or exercise that will ultimately slim us down. We get excited about a new thing and think yeah, "This will do it."
We forget at the bottom of many advertisements there is small print that says: These results don't necessarily work for everyone. Diet and exercise are still necessary as a part of the regimen. OH, I don't know the exact wording, but you get the idea.
It's "Diet" and "Exercise" that get the results.
I have a friend who lost many pounds over the summer. He was running like the road runner, rain or shine, he'd hit the trail or track. When his new job put a crimp on his time, and he couldn't run, he regained pounds. I am not talking muscle here either.
The reason he regained that weight was because he didn't adjust down the caloric food count. He didn't "eat less food," as I have been writing, add boredom.
I also write that the exercise is for conditioning. I don't advocate using the exercise to lose weight. Now, you can lose weight by exercising. That's true. You can even shift the body around by exercising. Ultimately though, if you are going to lean out that muscle, then you have to change that food consumption.
I write use exercise for conditioning because when people quit the exercise, many people regain that extra poundage; they aren't burning up the calories anymore.
Oh no, don't write it: "Eat Less Food." Argh, why did I write that? Because it's true.
Dennis Miller Said He Has A Layer Of Fat Now
I listen to the Dennis Miller show sometimes. He was complaining that now he's older and there is a layer of fat on his body. Well, that's what you get for living the good life Dennis. You get to eat what ever you want because money is no object for you. You can buy what you need and then some.
For guys like me, who struggle to make that extra nickel, I don't have that luxury. It's feast or famine for me. So, I am keenly aware of what I can eat, and where I can eat.
For me, It's expensive to walk into McDonald's or Wendy's and buy French Fries, and a hamburger. For you Dennis, that's not the case. At least that's the way I see it.
So what's Denni's problem, and the problem with many people like him? They eat too much food. They also eat the wrong foods.
Eat less food. Push your diet towards the green side, like salads, green vegetables, etc. Eat more protein, and keep that at a reasonable level. Don't gorge yourself on the meats.
Eat those raw fruits, like apples, oranges, pears, apricots, prunes, etc... etc...
Stay away from the sugar unless it's a rare treat. (Easier said than done; I know.) Reduce down the breads, pasta's, and starches in general. These things kick up the insulin levels, which ultimately causes fat increases.
"Eat Less Food." So what if you are rich or poor? Don't eat so much food. You'll lose weight, and you'll stay slender.
Say goodbye to Coke Cola, Mountain Dew, sugared up lemonade, and mixed party drinks. Drink straight water. Yep, drink water until your eyeballs float out of your head. By the way, I haven't had a regular Coca Cola, or any sugar soda pop in over one and a half years.
You'll eventually get rid of that layer of fat that deposits itself everywhere.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
It's Hard To Hold Those Close Weight Tolerances
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 183.4-pounds.
This is easy enought to explain. After work yesterday evening I stepped up onto the scale weighing in at 181.4-pounds. I was well hydrated drinking water. After work at around 8:00 PM I ate a stir fry of chicken and mixed vegetables. This explains why I woke up weighing what I did.
I keep writing that the weight keeps going up, and going down. Don't be surprised if this happens to you as well.
It's practically impossible to hold the bodies weight within a 1-2-pound tolerance. There are too many factors that get in the way with maintaining weight so close to that target weight.
I was telling someone who complained that she gained two pounds, she needs to use the bathroom more often. I know that's seems odd, but it's true. Plugged plumming in the intestines can add many pounds over a very short period of time. Also water retention due to illness or consumption of table salt, and sodium could be a problem.
You'll have to diagnose you. You'll have to figure out what ultimately works.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Eat Less Food: There's A Thought
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 182.4-pounds.
All that extra food that I consumed Saturday at the wedding has found it's way out.
I don't have a lot of time to type my commentary now. I will attempt to complete my thoughts later.
I haven't given up "The Battle Of The Bulge." I haven't quit writing my mantra... "Eat Less Food."
Ahhh, sorry...
Bye for now... Maybe I will be back later on today
Part Two For Today
I said that I might be back. Ummm, what was I gonna say? Oh yeah, this evening I was driving to the College Of Dupage library. I was listening to the talk radio station. I heard Michael Savage, who is the author of many books on Nutrition. He's also a popular radio talk show host.
