Thursday, May 24, 2007

Third Day Up And Over 200 Pounds

Oh, the shame, I am back up over 200-pounds. Today I woke up and stepped onto the scale at 201.6-pounds.

What is happening?

Ummm, let's see. Last night I went to the Chicago White Socks game. And I got to watch them lose 4 points to 0 points.

I was an invited guest and we were up on the patio over center field. This was a great view by the way.

Anyway, there was all this free food there. I ate a hamburger on a bun, a large hot dog on a bun, and a chicken fillet on a bun. That was all my 1,500 calories for the day in those sandwiches.

Since it was so late in the evening all that food was still inside of me when I woke up in the morning. I had not eliminated yet.

The same thing has happened today. A friend paid for my lunch. I had a corn beef sandwich with a large baked potato.

I fully expect to step on the scale at least 3 pounds up over 200 pounds tomorrow. Oh well that is how it goes.

Remember, I am just like you. I over eat too. Sure beats getting my stomach tied.

Bye for now....

1 comment:

A said...

Rough to see this, I'm sure. You've hovered at a certain poundage before. Now, the hovering may have the same range of 2-3 lbs, but is a notch lower.

You've identified the problem area - the White Sox game, etc. I'll be this time next week - say June 2, you'll be posting something about 198.

I've started sit-ups myself. Hardly a lot, just 20-25 a time, but very slowly. My pudge needs to go, and running on its own won't solve this. I need to tighten my abs.

 Hello Weight Losing Fans,  Today I stepped up onto the Digital Scale weighing in at 208.2-Pounds. My heart is very heavy with pain since my...