Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 178.8-pounds.
This is two days in a row below that 180-target.
I am scratching my head about something. When I initially hit the 180-pound target my Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale was showing me a Body Fat Index of around 21%-22%. Now the digits are ticking up at around 24%-24.5% Body Fat Index.
This means one thing, the higher percentage showing on the scale means that my body fat versus muscle has changed. I now have a higher body fat ratio than I initially had when I hit that target weight of 180-pounds.
This is happening inspite of my consuming more protein.
It means that I have to figure out how to get the muscle up, and still burn that fat.
Oh, and I have heard that I need to excercise more. Please, I don't want to hear that. If you worked the 14-18 hours a day like I do, and then tell me you can excercise. You can't, and I can't either. I consider it a miracle that I am not using drugs to keep myself going.
I have a friend that tells me all the time go excercise, tighten it up. Now that he is working so much he too is finding it hard to go excercise.
My Family Member Says I Am Looking Stretched Out
This morning I was talking to a close family member. This person was telling me how I am looking all stretched out and sagging. Here is what's worse, he said I am looking paunchy. What? Gee Thanks...
Could it be that I am approaching 50 years old? Could it be that I am not a spring-chicken anymore?
Now, if this person is telling me the truth, then all the people who said that I shouldn't lose more weight are lying to me.
Maybe when I get a different job, I will be able to engage in some regular excercise. It's winter outside, I am not going to walk and break my neck on some slick sidewalk. Recently we had as much as ten inches of snow here in Wheaton. There is no place to walk, and excercise without getting run over by a car, or falling on a slick sidewalk. I have already fallen a couple times this winter, and it knocked the wind out of me.
I was told do more push-ups, and face excercises. Huh, how about this person losing another 20-30-pounds?
I sware, I could go insane depending on people's opinions about losing weight. So can you.
Don't depend on anyone to be honest with you about your weight, and how you look.
I lost 60 pounds in just a little less than one year. This works out to about 1.2-pounds per week over a 52 week period. This is .16 pounds per day weight loss.
I had in my head a weight that I weighed years ago. When I left Fort Jackson in the summer of 1978, I was 160 pounds. For most of the three years that was what I weighed. I actually got down to 155-pounds, because I was in the hospital for a month with my mouth wired shut after facial reconstruction.
For years after that I was in the Military Reserve. I was around 170-189-pounds during that time. And the truth be known, I had a hard time keeping my weight at that 189-pounds.
I knew where I came from. For many people this has never been the case. Many people grow up being pudgy, and keep getting bigger. These people have no conception in their minds what they could look like. I have a family member like this.
My family member is over 150-pounds more than he should be. He makes up all kinds of excuses for staying that way. Well, it's not healthy, but I can't tell him anything. I don't even try.
Well How Do I Figure Out What Is The Truth?
When tryng to figure out what I was supposed to weigh, being objective was the only thing to do. Where did I find out what I should weigh?
I consulted various height and weight charts. When I was in the Military Reserve, the chart said that the minimum weight was 132-pounds, and the maximum weight was 189-pounds.
Now, for my age the military charts have 192-pounds as the maximum weight.
Note this; that the military actually allows for someone my size to go down as low as 132-pounds to be acceptable to their standards.
If this satisfies the Military, then who should I believe ultimately?
I used Height, Weight, and Body Type Charts
I have consulted charts that distribute weight based on the size of the body-frame. My frame is a small frame. I actually have very thin wrists, and a light frame.
Accordingly, I should be at around 160-pounds.
I have a friend that was teasing me. He said I would look like a gay guy being this thin.
I don't care. At 180-pounds, where I am now, I still have a 38 inch waist line. I need to get down a couple more inches on my waist. I would be happy with a 34 inch waist.
Will I get is tightened up? I don't know. I am not worried about that now.
Don't Go Out And Excercise Like A Mad Person To Lose Weight
I didn't lose 60-pounds exercising my fool head off.
Exercise shouldn't be used as a weight loss tool.
Exercise should be used to condition the muscles of the heart, the arms, legs, other muscle groups, and to build that muscle.
Exercise should be used to tone and firm.
Exercise should be used to get the fluids moving in the immune system.
Losing weight with extreme exercise is only asking for trouble. Many people are out of condition. Over exercise can actually damage the parts of the body; which many people do.
Unfortunately, many people who set out to lose weight, do it with too much exercise too soon. In the spring time look and see how many fat people will be jogging down the road with their fat jiggling. Look how many chubbies will be shaking down that sidewalk.
