Hello weight losing fans...
Today I don't know what I weigh. I don't have my scale with me.
I was looking for suggestions about what to write in my blog. I am bankrupt for ideas. I guess I could continue to beat the same drum. Even I get bored writing EAT LESS FOOD.
It really can't get any simpler than that. It's hard to apply. It really is. This last week I went back up to almost 190-pounds. I was just under 190. Whoa...
Now, how did this happen? Well, I was out of town. I wasn't anywhere near my familiar surroundings and I went whirling out of control. Good luck all you weight watchers.
Actually, I am not overly concerned.
Now, I do have to dine out of town a lot lately. Contrary to popular believe and people's views, I frequent McDonald's.
I heard a woman say how bad McDonald's is for people. Oh, I beg to differ. It's the amount of food eaten at McDonald's that's not good for people.
A hamburger is pretty much a hamburger. A bun is a bun. A sausage patty is a sausage patty. It doesn't matter who makes it. Besides, I trust McDonald's quality control. They have a vested interest in making sure the food that they serve is good quality.
If I walk into McDonald's I can immediately interpret the amount of calories I am about to consume. All that I have to do is ask for a McDonald's place mat. On the back of the McDonald's place mat is a list of all the food items available at that store, or any McDonald's for that matter.
On that place mat there is also nutrition information concerning fat contents, sodium, and other nutritional info. of interest to a dedicated weight watcher.
Here is the little kicker: Doe's anyone really pay attention?
I don't have this convenience at any other fast food chain that I go to. Subway has the little handouts that they make. Not every store is real happy to hand them out. It must cost them money.
So, at every establishment that I go to I have to guess at what I am eating. Many times I am not always sure. Yes, I carry my little hand book. Lately I haven't been.
I have been losing track of my calories. I know what I have eaten, but many day's lately I haven't calculated up the calories. I have been tired as all get out.
I work a lot.
Am I A Hypocrite Or A Stumbling Block?
I have been writing this weight loss blog a little over four months now. I get stinky in my commentary. I may even seem very strident.
Well, I don't belong to any weight loss clubs. I made no one any promises about what I am going to do to lose this weight.
I am not losing weight for my government, or my family, or anyone else. I am doing it for me. It's my gig, and no one else.
And to be honest, if you are reading this blog, then you should have the same attitude. Why? Because no one, not anyone, on this planet can do it for you. You are the one who has to do it for you.
Now, I think that people who know better, and don't do better are actually clueless as to the effect that they are having on people around them. Believe me when I say this, I don't like fat people. (Oh, I don't mean that I don't like them as a person. I mean I don't like the fat.)
Yep, I dare to write that. It's one thing if you are witless, and just cannot control yourself. I understand that. But, if you have the ability to consciously make choices, then you really ought to opt for the better choice.
Is it easy? NO, it's not easy. Am I perfect everyday? NO, not by any stretch of the imagination.
Do I strive to get better. Let's put it this way: I am working at it. I am aware of the fact that I am impacting the people that I encounter.
I was talking to a young man the other night. He was nice enough, and actually was funny. However, he was huge. He was easily 100 pounds over where he should have been. That isn't good.
Somehow, he and I got into a conversation about rice. It's actually a starch that is loaded with protein.
I was telling him that I plan on eating more rice. He wanted to know why. Well, I told him that it's a good food to eat on a reduced calorie diet.
He asked me if I was doing the Doctor Atkin's diet. I said no, I am doing reduced food consumption. He reacted strongly. He said, "Oh no, don't ask me to eat less food, I love my food."
Well, maybe he likes type-two-diabetes. Maybe he likes heart failure. Maybe he likes to live a less than full life.
How about you? What do you want your life to be in ten years? It won't be any easier if you keep adding on those pounds.
I don't have a crystal ball. I cannot predict the future. But, I can predict that you and I are lowering our quality of life by letting ourselves tip the scales in the wrong direction.
Do I wake up and say, "Oh boy, I get to lose weight?" Not at all. I am honest, I don't like this weight loss thing. I don't, I don't like this weight loss thing.
You won't find that positive go get 'em attitude here.
Here you'll find, "Oh poop, I have to avoid that. I wish that I didn't have to."
I Wish It Was All Warm And Fuzzy
I wish that I wish I could be warm and fuzzy. I wish that I could cheerily write, "Well, if you'll just have this positive attitude, all will go well." I wish that I could.
I do know this: If you eat more than you need (Only you can make that determination) you will get fat or fatter. That's it.
I was thin 30 years ago. Now that I am older it seems to be tougher to keep off the unwanted pounds. There is only one solution: Eat Less Food.
Bye for now...
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Just a quick tip: Almost every national fast food chain posts their nutritional information on their web sites.
That makes it pretty easy to look up your usual selections before you go on the road, knowing what your calorie count will be beforehand. Or just as easy to look it up when you get back home. It's helped me out on numerous occasions.
Good to see you're still hanging in there.
I would love to know what I am going to eat before I go onto the road. I don't plan that far ahead.
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