Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 197.4-pounds.
I've had to much cake and candy, wines, and beers.....
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
My Weight Went Down Even After Eating Pancakes
Hello weight losing fans.....
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 193.8-pounds.
Did you know that these last two days, I ate pancakes for breakfast?
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 193.8-pounds.
Did you know that these last two days, I ate pancakes for breakfast?
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Merry Christmas Video
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 194-pounds.
I found a cute video on You Tube, and the girl who sings it is cute of course...
Merry Christmas....!
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 194-pounds.
I found a cute video on You Tube, and the girl who sings it is cute of course...
Merry Christmas....!
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Weights Back At 190-Pounds Less Than One Week After Thanksgiving
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.0-pounds.
Whoo hoo, Thanksgiving Day was one week ago, and I am back to 190-pounds.
Here is how I did it; I ATE LESS FOOD.....
That's it.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.0-pounds.
Whoo hoo, Thanksgiving Day was one week ago, and I am back to 190-pounds.
Here is how I did it; I ATE LESS FOOD.....
That's it.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Monday, November 30, 2009
AL GORE is Lying....
IN Copenhagen Denmark, President Obama is going to sign a treaty with the World Governments that will Destroy your FREEDOM...
Al Gore is becoming rich on the trading of Carbon Credits.... This guy needs to be stopped.
I'm David Dane
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.2-pounds.
Well, what happened since my last post? I ate LESS FOOD......
If I had continued to eat like I did on Thanksgiving Day, and the day following then I would not be looking at this weight today 190.2-pounds.
Is it easy to accomplish? Certainly not, it's not.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.2-pounds.
Well, what happened since my last post? I ate LESS FOOD......
If I had continued to eat like I did on Thanksgiving Day, and the day following then I would not be looking at this weight today 190.2-pounds.
Is it easy to accomplish? Certainly not, it's not.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Hello weight losing fans....
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191.8-pounds.
Yep that's up more than I wanted.
Today is Thanksgiving Day. I will be eating a lot of food today. I don't care if I weigh 5-pounds more tomorrow. I am going to enjoy the day.
Losing Weight Is Ultimately Up To You
Recently I just had it out with someone I thought was a friend. (To think it all started because I called Barack Hussein Obama a psychotic liar many months ago.) In our e-mails he made it clear that he just barely tolerated me as a person. How would you like that if that happened to you? All of this time, I figured out, that I was actually an irritant to him because he had the superior view of life.
Well, I can't say that I have the superior view about a lot of things. I am not all knowing, and really am not as smart as all that. I have some areas where I have knowledge.
It doesn't matter really though what he thinks, or for that matter what anyone thinks about me.
I have to deal with my own reality. To be honest, on most days I am not satisfied with it. It's just the way I am.
When it comes to the issue of weight loss, I am an authority. Here is why, I've lost so much weight, and I have kept most of it off. I am up 10-pounds. But, I have held the line for the most part.
I still keep my food logs, and I still weigh myself. Oh, I don't write on this blog anymore simply because I figured out that you can find a whole lot of weight advise all over the internet.
I am going to end here with this authoritative statement: You're overweight because you eat more food than you need. You probably use food for personal comfort in some sort of way. I am not going to get into the psychology here.
If you want to lose weight here is my solution: EAT LESS FOOD.
That's it.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane.
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191.8-pounds.
Yep that's up more than I wanted.
Today is Thanksgiving Day. I will be eating a lot of food today. I don't care if I weigh 5-pounds more tomorrow. I am going to enjoy the day.
Losing Weight Is Ultimately Up To You
Recently I just had it out with someone I thought was a friend. (To think it all started because I called Barack Hussein Obama a psychotic liar many months ago.) In our e-mails he made it clear that he just barely tolerated me as a person. How would you like that if that happened to you? All of this time, I figured out, that I was actually an irritant to him because he had the superior view of life.
Well, I can't say that I have the superior view about a lot of things. I am not all knowing, and really am not as smart as all that. I have some areas where I have knowledge.
It doesn't matter really though what he thinks, or for that matter what anyone thinks about me.
I have to deal with my own reality. To be honest, on most days I am not satisfied with it. It's just the way I am.
When it comes to the issue of weight loss, I am an authority. Here is why, I've lost so much weight, and I have kept most of it off. I am up 10-pounds. But, I have held the line for the most part.
I still keep my food logs, and I still weigh myself. Oh, I don't write on this blog anymore simply because I figured out that you can find a whole lot of weight advise all over the internet.
I am going to end here with this authoritative statement: You're overweight because you eat more food than you need. You probably use food for personal comfort in some sort of way. I am not going to get into the psychology here.
If you want to lose weight here is my solution: EAT LESS FOOD.
That's it.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Your Comments Won't Change Anything, At Least Not For Me
Hello weight losing friends...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at ????
I didn't bring my scale with me out of town.
I know my weight will be over 190-pounds tomorrow. And, spare me the comments. Nothing you say or write will give me any new insights into how lose weight, or keep it off.
I remember one comment I got from someone, who now has ballooned. But, she has a lot of people who comment and comment. Hey, that won't take the desert spoon out of her hand.
That won't keep her from opening up the refrigerator at night.
NOPE, nothing you can say or do will change that.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at ????
I didn't bring my scale with me out of town.
I know my weight will be over 190-pounds tomorrow. And, spare me the comments. Nothing you say or write will give me any new insights into how lose weight, or keep it off.
I remember one comment I got from someone, who now has ballooned. But, she has a lot of people who comment and comment. Hey, that won't take the desert spoon out of her hand.
That won't keep her from opening up the refrigerator at night.
NOPE, nothing you can say or do will change that.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Friday, November 20, 2009
You Don't Want That Federal Health Care
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190-pounds.
Tell Your Senator That You Don't Want Government Health Care
Tomorrow November 21, 2009 Senator Reid from the Senate of the United States, will be having a vote for cloture, over the Nationalization Of Health Care, And Insurance By The United States Government.
Folks, you don't want the bill to pass.
First of all it's unconstitutional. There is no language in the United States Constitution that authorizes the government to provide health insurance for every citizen in the United States.
There is no language in the Constitution that provides the government can make anyone who hasn't got health insurance to buy it privately, or under a government plan.
The Bill going through the Senate Makes it mandatory for every citizen to pay a premium for health insurance. If a citizen doesn't have an employer plan, then he or she must by insurance from the government.
There will be taxes levied on everything from toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, tampons, and all hygiene products to pay for the health care bill.
Employers will be forced to buy health insurance for their employees. If the employee doesn't have health insurance, then he/she must buy the government provided health insurance.
I can't go into all the details. But, you need to call your senator and complain you don't want the government health care bill passed at all in any form
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190-pounds.
Tell Your Senator That You Don't Want Government Health Care
Tomorrow November 21, 2009 Senator Reid from the Senate of the United States, will be having a vote for cloture, over the Nationalization Of Health Care, And Insurance By The United States Government.
Folks, you don't want the bill to pass.
First of all it's unconstitutional. There is no language in the United States Constitution that authorizes the government to provide health insurance for every citizen in the United States.
There is no language in the Constitution that provides the government can make anyone who hasn't got health insurance to buy it privately, or under a government plan.
The Bill going through the Senate Makes it mandatory for every citizen to pay a premium for health insurance. If a citizen doesn't have an employer plan, then he or she must by insurance from the government.
There will be taxes levied on everything from toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, tampons, and all hygiene products to pay for the health care bill.
Employers will be forced to buy health insurance for their employees. If the employee doesn't have health insurance, then he/she must buy the government provided health insurance.
I can't go into all the details. But, you need to call your senator and complain you don't want the government health care bill passed at all in any form
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
It's Almost Three Years For This Weight Loss Season
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 187.4-pounds.
That's down from yesterday.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 187.4-pounds.
That's down from yesterday.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Monday, November 16, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 186-pounds.
That is not a typo-graphical error.
Eat Less Food... Oh not again. Yep that's it in a very short sentence. There is no other way.
Health Care Bill Evil In 2000 Pages
In just a few short days the Senate of these United States will vote on a health care bill that will destroy our freedom in this country. This bill will enable bureaucrats that are not elected by the people of this country to enforce rules and laws on you that you won't be able to stop.
They will have a willing police force of people that they have systematically hired throughout these years that they will unleash on you. Many of these are the seemingly benign police officers that you see patrolling around everyday. But, they because they have done foolish things with their money, like run up debt, purchase over priced home, and have families, will want to keep their paychecks. Since that is the case, they will willingly arrest you and imprison you.
In the courts the judges are paid huge salaries compared to the average citizen. These judges will willingly charge you and imprison you. They will willingly deny you the right to carry a gun and so defend yourself from assault.
Ordinary citizens will be forced by law to buy health insurance. If they don't then they will be fined and imprisoned for up to a year.
I can only pray that this bill won't make it through the Senate. But, the Senators, and Nancy Pelosi are confident there will be the needed votes to make this bill pass.
