Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 179.4-pounds.
That's below 180-pounds for the day. Let's see what will happen tomorrow.
Someone Wrote Oprah Has A Thyroid Problem
Yesterday I wrote something about Oprah Winfrey. My point with Oprah Winfrey is that she has so much money she can't spend it all. Because of that she is above the rediculous laws that are being passed in states like Mississippi.
No one is going to walk up to Oprah and toss her out of a Mississippi McDonald's. No one is going to tell her to leave their restaurant. Why? Because she can buy everyone in the place, and the building too.
My point is this. Let's just say Joe Smoe has a problem with his thyroid. Because of that thyroid problem he has a few extra pounds. Now, the fat police will come to him and say "Papers, Medical card, are you authorized to eat here?"
Imagine if you have to fill out paper work to get authorization from the government to eat at McDonald's, Wendy's, or KFC. Just imagine people being so compliant.
Here will be the trade off. You get free Medical insurance if you comply with the new Fascist Government.
Oprah Has The Nerve To Support Someone Who Wants The Government To Control You
Oprah Winfrey with all her money has the gall to support someone like Barack Hussein Obama. Note the middle name Hussein as in named after Sadam Hussein. Here is a man that was raised believing that Islam is the way all men and woman should live. He changed from Islam to a very liberal "Christian" Church so he could become politcally correct to all the black Baptists, and religious people who wear the moniker "Christian."
Do you believe for five seconds that a man like Barack Hussein Obama has any appreciation for the system that made America great? He wants to control you. He will pick people who will bring into play Nazistic control. He was raised and bred as a Muslim, and that is his psychology. Go ahead Oprah, elect that man, and you'll be wearing a headscarf and long dress in the not so distant future. Not only that Oprah, but your TV shows and all your publicity, unless you tow the line dear, you'll be off the air.
America was founded on principals that depend on people being personally responsible for what they do. I don't mean the idea of following rules. I mean being able to learn to control our own behavior.
One of the behaviors that I keep stressing about in this blog is the EATING BEHAVIOR. Yes that behavior that goes along with putting food inside our mouths, chewing it, then swallowing it down.
I pointed out briefly yesterday that the food industry is making food very tasty. It's because they want to make money. That is what American's do best when they are allowed to do it unfettered by governmental control freaks.
It's because food is in such plentiful supply, and it is so tasty, we have a tough time resisting it. I know it's hard to do.
It's hard to say no to that extra cookie. It's hard to say no to that little chocolate candy. It's hard to say no to an extra half of that sandwich. It's hard to say no to putting sugar in your coffee. It's hard to say no to the extra donut left over in the box at the office.
It's hard to say no to food. It's hard. I know.
Unless you learn to look at your food as a fuel and nothing more, then you will succumb to it's charm. That's right food is fuel for you body.
It's been man's ingenuity that has made food so incredibly delicious. It's wonderful that God gave men this ability to take food and process it to make it so scrumptous.
As I sit here writing this blog I am fighting the cats that claw my stomach when I am hungry. All I consumed this morning was a can of Slim Fast (180 calories), and a granola bar (180 calories).
I am writing this blog so that maybe one person can read it and begin to realize that he/she can lose weight.
It is not anyone's job to make you eat less food. It's your job. I had to cut way, way, way back on my food consumption. It's rediculous the small portions of food that I eat so that I can lose more weight.
My target is to get down to 160-pounds. When I weighed myself this morning I stepped up under the 180-pound target. I had to cut back on the food to get there. It's not fun.
I have suffered trying to get off this poundage. It hasn't been easy.
Will You Get Locked Away?
Imagine this in the future. Some government official decides that there are too many fat people out there. This Fascist will reason that it's because of all the fast food out there. As a result this government official will put a 10 percent tax on the fast food.
That tax won't detour the people from eating at McDonald's because children will still scream at mommy and daddy to take them to McDonald's. And Mom and Dad being tired from working and paying all their money for taxes and fees, will comply with the screaming child and take it to the McDonald's.
Well, Junior will start getting fat because mommy doesn't have time to make a good meal. Mommy and Dad won't be allowed to tell their children what's good to eat because the government will tell them they can't. All Junior will have to do is make a telephone call to Child Services and a government bureaucrat will come get mommy and daddy.
People will keep getting fat. So next the government will start collecting people and locking them away in rooms where they will be fed small rations. They will be released brain dead to the meaning of life, and dead in their souls because of the abuse.
You get control of yourself. You eat half the hamburger at lunch. You eat half the French Fries at lunch. You eat less, not some government official.
No one is holding a gun to you and telling you to eat more food.
This is supposed to be a blog I dedicate to losing weight. I mean what I am writing about the government. But, that's isn't my main purpose in writing this blog.
I don't care about Oprah Winfrey.
I don't care about some government official keeping his job.
I care that you will find the heart to lose weight.
It's not easy.
And, I had to suck it up. It stinks.
I am encouraging you to fight "The Battle Of The Bulge."
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
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