Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Get Objective With That Weight

Hello weight losing fans...

Today I stepped up onto that Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 179.4-pounds.
That's not bad.

This is good, considering last night at around 8:30 PM I made myself a late night stir fry. This pushed my night time weight up a few pounds.

Another Family Member Is Excited I Lost So Much Weight
I have a family member that wasn't aware that I lost so much weight. I told her that I have lost 60-pounds.
She wanted to know how I did it. I gave her my blog site. I told her my story.

She admitted to me that it is so hard to lose weight. Well, dah...

Hey, food is an absolute necessity. It's our fuel to live off of. This should be common sense.

Food tastes good. With our modern day technology food not only tastes good, but for now, it's very plentiful. Food's everywhere. When you go to fill your car, food is there, candy, sweet rolls, sandwiches, sodas, sugar sweetened teas, and diet drinks. Now, when you go into a clothing store, like Burlington Coat Factory, there is candy there up front. Food is everywhere to tempt us. OK...

It's because companies want us buying that food, and consuming it.

I am not knocking the conveniences of food in America. I am not knocking all the bounty of food. God bless America.

And I have beaten this drum until I am nauseous writing about it.

It's going to come down to one thing, all said and done. It's like this: "EAT LESS FOOD."
OK, I wrote it again.

Hey bozo Dane can't you tell us something new? Well, NO...

Well, maybe I can, on second thought. "Count Those Calories." There...
Are you happy Mr. Blog-checker-in-on-person?

My family member inquired about how I lost this weight. I ate less food. You'll have to eat less food too. Yep, you will have to lose that weight by eating less food.

It's not going to be easy. Whew... I assure you it's not. I like food. I love Sticky-Cinnamon-Buns.
I like Hostess Ding Dongs, and Twinkies, and I could go on with the foods that I like.

I kid you not. I didn't want to give up that food. Nope, I like to cook up a big frozen pizza, and then eat that whole thing. I like taking out a whole quart of Ice Cream and consuming that thing. I do.

Unfortunately, I can't do that and keep the weight off. You probably can't do it either. Otherwise, if you could, you wouldn't be pushing up the numbers on your weight-scale.

Get Objective
Sooner of later you will have to get objective. You'll have to take the emotion out of your weight loss. You'll have to look at the digits on your scale with sober objectivity. It is what it is. Now, what will you do about it?

What is your body weight supposed to be? I don't mean what you think you want it to be. I mean what does an objective chart say your weight should be?

Years ago I had a friend who told me she wanted to be at 155-pounds because of her bottom. She said her butt would disappear. This is a subjective thought process. It's based totally on the way she viewed herself.

There is a video tape called "Buns of Steal." On that tape are exercises designed to build that posterior. It takes tremendous effort to build up those fanny muscles, and to round them out.
This would be the proper way to build a butt that is shapely.

This friend of mine should actually be at around 130-pounds based on her height and her frame.
She is large framed for a woman, only she isn't that tall.

So, get objective. Objectivity with your weight is necessary for losing weight.

Bye for now...

And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane

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