Our Chairman of the Modern Communist Party, Chairman Barack Hussein Obama will sign this bill into law. That bill along with the passage of the United Nations Environmental Bill will completely end any freedom left in the United States of America. By January of 2010 America may be over because of ignorant stupid people who have voted into office these pathological liars like Obama.
So you think you'll be able to post your pithy stuff on the Internet? No you won't. Not if it doesn't meet with the approval of those people watching the Internet. No, if you write anything that they don't like you can be arrested and imprisoned.
I want to thank all of you MORONS who voted in Obama. You are some incredibly sick, and stupid people. But, you wanted Change. You got what you wanted. Change for the worse is what you will get.
I have some MORONS for friends who think that I am concerned for nothing. Well, I don't like those people so much anymore.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 186-pounds.
That is not a typo-graphical error.
Eat Less Food... Oh not again. Yep that's it in a very short sentence. There is no other way.
Health Care Bill Evil In 2000 Pages
In just a few short days the Senate of these United States will vote on a health care bill that will destroy our freedom in this country. This bill will enable bureaucrats that are not elected by the people of this country to enforce rules and laws on you that you won't be able to stop.
They will have a willing police force of people that they have systematically hired throughout these years that they will unleash on you. Many of these are the seemingly benign police officers that you see patrolling around everyday. But, they because they have done foolish things with their money, like run up debt, purchase over priced home, and have families, will want to keep their paychecks. Since that is the case, they will willingly arrest you and imprison you.
In the courts the judges are paid huge salaries compared to the average citizen. These judges will willingly charge you and imprison you. They will willingly deny you the right to carry a gun and so defend yourself from assault.
Ordinary citizens will be forced by law to buy health insurance. If they don't then they will be fined and imprisoned for up to a year.
I can only pray that this bill won't make it through the Senate. But, the Senators, and Nancy Pelosi are confident there will be the needed votes to make this bill pass.
Our Chairman of the Modern Communist Party, Chairman Barack Hussein Obama will sign this bill into law. That bill along with the passage of the United Nations Environmental Bill will completely end any freedom left in the United States of America. By January of 2010 America may be over because of ignorant stupid people who have voted into office these pathological liars like Obama.
So you think you'll be able to post your pithy stuff on the Internet? No you won't. Not if it doesn't meet with the approval of those people watching the Internet. No, if you write anything that they don't like you can be arrested and imprisoned.
I want to thank all of you MORONS who voted in Obama. You are some incredibly sick, and stupid people. But, you wanted Change. You got what you wanted. Change for the worse is what you will get.
I have some MORONS for friends who think that I am concerned for nothing. Well, I don't like those people so much anymore.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Don't Criticize Me For Eating A Blueberry Muffin
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 187.2-pounds.
Yes you read that right. Yesterday I was 192-pounds, and today I am 187.2-pounds.
There was no typo-graphical error there.
My what a difference a day makes.
Is A Blueberry Muffin, And A Crossaint Unhealthy Food?
I was at work the other day and had a blueberry muffin and croissant in my hand. I told a fellow co-worker I am taking this home to eat for breakfast. He said I thought you were into healthy food?
I said to this man, "This is healthy food." I told the man, "It's the amount of food that is consumed, not the kind of food."
I have a question: What constitutes healthy food? Is it a chicken breast broiled in the oven? Is it a piece of bread made with only whole grains? Is it food that's completely void of sugar?
I don't know any more. I can't speak for any one else. But, I am tired of the paranoia that is out there put upon us by a media that can't make up it's mind about anything.
It seems to me people are growing more and more ignorant about how food is made, and what it's effects are on the body. A blueberry muffin like the one I was holding in my hand was made from white flour, sugar, eggs, and blueberries.
Now, the liberals out there that are pushing "healthy foods" made with only organic food, food made without hydrogenated oils, and without sugar would say that blueberry muffing is so bad for me. They would just as soon have the muffin banned.
Well, I don't care what anyone thinks. I can have a blueberry muffin for breakfast. I can have that and the croissant that I ate as well. It's what else I ate throughout the day that mattered.
It's the amount of food consumed counted by calories that matters.
EAT LESS FOOD. That's what matters.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 187.2-pounds.
Yes you read that right. Yesterday I was 192-pounds, and today I am 187.2-pounds.
There was no typo-graphical error there.
My what a difference a day makes.
Is A Blueberry Muffin, And A Crossaint Unhealthy Food?
I was at work the other day and had a blueberry muffin and croissant in my hand. I told a fellow co-worker I am taking this home to eat for breakfast. He said I thought you were into healthy food?
I said to this man, "This is healthy food." I told the man, "It's the amount of food that is consumed, not the kind of food."
I have a question: What constitutes healthy food? Is it a chicken breast broiled in the oven? Is it a piece of bread made with only whole grains? Is it food that's completely void of sugar?
I don't know any more. I can't speak for any one else. But, I am tired of the paranoia that is out there put upon us by a media that can't make up it's mind about anything.
It seems to me people are growing more and more ignorant about how food is made, and what it's effects are on the body. A blueberry muffin like the one I was holding in my hand was made from white flour, sugar, eggs, and blueberries.
Now, the liberals out there that are pushing "healthy foods" made with only organic food, food made without hydrogenated oils, and without sugar would say that blueberry muffing is so bad for me. They would just as soon have the muffin banned.
Well, I don't care what anyone thinks. I can have a blueberry muffin for breakfast. I can have that and the croissant that I ate as well. It's what else I ate throughout the day that mattered.
It's the amount of food consumed counted by calories that matters.
EAT LESS FOOD. That's what matters.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
One Weekend, And 7-Pounds
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 192.2-pounds.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 192.2-pounds.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Five Pounds To Get Back To 180-Pounds
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 185-pounds.
I still have 5 more pounds to get back to that illusive 180-pounds that I lost track of over the summer.
I have my head down and am going back for it. Maybe, I will get there in the next two weeks before I reach my 51 st birthday.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is.
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 185-pounds.
I still have 5 more pounds to get back to that illusive 180-pounds that I lost track of over the summer.
I have my head down and am going back for it. Maybe, I will get there in the next two weeks before I reach my 51 st birthday.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Look Into Hydrochloric Acid For The Stomach
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 184.2-pounds.
You read that right, it's not a typo-graphical error: 184.2-pounds.
Is Your Low Stomach Acid Affecting Your Weight Loss?
I am going to share with you something that has helped change my dieting strategy.
I discovered that I was having a problem with my digestive tract. Yes, I was having problems with constipation, and heart burn. I haven't struggled with heart burn for over three years. Recently though it has come on me quite regularly.
Recently as I was attempting to put an edge on my dieting by adding in more protein and less carbohydrates, I found that I was plugging up. I also found that I was having heart burn along with a bloated feeling most of the day after eating.
I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I started using Metamucil, hoping that would fix the problem. Well, it didn't fix anything. I was still feeling plugged up, bloated, and getting heart burn.
I didn't consult a doctor. But, I heard something that peeked up my interest. I was listening to a doctor on the radio talking about Hydrochloric Acid in the stomach. In most adults the Hydrochloric Acid goes down to under productive levels. What happens is when we age we begin losing the ability to produce enough stomach acid to digest our food.
The end result is the symptoms that I described previously.
Well, I went to the health food store and purchased a name brand Hydrochloric Acid Tablet.
The results have been Phenomenal. Gone is the bloated feeling that I had all day. Gone is the heart burn that kept coming up into my throat. Finally once again everything is moving up and out like it should in regular fashion.
My suggestion to you is you look into purchasing some Betaine Hydrochloric Acid from your local health food store. This is especially true if you are on a High, Fat Protein Diet like that of the Doctor Atkins' Diet. (Of course do consider consulting your personal physician first.)
As you can tell by the numbers. It seems to be helping me get the results that I have been looking for. Just check out the numbers...
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 184.2-pounds.
You read that right, it's not a typo-graphical error: 184.2-pounds.
Is Your Low Stomach Acid Affecting Your Weight Loss?
I am going to share with you something that has helped change my dieting strategy.
I discovered that I was having a problem with my digestive tract. Yes, I was having problems with constipation, and heart burn. I haven't struggled with heart burn for over three years. Recently though it has come on me quite regularly.
Recently as I was attempting to put an edge on my dieting by adding in more protein and less carbohydrates, I found that I was plugging up. I also found that I was having heart burn along with a bloated feeling most of the day after eating.
I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I started using Metamucil, hoping that would fix the problem. Well, it didn't fix anything. I was still feeling plugged up, bloated, and getting heart burn.
I didn't consult a doctor. But, I heard something that peeked up my interest. I was listening to a doctor on the radio talking about Hydrochloric Acid in the stomach. In most adults the Hydrochloric Acid goes down to under productive levels. What happens is when we age we begin losing the ability to produce enough stomach acid to digest our food.
The end result is the symptoms that I described previously.
Well, I went to the health food store and purchased a name brand Hydrochloric Acid Tablet.
The results have been Phenomenal. Gone is the bloated feeling that I had all day. Gone is the heart burn that kept coming up into my throat. Finally once again everything is moving up and out like it should in regular fashion.