Then when the summer comes, look and see how many of those people will have quit. Most people don't know they should EAT LESS FOOD. Then they should ease into an excercise program that can be sustained.
Use exercise to condition and tone the body. Overstressing the body to lose weight is only going make it harder to get motivated to continue the exercise, and ultimately keep at a resonable weight loss program.
Mine In Not A Fad Diet
I was looking at a blog site written by a young man. He slams food companies for putting things in the food that provoke hunger. He blames the food companies for people being obese.
I am not siding with the food companies. I am writing this: So What? So What if we find out that the food companies are putting stuff in our food? Whoopie.
Are the food manufacturers going to stop making potato chips, Tostitos, Doritos, cup cakes, candy, etc.? Is McDonald's, Wendys, Burger King, going to stop serving Frech Fries, and hamburgers?
Do you want the state governments, and the federal government to levy heavy food taxes on food to discourage eating? They will.
Look at cigarettes: the government has levied huge taxes on cigarettes. People still buy cigarettes and smoke them.
Do you think if fast food goes up a few dollars because of taxes people will stop eating? Of course not. People still have to eat. The government officials know this.
No, You have to EAT LESS FOOD. You figure out where you have to be with your height and weight. You figure out how many calories you can comfortably eat and still get those pounds off.
Don't you depend on anyone to decide for you how to eat. I didn't.
If you want to lose 100-pounds, then you can lose 100-pounds. You can do it over a two year time period. You can safely lose about 1-pound per week, and still be healthy.
Take your weight, multiply that times 7-10 calories per pound. If you weigh 300 pounds; you can consume 2,800 to 3,000 calories and probably still lose weight.
As you lose weight, you can reduce down those total daily calories. Write down what you eat, and what you weigh.
Then keep at it. Keep at it. Keep at it. Mine is not a FAD DIET. I lost weight by EATING LESS FOOD. This isn't a fad diet.
Right now as I am writing this, the cats are clawing out my guts. Yes, I struggle with incredible hunger. I eat because I get hungry.
Don't Let The Monsters Bully You
You may have a different reason for eating.
When you make up your mind to lose weight, in the room with you may be those monsters. The Hunger Monster, the Neurotic Monster, the Comfort Monster, the Approval Monster, the Hurt Feelings Monster, may be in the room with you.
Don't let these monsters poke you in the side and tell you to eat. They will. They represent the excuses people use to eat.
My nemesis is the Hunger Monster. I am talking about painful hunger that hurts the sides of my stomach. I fight that thing, and I resist it as long as I can.
You'll have to fight your monsters too.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
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Hello Weight Losing Fans, Today I stepped up onto the Digital Scale weighing in at 208.2-Pounds. My heart is very heavy with pain since my...
Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 179.2-pounds. That's up from yeste...
Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 178.6-pounds. Oops, thats 81.012-kilog...
Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.8-pounds. A year ago I warned you ...
Congratulations on 2 days in a row below 180...keep that up and you'll be dropping down even farther...way to go.
Just curious as to what you think about the government stepping in to require chain restaurants to list the calorie contents, fat grams, etc of the foods they serve?
I personally think the government should not have any say in what I choose to eat, but I definitely want to know what I'm choosing to eat! It can be really hard to accurately judge the calorie content of restaurant food on your own. I've been really surprised in the past when reading over the nutrition facts from restaurants that do publish this information.
McDonald's is a wonderful fast food company. The government didn't make McDonald's publish the calorie count on the back of it's table settings. They list their calorie counts and nutritional food values voluntarily. I know this because many of the people who work for McDonald's worship at my church. Other food manufacturers are listing their nutritional information voluntarily. I don't want the government officials coming into a fast food company and forcing them to monitor their customers. That's not their job. Fast food chains want to serve food, and do it quickly and economically. They want to serve food that keeps people coming back. If, indeed the government officials were truly content to assist a company in getting better, then I wouldn't be upset. Unfortunately many government officials act with knee jerk reactions. The government has been listing nutritional values for years, and the fat people keep coming. Here is one more thing. Who ultimately is responsible for overeating? Is it the government? No, it's not. Is it the fast food chain? No, it's not. It's up to the individual, that is if they still have their sanity. I appreciate the fact companies list nutritional ingredients on the back of food containers, and labels. Maybe the government made it this way, I don't know. However, it still comes down to one thing: No one puts a weapon to my head and tells me, "Eat this, or I'll kill you."
By the way, thanks dinah, and sdl for your comments.
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