Wednesday, July 9, 2008

You've Got To Give Up: To Get Something Back

Hello weight losing fans...

Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 181-pounds. That's up some, but not much.

I held the calorie-count-line yesterday. So I am not worried.

Today I was talking with a friend of mine on the telephone. He has an interesting occupation. He's a word smith. What? Yes, he works writing material for companies. He puts into words what others seem unable to do.

It's safe to say, to him words mean something.

I wrote yesterday that words by themselves can't get that extra poundage off of you. I wasn't knocking the importance of using words. I was saying, you have the idea in your head, the words describe the idea, or the action to be taken.

Now, I can offend someone with words. I can build someone up with words, and I can try to tear someone down with words. This is because those words go inside of us. They go into our minds and do something up there in our brains.

We have to have words to communicate to other people. The words describe our ideas, our imagery, our thoughts, our intentions. I could go on and on.

What words would you use to describe your physical condition? Are the words you are using accurate?

For example, I know someone who is large. He says, "He's in good shape." Yet, when he puts on his bathing suit to go swimming, my eyes perceive flaps of fat that hang over the brim of his swimsuit. I can see that a shirt he used to put on now stretches and bulges. Yet in his mind he's OK.

Hmmm, there's something wrong with his words, and the mental picture in his mind about what constitutes normal. A while ago the doctors discovered that he had varying levels of elevated sugar. They discovered that on the one day they decided to test him the sugar in his system was way higher than what was average for a given population of people.

Was there something wrong with the doctors? Or was there something wrong with his words?

I can look at historical pictures of this person and see he used to be leaner. Even then he was strong like a bull. I mean he was unbelievably powerful for his size. I know, I watched him pick up a blade for a tractor and move it over 25 feet. I tried, and couldn't drag that blade. This was remarkable power at the time. However, if he remains in the condition I see, that power will ebb away. He will become sickly.

Granted he is a moose for his size. What happened to his chin line? Why are his shirts stretching, or are they shrinking in the laundry? Why is his sugar so out of whack?

Are "his" words that describe his current situation accurate? I don't think so.

Let's just say he wakes today and repeats: "I am thin, I am thin, I am thin." Will he immediately be thin? Well, I would be surprised if he was thin instantly when he said so.

Nope, it's going to take time and action to make those words, "I am thin" come true.

I am not against mental image building. Our words describe those images. Only, what is that action that you or I will take to make those images real, and tangible.

Let's just say you wake up and realize: "Hey, I must be fat." "Hey, I look different than all of these people around me." "Oh no, someone called me fatso." "Could it be true."

Can anything be done about your condition? I am here to say that with about 80-90 percent of the people it can. The rest are either mentally ill, or physical anomalies. Mind you, I have no scientific data to back up my statements here. It's conjecture on my part.

I will say this: You can do something about it.

You may not like the solution to your problem called fat.
Nope, you may not like the idea that you will have to give up something, to get something back.
You may not like the idea that you are going to have to give up super sized McDonald's.
You may not like the idea you have to give up those big chocolate donuts for breakfast every morning.
You may not like the idea that you'll have to give up those mid-day binges, and those late night snacks.
You may not like the idea you'll have to limit yourself to one beer after dinner at night.
You may not like the idea you should eat a four ounce steak instead of an eight ounce steak.
You many not like the idea you'll have to eat smaller portions of just about everything.

Yes, you may not like the idea, you'll have to give up something, to get something back.

What will you get back? Well, for me let me give you a list:

  1. I feel better than I did.
  2. I look better than I did.
  3. My heart rate dropped from almost 100 beats per minute, to around 60-65 beats per minute.
  4. My blood pressure dropped.
  5. My clothes that I wore years ago are like bags on me now. I will eventually have to buy new clothes. For the ladies that's a thrill.
  6. My sugar levels dropped.
  7. I sleep better at night.
  8. I have more energy.
  9. My outlook on life seems to be improving.
  10. I am no longer selfconscious about being overweight.
  11. I am now writing a weigh loss blog (Thanks to a very persistent friend.)
  12. I have had an impact on some of the people around me. A woman I work with went on a diet and lost weight because she saw me do it.
  13. One of the fat guys at work lost 30-pounds because he saw me lose weight.
  14. The girls stare. Yes, I have seen them when I look in the windows. I can see them looking.

Will you become the next super model when you lose all the weight? I doubt it. Will you end up being on some talk show like Oprah? I doubt it.

You losing weight shouldn't be about that anyway. Fame and fortune, can come and go like the morning dew.

What will you get? Perhaps you'll get a better quality of life. Maybe you'll have more oportunity as your health improves, and you become more mobile.

You will have to give up all that food though. Yep, just forget about those real big portions of food everyday. You'll have to give up that security blanket called food.

You have to find different words to describe your new situation: "Sacrifice."

Take heart, it will be worth it. I am here to write, it will surely be worth it.

Break the old paradigm. Fix a new image of yourself. Quit using words that aren't true. In other words make the words true to your situation. If you aren't happy with the image you see, get ready: You've got to give up something: To get something back.

Number counter when I posted: 3906

Bye for now...

And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane


Dinahsoar said...

Right. People say "you are what you think" but that's so not true. One can think all day long that he's a toaster, but that won't make him a toaster. (He may very well act/behave/live like a toaster though...seeing that is what he believes he is.)

Our way of thinking--as in what we believe--leads us to our way of acting/behaving/living. The emphasis is on "leads" gives us the direction which we will take.

If we think "I will lose weight" that thinking can lead us in the direction of the result....but it doesn't make it happen.

And add to it the element that we can think erroneously---lie to ourselves--like thinking/believing we are fat when we are not, or conversely, thin when we are really fat--and that wrong thinking will lead us in a wrong direction. We see it every day...thin people starving themselves--we call it anorexia---and fat people stuffing themselves--we call that compulsive eating/binging.

What we think is the starting place...and our thinking must line up with truth. If it doesn't we'll be going in the wrong direction and reap accordingly.

David Dane said...

thanks dinah

 Hello Weight Losing Fans,  Today I stepped up onto the Digital Scale weighing in at 208.2-Pounds. My heart is very heavy with pain since my...