My suggestion to you is you look into purchasing some Betaine Hydrochloric Acid from your local health food store. This is especially true if you are on a High, Fat Protein Diet like that of the Doctor Atkins' Diet. (Of course do consider consulting your personal physician first.)
As you can tell by the numbers. It seems to be helping me get the results that I have been looking for. Just check out the numbers...
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Thursday, November 5, 2009
My Weight's Half Way To Where I Want It So Far
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 185.4-pounds.
Yes, that's right, it is 185.4-pounds.
We'll see what tomorrow brings.
I have unleashed a flurry of rhetoric these last two days. Most of it was in the form of a diatribe.
When I started posting this blog two years or so ago, I used to try to be sensitive and gentle.
I wrote about being preponderant. Well, now I am writing "Hey, you're fat. What are you going to do about it?" Oh, I am going to write about my life experiences. This is the reason I keep jamming the sugar donuts into my over blown puffed face.
I thought that if I were sensitive, then maybe I would draw a crowd of readers that would be interested in what I had to say about weight loss. I after a year or so found myself very board with the subject. I also had a very difficult time thinking about how many different ways I could write these words: EAT LESS FOOD....
Yeah, I couldn't figure out what I was going to say anymore. I also found that I was actually beginning to realize after following many blogs that most people aren't really serious about losing weight and then keeping it off. Someone actually got critical at me because I was critical of the "Weight Watchers Mentality." I personally think they act very cult like in their devotion to counting points, instead of calories.
I know what their reasoning is. The points take into account the carbs., the fat content, as well as those calories. It's a so called easy system.
Well that person has admitted that after having lost so much weight he has regained much of it.
So much for all of his efforts.
I also have read about a devoted mother who writes so well and gets so many comments. When I gave her some of my comments she started deleting them.
I have another friend who thinks he is so smart. Look at me I run like a chicken with my head cut off. Well, we'll see when that snow flies.
Time and time again I have seen people join this program, and then that program. Only then after a few seasons end up dropping the program.
To be honest, it doesn't matter to me what any body else does. I really don't care if I get a comment, or if someone coaches me on. I don't care if someone thinks that I am mean.
In the end, I am the one who has to hitch up my britches. I can hitch them up while they are still loose, or I can hitch them up while they are so tight that I have to add notches to my belt.
I say what difference does it make what you write to me, or say to me on the other end of that telephone? When I am wrestling with my appetite, and fighting to control myself, the last thing I am thinking is, "oh, what about that comment?"
Do you really think my friends voice comes into my head and says stop, don't eat that? Yeah, only if they are sitting next to me. And, he/she better be careful, I might take a bite out of them.
No, I don't care. I don't care. Here is what I care about: Those little digital numbers on my Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale.
That's what matters to me.
I want to see if those numbers are going up, or if they are going down.
How about you? Yeah, you the one person left reading this because I have offended everyone.
What do those scale numbers tell you when you step up onto that scale?
If you aren't happy with what you are seeing then are you going to quit pumping food into your mouth?
That's the only way you'll lose that weight.
Oh, I don't have the will power. Oh, OK give me your address, and I'll come sew you mouth shut. Then you'll lose weight.
OH, David you need to be more kind. Can't we just trust you not to hurt our feelings?
Let me tell you something; Diabetes doesn't care about your feelings. It's a very serious illness that has all kinds of complications to include: permanent nerve damage, blindness, heart disease, to name a few.
Oh, but I exercise. That's good for a start. But, if you're packing on twenty or more pounds of jello then you may have some serious problems there. Not to mention you're delusional if you think you look attractive like that.
Oh, I am so mean... Well, go watch "The Biggest Loser." See if they are really any nicer.
I can't understand why anyone would allow themselves to be humiliated like that in public.
It takes all kinds I guess.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 185.4-pounds.
Yes, that's right, it is 185.4-pounds.
We'll see what tomorrow brings.
I have unleashed a flurry of rhetoric these last two days. Most of it was in the form of a diatribe.
When I started posting this blog two years or so ago, I used to try to be sensitive and gentle.
I wrote about being preponderant. Well, now I am writing "Hey, you're fat. What are you going to do about it?" Oh, I am going to write about my life experiences. This is the reason I keep jamming the sugar donuts into my over blown puffed face.
I thought that if I were sensitive, then maybe I would draw a crowd of readers that would be interested in what I had to say about weight loss. I after a year or so found myself very board with the subject. I also had a very difficult time thinking about how many different ways I could write these words: EAT LESS FOOD....
Yeah, I couldn't figure out what I was going to say anymore. I also found that I was actually beginning to realize after following many blogs that most people aren't really serious about losing weight and then keeping it off. Someone actually got critical at me because I was critical of the "Weight Watchers Mentality." I personally think they act very cult like in their devotion to counting points, instead of calories.
I know what their reasoning is. The points take into account the carbs., the fat content, as well as those calories. It's a so called easy system.
Well that person has admitted that after having lost so much weight he has regained much of it.
So much for all of his efforts.
I also have read about a devoted mother who writes so well and gets so many comments. When I gave her some of my comments she started deleting them.
I have another friend who thinks he is so smart. Look at me I run like a chicken with my head cut off. Well, we'll see when that snow flies.
Time and time again I have seen people join this program, and then that program. Only then after a few seasons end up dropping the program.
To be honest, it doesn't matter to me what any body else does. I really don't care if I get a comment, or if someone coaches me on. I don't care if someone thinks that I am mean.
In the end, I am the one who has to hitch up my britches. I can hitch them up while they are still loose, or I can hitch them up while they are so tight that I have to add notches to my belt.
I say what difference does it make what you write to me, or say to me on the other end of that telephone? When I am wrestling with my appetite, and fighting to control myself, the last thing I am thinking is, "oh, what about that comment?"
Do you really think my friends voice comes into my head and says stop, don't eat that? Yeah, only if they are sitting next to me. And, he/she better be careful, I might take a bite out of them.
No, I don't care. I don't care. Here is what I care about: Those little digital numbers on my Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale.
That's what matters to me.
I want to see if those numbers are going up, or if they are going down.
How about you? Yeah, you the one person left reading this because I have offended everyone.
What do those scale numbers tell you when you step up onto that scale?
If you aren't happy with what you are seeing then are you going to quit pumping food into your mouth?
That's the only way you'll lose that weight.
Oh, I don't have the will power. Oh, OK give me your address, and I'll come sew you mouth shut. Then you'll lose weight.
OH, David you need to be more kind. Can't we just trust you not to hurt our feelings?
Let me tell you something; Diabetes doesn't care about your feelings. It's a very serious illness that has all kinds of complications to include: permanent nerve damage, blindness, heart disease, to name a few.
Oh, but I exercise. That's good for a start. But, if you're packing on twenty or more pounds of jello then you may have some serious problems there. Not to mention you're delusional if you think you look attractive like that.
Oh, I am so mean... Well, go watch "The Biggest Loser." See if they are really any nicer.
I can't understand why anyone would allow themselves to be humiliated like that in public.
It takes all kinds I guess.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
More Weight Loss Diatribe....
Hello weight losing fans....
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 187.4-pounds.
That's down from yesterday. Hmmm...; we'll see how long this lasts.
Yesterday I unleashed some of my thoughts about weight loss. I had a friend tell me that I am mean.
OK... I'm mean. But, how about that disease you're going to contract from being over weight? How about that type-two diabetes that so many people are getting; to include many of my personal family members? Do you think that's any less cruel?
And, I really do get tired of certain people who are clueless about what I am going through thinking that their advise to me matters. It doesn't matter to me. Some of the advise is coming from people who's guts are getting bigger every year since I have known them.
As far as I am concerned no one walks in my shoes. No one walks in your shoes. I am the one who has to say no to the extra food. I am the one who has to put up with the hunger.
That goes for you as well.
I have a friend who makes money off of his blogs. People actually pay for his stuff. To me, it's just more junk that I can add to the junk I already have. What's a T-shirt that says "read books" going to do?
My friend thought that I should turn this blog into a money making blog. Well, I don't care if I make money off of some ones book.
Most of the diet books out there are worthless. Most of the dieting advise is worthless.
Most of the books out there are lying when they say you won't get hungry anymore if you'll eat this or that. BULL>>>>>>>
This morning I woke up at 6 AM. The cats were in my stomach in full force clawing at the insides of my stomach. I was rip roaring hungry. I ate breakfast two hours ago. I am hungry again.
But, again I hear, and read, you can be satisfied with the proper balance of food. Yes, if you'll carefully balance those foods, you'll be satisfied. BULL>>>>>>>
I have been at this for three years now. I never, not ever, not ever, ever, never, ever, no not ever got over that struggle with the hunger.
I have a book about nutrition. The book says just eat the right balance of foods, and quit eating when you feel satisfied. BULL>>>>>>>>>>
If I quit eating when I am satisfied then I would blow up like a balloon again in no time at all. It would be months, and then I would have all that weight back on.
