Hello Weight Losing Fans...
Today I stepped up onto the New Magical Mystical Digital Scale weighing in at 222-Pounds.
Oh David, what is up with you? Why aren't you progressing faster? I am so disappointed in you. I take the time to read your blog post and then I find you're not going anywhere. Hey, I want to lose weight Mr. Weight Loss Guru...! What's you're magic formula? EAT LESS FOOD is my answer...!!!!!!
Well, darn I have to eat too. If you have ever studied carefully my progress in the past, you are going to find that I had many periods of time where my weight loss progress was slow. I never claimed that I was a weight losing guru, or the master of weight loss.
That said, I have been successful losing weight. And, I can assure you that if you really want to lose weight, you will. The challenge will be for you as it is for me, is to figure out how much food you can eat. My challenge was to figure out how many calories would it take to lose the poundage, and to do it safely. I didn't write it's easy either. Many, many times I wrote about hunger. This is the first thing anyone asks me; "What about hunger.?" And, isn't that the reason most of us eat, is we're hungry? Just look at how many little children complain to their parents ; I'm hungry mommy, or I'm hungry daddy. We're motivated to eat because we're hungry.
Isn't it true that when you're full of food, even the best desert looks ghastly? When you're hungry honey looks good to eat. When you're full honey looks detestable. Now, I am writing about the normal people out there who finally stop eating when they are full. I don't know what to write about the person who eats even when full. I have seen those people too. When I go to a buffet sometimes I do that. I want to taste everything. Fortunately, I can stop.
What about you? Why do you eat? What are you eating? Are you compelled to eat? Are you unable to get a grip on your self? It's hard to do.
I really believe that there are some people who are over weight who are absolutely hopeless. I have a niece that is like that. She is profoundly blind. She cannot see. Her appetite is highly over developed. She has to eat all of the time. Since she is blind she has no self awareness of her physical appearance. She is big. But, she doesn't care. She screams and whines when she doesn't get food she wants. And, she is very taxing to my older sister. It's a very, very sad situation.
However, for those of us who can see; I myself shutter when I look in the mirror. Yeah, I have an overlap of belly there. And, it wasn't nearly so bad when I got to 180-Pounds. That's what I am hoping to eliminate. Well, I am now 54 years old. Why should I care what I look like? Well, it's the appearance as well as the reality I am not healthy up at the higher weights. Try to imagine the liver wrapped in fat. Try to imagine the heart wrapped in fat. Well, we fatties have that going on inside of us. And, the fact that we're still alive and hanging onto fat tells us we're getting all the food we need each day.
That's a sad reality isn't it? If you are still overweight, the reality is you are getting more than enough food to live. The reality is you can probably cut back on something. It's hard isn't it?
This is why I write look at your sugary products. Look at cutting out soda. Give up that after dinner piece of pie. I don't mean give it up all the time. What I mean is cut the frequency down of consuming sweets. Cut it way back and you'll probably start to lose weight just doing that.
This morning I got up and ate two pieces of wheat bread, with two pieces of cheese, and two baloney slices, with mayonnaise. I am going to eat a yogurt and some small oranges and that will be breakfast.
I'll probably eat some protein powder before I go to work tonight, along with some peanut butter. I will look for a salad later.
Yesterday Morning I got up at four in the morning to go to work. I ate at that time too. I got up and ate the sandwich that I didn't finish the day before. I had a yogurt and headed off to work. I got hungry by the time I got off work. There in the break room were trays of Cinnamon buns and sweet biscuits, and pastry. I ate one of the Cinnamon buns. It was small and I estimate that was around 300 calories, or more. That was empty calories I could have saved for later. It was yummy though.....
So you can eat normal foods. You can have a Cinnamon bun, but that's all you can eat sometimes. Many times I have found that I am still hungry after eating that Cinnamon bun. Only I have to think about the fact that bun is gelatin fat making material. I have to limit the consumption of those things.
The reality is after I eat something like that, I pretty much have to accept I am not going to be eating very much more for the day.... It's hard too... Because I get hungry for the rest of the day.
It's a balancing act to lose weight. There are diet pills out there, there are things that can be taken to speed up the processes. But, what about learning to maintain? That's right, if you lose all the weight with a pill, or with some magical method, you'll never learn to maintain your weight.
Let's just say you go and have that stomach operation to tighten up the stomach or move the pipes around inside. You'll find out you will be eating less food. And, don't be fooled by the hype, the hunger is still there. That's right the hunger is in the brain, not in the stomach. It's lowered blood sugar that stimulates hunger. And, just because you have your pipes moved around, or have a band put on the stomach doesn't mean you won't be hungry. I have talked to many people who have had those operations. They still feel hunger. Now though they can't satisfy that hunger. They end up suffering worse than before the operation.
The reality is though, if you have the will to lose weight, you can.... If you are really, really hungry you can bulk up on foods like fermented cabbages. You can bulk up on salads. You can bulk up on green vegetables. All of these foods have very little impact negatively on your weight losing.
Thinking about what you can do to satisfy hunger that is constructive saves you from doing something destructive to you...
Well, I have to run...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
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