A woman called in to his show and told Michael she has a son who works out three times a week. He works out and he is still overweight.
Michael Savage responded very abruptly, but aptly stating that losing weight is a discipline. He left her with that and went on to the next call.
Now, Michael is revered as a man many people look up to. He is unbelievable bright. (That's my opinion of course.) He is extremely adapted in many fields of thought which includes: nutrition, biology, human behavior, and of course political thought.
A woman who was lost in thought about her son called in hoping Michael would have an answer for her dilemma.
Here is my thought for Mr. Savage: (I love your show Michael.) Could you please take some time to ask diagnostic questions? Here is why: PEOPLE TRUST YOU MICHAEL.
If someone takes the time to dial a telephone, and then sit on the telephone listening to you while on hold for a much as one hour, then please respond in an appropriate manner.
Here is what troubles me about you Michael: You don't realize that you weren't the only one screwed out there. Since you have the forum, and you are vibrating so well with the general public, have the courtesy to respond in kind.
OH, but I don't have all the degrees Michael Savage has, so I am an ignorant moron. How dare I write this, oh, oh, oh....
Hey, I have lost over 120 pounds in my short life time. I have gone from 260-pounds down to 200-pounds in one year. Then I went back up to 240-pounds. Then I again lost 60-pounds, and am back down to 180-pounds. I am stable at this 180-pound weight.
I lost all this weight without diet pills, and without a doctor. I lost this weight without a diet coach, or a diet club. I am one damned self willed SOB... This is what I think.
My blood pressure went down. My cholesterol is down. My heart rate is down. My blood sugar is normal all of the time now. I did this with very careful consumption of food, which resulted in me losing weight.
My thought is this....
It's not easy to lose weight. Had I been on the other end of the telephone when this woman called me, I would have started asking diagnostic questions.
I would have asked how long has your son been lifting those weights? I would have asked, does your son use a supplement like artificial steroids? (Artificial steroids, and steroid use, hormones are dangerous. Period... end of that story.) I would have asked this woman, does your son have a diet that is conducive to constructing muscle? I could go on and on from there.
Why would I be so inquisitive on my talk show Mr. Michael Savage? Here is why: for every one person calling in that doesn't' have an answer to that burning question, there are 250 people who have the same question. Someone who wanted to get through your highly obnoxious, asinine call screening man had a question that was important for himself, or herself. I've tried calling the show.
I know for guys like Michael Savage that time is short on a talk radio show. I know there are constraints for him. I know. However, there aren't any constraints on you or me day to day as we face this "Nemesis." It's our compulsion to eat like tomorrow will never come.
For we, the one's who wrestle with our wills to stop consuming everything that ours eyes see, and our noses smell, it's a real challenge. It's a challenge that I fear guys like Michael Savage don't relate to.
For the woman who's son is still overweight I would say this. It's good your son lifts weights. This actually helps the body build muscle. As the muscle increases in proportion to the body fat, the metabolism actually starts to increase. The body building also stresses the skeleton of the body. As a result the body responds in kind by building up bone, and bone tissue, to include cartilage in the joints.
That said, your son has to make sure he supplies his body with the building blocks he needs in raw materials. He has to use a calcium supplement, a protein supplement, and vitamins for nutrition. This is so he can have those nutrients, and minerals that might be missing as a result of a hectic, on the go kind of day.
Your son mam, would also have to make sure he takes time to unwind. Yes, he should make sure he is getting at least eight hours of sleep each day. This eight hours may end up getting divided up. But, your son must make sure he is slowing down, and resting.
I could go on from there. It doesn't make sense for someone like Mr. Michael Savage who is so incredibly powerful in his influence to treat a woman, and ultimately a public who worships him, so brisk, and shortly in time and answers.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Hello Weight Losing Fans, Today I stepped up onto the Digital Scale weighing in at 208.2-Pounds. My heart is very heavy with pain since my...
Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 179.2-pounds. That's up from yeste...
Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.8-pounds. A year ago I warned you ...
Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 178.6-pounds. Oops, thats 81.012-kilog...