Did you know that 70 percent of the people who go on a diet and lose weight, regain it all again with in five years? What does that tell you about much of the weight loss diets advice out there?
It doesn't work.
Here's my advice. Walk away from that meal feeling hungry. Only eat what you need. That would be a small piece of meat, some green vegetables, a small piece of fruit, and maybe a small amount of a carbohydrate like pasta or bread.
We really eat way more than we need to survive. I hate to write that, but my experience has shown this to be true.
Hey, if you don't like what I am writing then go look at someone Else's blog. Go find the information you really think will help you. Yeah, all those words, and all that fluff is going to help you lose that fat hanging on you like a blob.......
Yeah, pump up... Yeah cheer..... Oh I am so excited about losing weight. Yeah, that's until it gets late at night. You'll wake up and you'll feel that groaning in the stomach. Then you'll go to that refrigerator and open it. You'll look for something light and fluffy. It will be just a little midnight snack. Or, you'll open up that peanut butter jar and start spooning out scoops of peanut butter.
You'll rationalize that it won't have that much impact on your weight. I know, I have been there.
Yeah, you'll lose that weight. But, for now, you're hungry.
NOPE suck it up. It SUCKS trying to lose weight and then keep it off. IT SUCKS. I mean it.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 187.4-pounds.
That's down from yesterday. Hmmm...; we'll see how long this lasts.
Yesterday I unleashed some of my thoughts about weight loss. I had a friend tell me that I am mean.
OK... I'm mean. But, how about that disease you're going to contract from being over weight? How about that type-two diabetes that so many people are getting; to include many of my personal family members? Do you think that's any less cruel?
And, I really do get tired of certain people who are clueless about what I am going through thinking that their advise to me matters. It doesn't matter to me. Some of the advise is coming from people who's guts are getting bigger every year since I have known them.
As far as I am concerned no one walks in my shoes. No one walks in your shoes. I am the one who has to say no to the extra food. I am the one who has to put up with the hunger.
That goes for you as well.
I have a friend who makes money off of his blogs. People actually pay for his stuff. To me, it's just more junk that I can add to the junk I already have. What's a T-shirt that says "read books" going to do?
My friend thought that I should turn this blog into a money making blog. Well, I don't care if I make money off of some ones book.
Most of the diet books out there are worthless. Most of the dieting advise is worthless.
Most of the books out there are lying when they say you won't get hungry anymore if you'll eat this or that. BULL>>>>>>>
This morning I woke up at 6 AM. The cats were in my stomach in full force clawing at the insides of my stomach. I was rip roaring hungry. I ate breakfast two hours ago. I am hungry again.
But, again I hear, and read, you can be satisfied with the proper balance of food. Yes, if you'll carefully balance those foods, you'll be satisfied. BULL>>>>>>>
I have been at this for three years now. I never, not ever, not ever, ever, never, ever, no not ever got over that struggle with the hunger.
I have a book about nutrition. The book says just eat the right balance of foods, and quit eating when you feel satisfied. BULL>>>>>>>>>>
If I quit eating when I am satisfied then I would blow up like a balloon again in no time at all. It would be months, and then I would have all that weight back on.
Did you know that 70 percent of the people who go on a diet and lose weight, regain it all again with in five years? What does that tell you about much of the weight loss diets advice out there?
It doesn't work.
Here's my advice. Walk away from that meal feeling hungry. Only eat what you need. That would be a small piece of meat, some green vegetables, a small piece of fruit, and maybe a small amount of a carbohydrate like pasta or bread.
We really eat way more than we need to survive. I hate to write that, but my experience has shown this to be true.
Hey, if you don't like what I am writing then go look at someone Else's blog. Go find the information you really think will help you. Yeah, all those words, and all that fluff is going to help you lose that fat hanging on you like a blob.......
Yeah, pump up... Yeah cheer..... Oh I am so excited about losing weight. Yeah, that's until it gets late at night. You'll wake up and you'll feel that groaning in the stomach. Then you'll go to that refrigerator and open it. You'll look for something light and fluffy. It will be just a little midnight snack. Or, you'll open up that peanut butter jar and start spooning out scoops of peanut butter.
You'll rationalize that it won't have that much impact on your weight. I know, I have been there.
Yeah, you'll lose that weight. But, for now, you're hungry.
NOPE suck it up. It SUCKS trying to lose weight and then keep it off. IT SUCKS. I mean it.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
You Didn't Help Me Lose Weight... You Won't Help Me In The Future
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.2-pounds.
Today I am going to explain briefly... You Didn't Help Me Lose Weight.
I may get comments in the future that say good job. I may get a call from a "Well Meaning Friend." that tries to give me a pep-talk about weight loss.
Hey you aren't the one laying on my bed craving food. Hey, you aren't the one smelling those fresh cooked donuts. Darn sure you aren't the one who is directing my hands and my mouth for my food consumption.
Your comments are after thoughts. They came after I took the action I needed to lose weight. So, if you think for five seconds I need your input about my weight, then forget it.
This may seem hard. But, you have to lose that weight for you. No one, no one can lose the weight for you.
Here is how you lose weight. Quit piling the food into your mouth. What else has to be said?
Quit filing your coffee with three scoops of sugar. Quit making your instant tea with three or four teaspoons of sugar.
Quit slurping down those fruit drinks all day long then saying I don't eat that much.
Hey moron there are calories in sugar. Hey dope, wise up there are sugar calories in those drinks you keep pouring down your gullet.
And, as for you calling me, or commenting about my good job.... Listen, I did it. Not you. Spare me your interaction.
I don't have to have you there giving me a pep talk folks. I forget most everything anyway. So there.
This is how you have to live with your weight loss problems folks. It's you and that big hamburger and French Fries. It's you and that Big Cinnamon roll. It's not me, you, and that Hamburger.
I am the one who wrestles with that hunger. I am the one who wrestles with the frustration of sacrifice. ME.....
The same goes for you... If you are a fan of this blog. Then face up to the reality that it's you; Mono-E-Mono at that Weight Loss Table.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.2-pounds.
Today I am going to explain briefly... You Didn't Help Me Lose Weight.
I may get comments in the future that say good job. I may get a call from a "Well Meaning Friend." that tries to give me a pep-talk about weight loss.
Hey you aren't the one laying on my bed craving food. Hey, you aren't the one smelling those fresh cooked donuts. Darn sure you aren't the one who is directing my hands and my mouth for my food consumption.
Your comments are after thoughts. They came after I took the action I needed to lose weight. So, if you think for five seconds I need your input about my weight, then forget it.
This may seem hard. But, you have to lose that weight for you. No one, no one can lose the weight for you.
Here is how you lose weight. Quit piling the food into your mouth. What else has to be said?
Quit filing your coffee with three scoops of sugar. Quit making your instant tea with three or four teaspoons of sugar.
Quit slurping down those fruit drinks all day long then saying I don't eat that much.
Hey moron there are calories in sugar. Hey dope, wise up there are sugar calories in those drinks you keep pouring down your gullet.
And, as for you calling me, or commenting about my good job.... Listen, I did it. Not you. Spare me your interaction.
I don't have to have you there giving me a pep talk folks. I forget most everything anyway. So there.
This is how you have to live with your weight loss problems folks. It's you and that big hamburger and French Fries. It's you and that Big Cinnamon roll. It's not me, you, and that Hamburger.
I am the one who wrestles with that hunger. I am the one who wrestles with the frustration of sacrifice. ME.....
The same goes for you... If you are a fan of this blog. Then face up to the reality that it's you; Mono-E-Mono at that Weight Loss Table.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Monday, November 2, 2009
Night Hunger Makes It Hard To Sleep
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.2-pounds.
That's no change from this time yesterday.
This morning I woke up because someone was making noise outside. It was the same crowd that came in drunk yesterday and I had to call the police.
I thought to myself, it's the middle of the week, don't these people have jobs that they have to be at? I don't think so. I suspect they get welfare checks like the other half of the building that I am in. Yes, I live in a posh suburb that is getting the recipients from the Chicago welfare state moving into the neighborhood.
It's such a wonderful thing. The government takes your money and mine, and then gives it to the dead beats who go out and get drunk at night.
Well, as I was trying to go back to sleep, I was really wrestling with hunger. I wanted to get up and eat something. I just laid there until I finally fell back to sleep.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.2-pounds.
That's no change from this time yesterday.
This morning I woke up because someone was making noise outside. It was the same crowd that came in drunk yesterday and I had to call the police.
I thought to myself, it's the middle of the week, don't these people have jobs that they have to be at? I don't think so. I suspect they get welfare checks like the other half of the building that I am in. Yes, I live in a posh suburb that is getting the recipients from the Chicago welfare state moving into the neighborhood.
It's such a wonderful thing. The government takes your money and mine, and then gives it to the dead beats who go out and get drunk at night.
Well, as I was trying to go back to sleep, I was really wrestling with hunger. I wanted to get up and eat something. I just laid there until I finally fell back to sleep.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I Still Get Very Hungry... Is There Something Wrong With Me?
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.2-pounds.
That's down some.
Something Must Be Wrong With Me
Today I was talking with someone at work. I saw that he has lost a tremendous amount of weight, as much as 45-pounds.
I think this is great. I asked him what he was doing to lose this kind of weight. He told me that he was doing the Atkins's diet. He said that he had really high blood sugar many months ago, and as a result his job was in jeopardy when he got his physical.
Well, I pressed him to find out how much food he really was eating. He told me that he might eat some scrambled eggs, a piece of sausage and then that would be it for the day. He said his stomach must be shrinking because he doesn't have the desire to eat as much as he did.
I asked him if he ever gets hungry. He said no he never gets hungry anymore. I was simply amazed when I heard that.
I asked him what else he eats. He said he hasn't had any bread for months. He said he has given up on all of the sweets, etc.
Now, here is where I have the problem. I never stopped getting hungry. I also never stopped wanting to eat a big thick piece of chocolate cake. I also have an incredible desire to eat chocolate.
He's not the only one that I have heard have suddenly found they don't get hungry on their diets. Time and time again I have heard the people from certain well known dieting companies boast they feel satisfied with the minuscule meals they are sold for just three or five dollars a meal. One such food company said they can sell you a three meal plan for just $15.00 a day.
Well, that's all well and good. Someone can buy a meal at three dollars a meal. But, one such meal was just a baked potato with sour cream, and shredded cheese on top.
I wrote all of that to say this. I don't believe that my co-worker, or any of these people who are boasting about not being hungry on these carefully planned balanced meals that are advertised on the radio, or TV never get hungry. I just don't believe it.
If that's true, then I want the magical-pixie-dust that's being tossed on top of their food that abates those hunger pains.
I keep getting hungry....
I am wondering if these people who are boasting they don't get hungry anymore, and they are satisfied after a tiny meal are lying. Because I have been losing weight for three years now, and I have never lost my hunger after I eat.
I am also wonder that if these same people were so easily satisfied after eating, the why in the world did they blow up like balloons? It really makes me wonder.
Then it makes me wonder if I myself might have a serious problem, because I can still pack in a big meal in one sitting, and then turn around and get more. I never lost my appetite.
Oh well, I guess I'll never get the answers that I am seeking. I guess I never will get over my incessant hunger, even after three years of trying. I guess I never will get over my craving for a cinnamon bun in the morning, a piece of cake for dessert, and that ever nagging calling candy bar.
I suspect you won't ever get over your hunger either. If you did then you wouldn't be having such an incredible hunger.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.2-pounds.
That's down some.
Something Must Be Wrong With Me
Today I was talking with someone at work. I saw that he has lost a tremendous amount of weight, as much as 45-pounds.
I think this is great. I asked him what he was doing to lose this kind of weight. He told me that he was doing the Atkins's diet. He said that he had really high blood sugar many months ago, and as a result his job was in jeopardy when he got his physical.
Well, I pressed him to find out how much food he really was eating. He told me that he might eat some scrambled eggs, a piece of sausage and then that would be it for the day. He said his stomach must be shrinking because he doesn't have the desire to eat as much as he did.
I asked him if he ever gets hungry. He said no he never gets hungry anymore. I was simply amazed when I heard that.
I asked him what else he eats. He said he hasn't had any bread for months. He said he has given up on all of the sweets, etc.
Now, here is where I have the problem. I never stopped getting hungry. I also never stopped wanting to eat a big thick piece of chocolate cake. I also have an incredible desire to eat chocolate.
He's not the only one that I have heard have suddenly found they don't get hungry on their diets. Time and time again I have heard the people from certain well known dieting companies boast they feel satisfied with the minuscule meals they are sold for just three or five dollars a meal. One such food company said they can sell you a three meal plan for just $15.00 a day.
Well, that's all well and good. Someone can buy a meal at three dollars a meal. But, one such meal was just a baked potato with sour cream, and shredded cheese on top.
I wrote all of that to say this. I don't believe that my co-worker, or any of these people who are boasting about not being hungry on these carefully planned balanced meals that are advertised on the radio, or TV never get hungry. I just don't believe it.
If that's true, then I want the magical-pixie-dust that's being tossed on top of their food that abates those hunger pains.
I keep getting hungry....
I am wondering if these people who are boasting they don't get hungry anymore, and they are satisfied after a tiny meal are lying. Because I have been losing weight for three years now, and I have never lost my hunger after I eat.
I am also wonder that if these same people were so easily satisfied after eating, the why in the world did they blow up like balloons? It really makes me wonder.
Then it makes me wonder if I myself might have a serious problem, because I can still pack in a big meal in one sitting, and then turn around and get more. I never lost my appetite.
Oh well, I guess I'll never get the answers that I am seeking. I guess I never will get over my incessant hunger, even after three years of trying. I guess I never will get over my craving for a cinnamon bun in the morning, a piece of cake for dessert, and that ever nagging calling candy bar.
I suspect you won't ever get over your hunger either. If you did then you wouldn't be having such an incredible hunger.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Down Just A Little Bit
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.4-pounds.
I'm going home to eat a Hamburger on a Bun.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.4-pounds.
I'm going home to eat a Hamburger on a Bun.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Weight Hanging 10-Pounds Over
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.8-pounds.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.8-pounds.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Eat Late, And See It In The Morning
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191.4-pounds.
That's up a bit.
Oh, I ate later last night than I usually do.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191.4-pounds.
That's up a bit.
Oh, I ate later last night than I usually do.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Monday, October 26, 2009
Is Our Republic Falling... ???
Hello weight losing fans...
On Alex Jones Prison Planet.com he has a video available. It's called "The Fall Of The Republic."
Here is the opening of the video on You Tube.
On Alex Jones Prison Planet.com he has a video available. It's called "The Fall Of The Republic."
Here is the opening of the video on You Tube.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Oops... I've Had Some Real Good Days Up Until Tomorrow...
Hello weight losing fans....
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.4-pounds.
I am afraid it won't be so good tomorrow, I went way over my calories today. Oops...
I have to say though, that baked potato with the sour cream and melted cheese on it was to die for. Oh and the ribs that I ate. Yeah, baby they were so delicious.
Then of course, there was the topper, the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups ( 3 ) were so good.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.4-pounds.
I am afraid it won't be so good tomorrow, I went way over my calories today. Oops...
I have to say though, that baked potato with the sour cream and melted cheese on it was to die for. Oh and the ribs that I ate. Yeah, baby they were so delicious.
Then of course, there was the topper, the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups ( 3 ) were so good.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Barack Obama Is About To Sign Away United States Sovereignty
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.8-pounds.
A year ago I warned you that you should not vote for Barack Hussein Obama. Well Barack Huessein Obama is getting ready to sign a treaty with the World Nations that will create a one world un-electable government that will completely nullify the Constitution of the United States. This treaty will shift control of our rights to a world government that will regulate our lives through environmental laws. This treaty will give the United Nations the Right to land foreign troops on our land and enforce their world laws.
This treay will impose taxes on us to distribute to lesser nations. We are going to be held accountable for the world's problems and pollution.
I want to thank all of you morons that were stupid enough to vote for Obama; women and men included. You have handed my freedom away to a fascist, marxist.
And, all you fatties out there... See how fat you'll be when you can't afford to purchase food any more... You'll get skinny then.
That's all for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.8-pounds.
A year ago I warned you that you should not vote for Barack Hussein Obama. Well Barack Huessein Obama is getting ready to sign a treaty with the World Nations that will create a one world un-electable government that will completely nullify the Constitution of the United States. This treaty will shift control of our rights to a world government that will regulate our lives through environmental laws. This treaty will give the United Nations the Right to land foreign troops on our land and enforce their world laws.
This treay will impose taxes on us to distribute to lesser nations. We are going to be held accountable for the world's problems and pollution.
I want to thank all of you morons that were stupid enough to vote for Obama; women and men included. You have handed my freedom away to a fascist, marxist.
And, all you fatties out there... See how fat you'll be when you can't afford to purchase food any more... You'll get skinny then.
That's all for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Monday, October 19, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Down Just A Bit
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.2-pounds.
Yesterday I weighed 187-pounds.
That's a little better.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.2-pounds.
Yesterday I weighed 187-pounds.
That's a little better.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.2-pounds.
Those Big Hamburgers Have Lots Of Calories
Today I was out in the City of Chicago. I didn't bring a lunch with myself to work. I went to a McDonald's for lunch.
Against my better judgment I purchased one of those Big 1/3 pound hamburgers. I took the little table mat that came on the serving tray and turned it over to see what the calorie count was for this big burger. Whoa, It came in at a whopping 750 calories. That is 1/2 my daily calorie count.
Needless to say that was my last meal for today.
It's so easy to over eat. How many times have we eaten this kind of food, a big hamburger and French Fries, then later in the day eat something that has just as many calories, or more?
It's no wonder we are becoming a country of over weight eaters. Look around, most everyone you see now these days is packing on extra layers of fat.
It's not healthy. It doesn't look good either.
I keep working at losing more weight. There are just those days, like today, when I really ought to have eaten less than I did. Oh well....
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.2-pounds.
Those Big Hamburgers Have Lots Of Calories
Today I was out in the City of Chicago. I didn't bring a lunch with myself to work. I went to a McDonald's for lunch.
Against my better judgment I purchased one of those Big 1/3 pound hamburgers. I took the little table mat that came on the serving tray and turned it over to see what the calorie count was for this big burger. Whoa, It came in at a whopping 750 calories. That is 1/2 my daily calorie count.
Needless to say that was my last meal for today.
It's so easy to over eat. How many times have we eaten this kind of food, a big hamburger and French Fries, then later in the day eat something that has just as many calories, or more?
It's no wonder we are becoming a country of over weight eaters. Look around, most everyone you see now these days is packing on extra layers of fat.
It's not healthy. It doesn't look good either.
I keep working at losing more weight. There are just those days, like today, when I really ought to have eaten less than I did. Oh well....
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Most People Are Unaware Of The Calories In Even A Small Bag Of Chips
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.8-pounds.
Yesterday I weighed in at 189-pounds.
Those Fist Fulls Of Chips Add Up Fast
Yesterday I went to the Subway Sandwich Shop. I purchased a 12 inch Italian Sub Sandwich. I also added to that order a two ounce bag of Frito Lay Corn Chips. As I was sitting there eating the Chips, I turned over the bag to see what the calorie count was.
The label stated that a two ounce bag which was a single serving, was 320 calories.
Add to that the Sub Sandwich which was around 1,260 calories. Ouch...
This tiny bag of chips only amounted to just about two fist-fulls of corn chips. I know that I have written about this all before many moons ago.
Are you aware of how much food you really are consuming when you mindlessly toss into your mouth a fist filled with chips, peanuts, or candies? In most cases a fist full of peanuts, or nuts is about 160 calories. If someone is on a 1,500 calorie a day diet, then 10 fists filled with peanuts is his daily food intake. Five of those two ounce bags of Fritos Corn Chips would be my breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I don't think most people are aware of this. This is why there are so many fat butts walking around out there. Oh, I am so cruel.
I know that doesn't seem like a nice thing. But, it's time to face the truth. If you are over weight, then you are probably eating way more than you should.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.8-pounds.
Yesterday I weighed in at 189-pounds.
Those Fist Fulls Of Chips Add Up Fast
Yesterday I went to the Subway Sandwich Shop. I purchased a 12 inch Italian Sub Sandwich. I also added to that order a two ounce bag of Frito Lay Corn Chips. As I was sitting there eating the Chips, I turned over the bag to see what the calorie count was.
The label stated that a two ounce bag which was a single serving, was 320 calories.
Add to that the Sub Sandwich which was around 1,260 calories. Ouch...
This tiny bag of chips only amounted to just about two fist-fulls of corn chips. I know that I have written about this all before many moons ago.
Are you aware of how much food you really are consuming when you mindlessly toss into your mouth a fist filled with chips, peanuts, or candies? In most cases a fist full of peanuts, or nuts is about 160 calories. If someone is on a 1,500 calorie a day diet, then 10 fists filled with peanuts is his daily food intake. Five of those two ounce bags of Fritos Corn Chips would be my breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I don't think most people are aware of this. This is why there are so many fat butts walking around out there. Oh, I am so cruel.
I know that doesn't seem like a nice thing. But, it's time to face the truth. If you are over weight, then you are probably eating way more than you should.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Friday, October 9, 2009
Hunger; You'll Have To Deal With It
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.8-pounds.
This is a bit frustrating, not because I am gaining, but because I was so incredibly hungry yesterday after having cut myself off at my calorie count for the day.
It's hard to lose weight. I mean it's tough. I don't think that I will ever get used to this. It's been almost three years.
Well, I have to end here.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.8-pounds.
This is a bit frustrating, not because I am gaining, but because I was so incredibly hungry yesterday after having cut myself off at my calorie count for the day.
It's hard to lose weight. I mean it's tough. I don't think that I will ever get used to this. It's been almost three years.
Well, I have to end here.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Thursday, October 8, 2009
My Missing Statistics For Those Who May Be Watching
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.8-pounds.
I realize there may have been some confusion over the past month due to a prankster playing a gag on me.
So here are the missing stats. for the remainder of September, 2009.
September 9, 2009 ----- 196.2-pounds
September 10, 2009 --- 197.2-pounds
September 11, 2009 ---- 195-pounds
September 12, 2009 ---- 194.4-pounds
September 13, 2009 ---- 192.6-pounds
September 14, 2009 ---- 191-pounds
September 15, 2009 ---- 192-pounds
September 16, 2009 ----- 192-pounds
September 17, 2009 ----- 192.8-pounds
September 18, 2009 ----- 190.4-pounds
September 19, 2009 ----- 190.6-pounds
September 20, 2009 ----- 190.4-pounds
September 21, 2009 ----- 194.6-pounds
September 22, 2009 ----- 193.4-pounds
September 23, 2009 ----- 194.6-pounds
September 24, 2009 ----- 193.8-pounds
September 25, 2009 ----- 193.4-pounds
September 26, 2009 ----- 193.4-pounds
September 27, 2009 ----- 192.6-pounds
September 28, 2009 ----- 190.6-pounds
September 29, 2009 -----189.2-pounds
September 30, 2009 ----- 188.4-pounds
October 1, 2009 ----------191-pounds
October 2, 2009---------- 192.2-pounds
October 3, 2009 ----------191.2-pounds
October 4, 2009 ---------- 191.2-pounds
October 5, 2009 ---------- 191.2-pounds (3 days in a row, hows that?)
October 6, 2009 ---------- 190.8-pounds
October 7, 2009 ---------- 189.2-pounds
When I got off work yesterday, I found that I was down to 188.4-pounds.
That's a wrap filling my one fan in on my progress.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is.... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.8-pounds.
I realize there may have been some confusion over the past month due to a prankster playing a gag on me.
So here are the missing stats. for the remainder of September, 2009.
September 9, 2009 ----- 196.2-pounds
September 10, 2009 --- 197.2-pounds
September 11, 2009 ---- 195-pounds
September 12, 2009 ---- 194.4-pounds
September 13, 2009 ---- 192.6-pounds
September 14, 2009 ---- 191-pounds
September 15, 2009 ---- 192-pounds
September 16, 2009 ----- 192-pounds
September 17, 2009 ----- 192.8-pounds
September 18, 2009 ----- 190.4-pounds
September 19, 2009 ----- 190.6-pounds
September 20, 2009 ----- 190.4-pounds
September 21, 2009 ----- 194.6-pounds
September 22, 2009 ----- 193.4-pounds
September 23, 2009 ----- 194.6-pounds
September 24, 2009 ----- 193.8-pounds
September 25, 2009 ----- 193.4-pounds
September 26, 2009 ----- 193.4-pounds
September 27, 2009 ----- 192.6-pounds
September 28, 2009 ----- 190.6-pounds
September 29, 2009 -----189.2-pounds
September 30, 2009 ----- 188.4-pounds
October 1, 2009 ----------191-pounds
October 2, 2009---------- 192.2-pounds
October 3, 2009 ----------191.2-pounds
October 4, 2009 ---------- 191.2-pounds
October 5, 2009 ---------- 191.2-pounds (3 days in a row, hows that?)
October 6, 2009 ---------- 190.8-pounds
October 7, 2009 ---------- 189.2-pounds
When I got off work yesterday, I found that I was down to 188.4-pounds.
That's a wrap filling my one fan in on my progress.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is.... I'm David Dane
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
My Third Year Weight Losing Anniversary Is Rapidly Approaching.
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.2-pounds.
I was looking at the left side of my blog page and it dawned on me that my effort to conquer my obesity has now been almost three years in the works. The Anniversary date is rapidly approaching.
My first year began in the fall of 2006 when I found myself desperately wanting to lose weight, and rid myself of this unwieldy body of fat. At that time I was tipping the weight scale at around 240 pounds. I had actually lost weight in prior years and then regained all but 20 of those lost pounds.
I like so many people have in the past lost weight only to regain that weight. Therefore I have found myself more frustrated than I was before.
This weight loss season has been different. In my first year that started in 2006, I managed to lose 60-pounds. I managed to keep that weight off for about another year when I began to regain pounds.
My year of doom began in 2009. (I think it's the direct result of my mental anguish over having seen this nation elect President Barack Hussein Obama, who is a pure Marxist, as the President of the United States.)
I started losing it in the summer of 2009. When having wanted to push for my last 20-pounds of weight loss, I began to experiment with my diet. I started trying again the Doctor Atkins' Diet.
Oh boy, was that a mistake.
As a result I began to crave sweets like crazy. This of course is contrary to what they say. GEE, I must be abnormal, or something. Oh, yes let's not forget the real crux of the problem; Exercise !
At the insistence of someone I began a regular regiment of jogging. I actually stuck with it for about a month until I got a back spasm that laid me up for half a day in bed trying to recover.
As a result of my increased excursion, and diet change my appetite became overwhelming. I was hungry all of the time. I found myself wanting to eat more. Now, I did not go out and binge my food. But, I did add in enough calories so that my weight began to rise.
Well, my weight climbed throughout the summer, 185, 190, 198 up to almost 200 pounds. Oh boy, I thought this is ridiculous. (And, contrary to what some friend of mine thought, I did not go into some deep depression over my weight gain.) Now, even though I wasn't dutifully reporting to my blog site my progress, I was still writing all of my food consumption down, and weighing myself just about every day.
Well, I wrote all that to conclude with this. I never did give up my "Battle With The Bulge." I am still aware of what's going on with my weight every day. I am not so deeply depressed about this set back. Whoopee... I say. I did not regain that 60-pounds.
Oh and for those of you who did see some weird stuff on the blog, the person who wrote that is dead now. Ha, Ha, Ha... No, I laughed when I saw it all. It was some one's practical joke.
But, it did get me a Donut Award from a mischievous prankster who was delighting in my failure.
How about you though? What are you going through. I know that I haven't written much lately about my weight. It's mostly because I have run out of things to say. I don't pay much attention to any weight loss sights. That's why I rarely report on them. I think that most weight lose programs are a bunch of Bull S..... !
No one, I mean no one, has to struggle with the cravings that I have. No one, no one, is going to struggle with the cravings that you will. In the end, to lose weight, it takes a sheer will power that most people don't have. It takes even more will power to keep that weight off.
I ate early this morning. I had my bowl of Oatmeal for breakfast. Now, here it is four hours later, and I am absolutely dieing of hunger. I am starved.
But, I know, if I am ever going to get back to 180-pounds. I have to tough it out. Yep, you will too. It's not easy to lose weight, and keep it off. It's just not.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane.
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 189.2-pounds.
I was looking at the left side of my blog page and it dawned on me that my effort to conquer my obesity has now been almost three years in the works. The Anniversary date is rapidly approaching.
My first year began in the fall of 2006 when I found myself desperately wanting to lose weight, and rid myself of this unwieldy body of fat. At that time I was tipping the weight scale at around 240 pounds. I had actually lost weight in prior years and then regained all but 20 of those lost pounds.
I like so many people have in the past lost weight only to regain that weight. Therefore I have found myself more frustrated than I was before.
This weight loss season has been different. In my first year that started in 2006, I managed to lose 60-pounds. I managed to keep that weight off for about another year when I began to regain pounds.
My year of doom began in 2009. (I think it's the direct result of my mental anguish over having seen this nation elect President Barack Hussein Obama, who is a pure Marxist, as the President of the United States.)
I started losing it in the summer of 2009. When having wanted to push for my last 20-pounds of weight loss, I began to experiment with my diet. I started trying again the Doctor Atkins' Diet.
Oh boy, was that a mistake.
As a result I began to crave sweets like crazy. This of course is contrary to what they say. GEE, I must be abnormal, or something. Oh, yes let's not forget the real crux of the problem; Exercise !
At the insistence of someone I began a regular regiment of jogging. I actually stuck with it for about a month until I got a back spasm that laid me up for half a day in bed trying to recover.
As a result of my increased excursion, and diet change my appetite became overwhelming. I was hungry all of the time. I found myself wanting to eat more. Now, I did not go out and binge my food. But, I did add in enough calories so that my weight began to rise.
Well, my weight climbed throughout the summer, 185, 190, 198 up to almost 200 pounds. Oh boy, I thought this is ridiculous. (And, contrary to what some friend of mine thought, I did not go into some deep depression over my weight gain.) Now, even though I wasn't dutifully reporting to my blog site my progress, I was still writing all of my food consumption down, and weighing myself just about every day.
Well, I wrote all that to conclude with this. I never did give up my "Battle With The Bulge." I am still aware of what's going on with my weight every day. I am not so deeply depressed about this set back. Whoopee... I say. I did not regain that 60-pounds.
Oh and for those of you who did see some weird stuff on the blog, the person who wrote that is dead now. Ha, Ha, Ha... No, I laughed when I saw it all. It was some one's practical joke.
But, it did get me a Donut Award from a mischievous prankster who was delighting in my failure.
How about you though? What are you going through. I know that I haven't written much lately about my weight. It's mostly because I have run out of things to say. I don't pay much attention to any weight loss sights. That's why I rarely report on them. I think that most weight lose programs are a bunch of Bull S..... !
No one, I mean no one, has to struggle with the cravings that I have. No one, no one, is going to struggle with the cravings that you will. In the end, to lose weight, it takes a sheer will power that most people don't have. It takes even more will power to keep that weight off.
I ate early this morning. I had my bowl of Oatmeal for breakfast. Now, here it is four hours later, and I am absolutely dieing of hunger. I am starved.
But, I know, if I am ever going to get back to 180-pounds. I have to tough it out. Yep, you will too. It's not easy to lose weight, and keep it off. It's just not.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Do Parents Help Build Those Bad Eating Habits?
Hello weight losing fans....
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191.2-pounds.
Today as I was approaching the library, I saw a very small child walking with a man. In this child's hands was a fairly large bag of Frito's Corn Chips. The little child was reaching in grabbing out chips and walking along as if this exercise was second nature to her. This child was a toddler. And the bag of chips she was carrying was half again as large as she was.
I was simply amazed at the dexterity of this child carrying a big bag of chips, walking along, eating, and then not dumping them as she went along.
I was also amazed that the bone headed man that was walking with the child was allowing her to consume Chips for a snack. I was thinking "Oh she's so young to learn to eat like this." But, this is what so many parents are doing these days. They never stop to think about the poor eating habits that they are allowing their children to develop. This happened to be a little black girl.
If you have ever paid attention; obesity is almost 50 percent in the black community. It's far worse than in any other "ethnicity" of people.
I can only imagine what this child will look like in 20 years. Will she be fat like so many black children that I have seen? I don't know. It makes me wonder though.
How about you? Are you having a hard time breaking those habits that caused you to gain unwanted pounds? I don't know.
If you are like me, then you have one heck of a time keeping your sticky fingers off of those snack foods; especially the sweets. (I saw a chocolate bar at the check-out counter the other night and then bought it on impulse.)
I am working to re-lose 10 pounds. It's so hard to do. I get so incredibly hungry. I have been working some unbelievably wacky hours as of late. This makes the matter even worse. It's hard to regulate my food. Ugh....
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191.2-pounds.
Today as I was approaching the library, I saw a very small child walking with a man. In this child's hands was a fairly large bag of Frito's Corn Chips. The little child was reaching in grabbing out chips and walking along as if this exercise was second nature to her. This child was a toddler. And the bag of chips she was carrying was half again as large as she was.
I was simply amazed at the dexterity of this child carrying a big bag of chips, walking along, eating, and then not dumping them as she went along.
I was also amazed that the bone headed man that was walking with the child was allowing her to consume Chips for a snack. I was thinking "Oh she's so young to learn to eat like this." But, this is what so many parents are doing these days. They never stop to think about the poor eating habits that they are allowing their children to develop. This happened to be a little black girl.
If you have ever paid attention; obesity is almost 50 percent in the black community. It's far worse than in any other "ethnicity" of people.
I can only imagine what this child will look like in 20 years. Will she be fat like so many black children that I have seen? I don't know. It makes me wonder though.
How about you? Are you having a hard time breaking those habits that caused you to gain unwanted pounds? I don't know.
If you are like me, then you have one heck of a time keeping your sticky fingers off of those snack foods; especially the sweets. (I saw a chocolate bar at the check-out counter the other night and then bought it on impulse.)
I am working to re-lose 10 pounds. It's so hard to do. I get so incredibly hungry. I have been working some unbelievably wacky hours as of late. This makes the matter even worse. It's hard to regulate my food. Ugh....
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Temporary Weight Reprieve?
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.4-pounds.
Yep that's what it read....
"Less Food" that's what I always write.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.4-pounds.
Yep that's what it read....
"Less Food" that's what I always write.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
My Weight Is Up Some
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 193.4-pounds.
I guess jogging really doesn't get those pounds off.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 193.4-pounds.
I guess jogging really doesn't get those pounds off.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Saturday, September 19, 2009
It's Diet And Exercise..... So The Small Print Says

Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.6-pounds.
I just got done doing a 4-mile non-stop jog down the Wheaton Bike Path. My time was a total of 51:37 minus about 4 minutes waiting for the traffic lights at Roosevelt Road to change. It was busy today with people who were jogging, and riding bikes. I kept having to dodge people. Something that was neat was there were jugs of water along the path with little cups for people to get drinks.
This was my second day jogging 4-miles non-stop. I am simply amazed that I did that. I told a friend of mine at the beginning of the summer that I never would jog 4-miles ever again in my life. I was convinced my knees, and hip joints would never endure the strain. Surprise, Surprise... so far they have.
In the beginning of the summer I was having lower back pain, and the strain was too much for me to continue jogging even a little bit. So, I quit the jogging and embarked upon a light regimen of morning exercise before I would leave for work. It wasn't a lot, but I began to condition those muscles that were too weak to endure the jogging. I guess it helped; so far, so good, I guess.
As I was jogging down the path, I couldn't help but notice the young boys running by with their shirts off. These kids were thin, and fit looking. I was beginning to feel the mental pain of the yesterdays when I used to be so thin, and I could run a 6-minute mile.
Those days are gone. Oh, bummer... As I wrote, I am amazed that I did this. Three years ago my knees were destroyed, my hip joints burned. I never could have attempted even a 1-mile jog.
All that said, I am glad that I could do this much. However, for those of you who think that this is a magic remedy to lose weight, forget it. All this jogging and exercise does is condition the body. I still have to be vigilant with my food consumption.
I have written time, and time again in the past that it's the amount of food eaten that puts on those extra pounds. It's those calories that are over and above our daily needs that puts on the pounds. At my age, it doesn't take to many extra calories to get me into trouble.
Time and time again I have written about those little messages at the bottom of the infomercial for exercise equipment: These results are not the same for all persons. For best results exercise must be followed with a regimen of diet and exercise.
So, if you think that just because I went out and jogged for this long, I can go out and pig out. Forget it, that's wrong headed thinking.
Nope, I still count the calories. I still write everything down. During the beginning of the summer I did some exercise. I had to stop the jogging. You know what, I didn't lose one pound because of the exercise I was doing. It didn't push me back below 190-pounds. I actually started gaining weight. So, don't think exercise is going get all that fat off.
Nope, you'll have to restrict those calories to get results.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Friday, September 18, 2009
It's Just A Little Better Than It's Been
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.4-pounds.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane.
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.4-pounds.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Big Trouble...
Hello weight losing fans...
He's on the ropes...
No I am not... Thanks for the gag. 192-pounds is what I weighed for real this morning.
He's on the ropes...
No I am not... Thanks for the gag. 192-pounds is what I weighed for real this morning.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Catostrophic weight...
Hello weight losing fans...
Oh the weight keeps coming on...
I am fat, and getting fatter....
Too many cheetoes, tostitoes, along with chocolate donuts,
as my breakfast, lunch and dinner fare....
I am crashing, and crashing...
191-pounds.... Ah, Ah,
Oh the weight keeps coming on...
I am fat, and getting fatter....
Too many cheetoes, tostitoes, along with chocolate donuts,
as my breakfast, lunch and dinner fare....
I am crashing, and crashing...
191-pounds.... Ah, Ah,
Friday, September 4, 2009
My Weight Dropped Over 3 Pounds.....
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 194-pounds.
Yes, I dropped over 3-pounds in one day. How? I used the bathroom.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 194-pounds.
Yes, I dropped over 3-pounds in one day. How? I used the bathroom.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Another Jump Up In The Weight...It Makes No Sense
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 197.4-pounds.
I honestly cannot tell you why this happened.
Yesterday I had a cut of Oatmeal yesterday (dry measured.) I had a breaded chicken breast that was fried. I ate raisins and and watermelon. That was all I ate yesteday, yet me weight jumped up to 197.4-pounds?
I am eating the same kind of food that got me down to 190-pounds just recently. Only, it's not working this time. My weight is climbing.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 197.4-pounds.
I honestly cannot tell you why this happened.
Yesterday I had a cut of Oatmeal yesterday (dry measured.) I had a breaded chicken breast that was fried. I ate raisins and and watermelon. That was all I ate yesteday, yet me weight jumped up to 197.4-pounds?
I am eating the same kind of food that got me down to 190-pounds just recently. Only, it's not working this time. My weight is climbing.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
No Real Good Reason For This Weight Jump....
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 194.6-pounds.
I did not expect this. I have been keeping my calorie count consistent. I have kept my food consumption low. I have avoided sweet drinks. Yet, this morning I awoke to see this odd spike in my weight.
Again I am scratching my head and asking, "What happened?"
Oh well, there isn't much I can do.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 194.6-pounds.
I did not expect this. I have been keeping my calorie count consistent. I have kept my food consumption low. I have avoided sweet drinks. Yet, this morning I awoke to see this odd spike in my weight.
Again I am scratching my head and asking, "What happened?"
Oh well, there isn't much I can do.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Surprise, My Weight Is Slowly Creeping Back Down
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 192.6-pounds.
Yesterday I was 191.4-pounds.
That's better than that 198-pounds that I have been dealing with over the last month.
Well, how? "Eat Less Food."
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane.
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 192.6-pounds.
Yesterday I was 191.4-pounds.
That's better than that 198-pounds that I have been dealing with over the last month.
Well, how? "Eat Less Food."
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
I Do Not Have Much To Talk About Today
Hello weight losing fans....
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 195-pounds.
This morning I woke up at 3 AM. I fell asleep listening to the Coast-To-Coast Radio Show.
When the station changed programs, I found myself waking to someone talking about how bad economics are getting in America. They are getting worse. Meanwhile President Barack Obama still wants to implement policies that will further destroy our economy, and enslave you and I.
Yes Obama wants slaves. He is an elitist.
Well, I tried to sleep. I was hungry, so I got up and weighed myself at 196.4-pounds. Then I ate a big 20 ounces of watermelon, and downed half of a two-liter bottle of diet coke soda. I stayed awake until around 5:30 AM. I was surprised when I finally crawled out of bed at 10 AM that my weight went to 195-pounds.
I ate a hamburger with cheese and mayonnaise for a brunch. I was cleaning my kitchen and came across a container filled with Starburst, and Skittles candy. I chowed down on three of the small fun size bags. OH... the shame of it, how dare I? I am not really thinking that, but I know my one fan is.
So that's it for today so far...
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 195-pounds.
This morning I woke up at 3 AM. I fell asleep listening to the Coast-To-Coast Radio Show.
When the station changed programs, I found myself waking to someone talking about how bad economics are getting in America. They are getting worse. Meanwhile President Barack Obama still wants to implement policies that will further destroy our economy, and enslave you and I.
Yes Obama wants slaves. He is an elitist.
Well, I tried to sleep. I was hungry, so I got up and weighed myself at 196.4-pounds. Then I ate a big 20 ounces of watermelon, and downed half of a two-liter bottle of diet coke soda. I stayed awake until around 5:30 AM. I was surprised when I finally crawled out of bed at 10 AM that my weight went to 195-pounds.
I ate a hamburger with cheese and mayonnaise for a brunch. I was cleaning my kitchen and came across a container filled with Starburst, and Skittles candy. I chowed down on three of the small fun size bags. OH... the shame of it, how dare I? I am not really thinking that, but I know my one fan is.
So that's it for today so far...
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Same Weight As Yesterday's Weight
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 195.4-pounds.
This the same weight as yesterday's weight.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 195.4-pounds.
This the same weight as yesterday's weight.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Watermelon Won't Hurt... I Had A Big Piece Of It
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 195.4-pounds.
Today I had a juicy chunk of watermelon I purchased at a roadside farm stand. Oh it was so yummy.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 195.4-pounds.
Today I had a juicy chunk of watermelon I purchased at a roadside farm stand. Oh it was so yummy.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
What's It To You?
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 197.2-pounds.
So what?????
Bye for now.....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 197.2-pounds.
So what?????
Bye for now.....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Up, Up, Up, That Weight Goes.....
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 198.4-pounds.
Well, I am willing to admit it. I don't see so many people willing to admit they are going into reverse with the weight loss.
Time and time again I have written that losing weight is a real challenge. Keeping the weight off is a real challenge too.
The real challenge about this, is I have been exercising. This dispels the myth that exercise is the key source to weight loss. It's not. It's the amount of food consumed, and the kind of foods as well.
I can eat 1,500 calories a day in candy bars. That's not going to do me any good in the long run with my health. I could eat 1,500 calories a day in green salads. That won't help either. Nope there has to be a balance. It's tricky and it's a challenge.
I have gotten tired of being hungry all of the time. I have been exercising. It doesn't matter.
Well, I have to keep at it.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 198.4-pounds.
Well, I am willing to admit it. I don't see so many people willing to admit they are going into reverse with the weight loss.
Time and time again I have written that losing weight is a real challenge. Keeping the weight off is a real challenge too.
The real challenge about this, is I have been exercising. This dispels the myth that exercise is the key source to weight loss. It's not. It's the amount of food consumed, and the kind of foods as well.
I can eat 1,500 calories a day in candy bars. That's not going to do me any good in the long run with my health. I could eat 1,500 calories a day in green salads. That won't help either. Nope there has to be a balance. It's tricky and it's a challenge.
I have gotten tired of being hungry all of the time. I have been exercising. It doesn't matter.
Well, I have to keep at it.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Weight Jump... Oooopsie
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 195.6-pounds.
Oh ouch...
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane.
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 195.6-pounds.
Oh ouch...
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Rush Limbaugh Critisized For Losing Weight....
Hello Weight Losing Fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 193-pounds.
That's even up from yesterday's weight.
Yesterday I wrote about what someone was telling me about dealing with hunger.
I want to clarify something: I do believe we should pray. I do believe we ought to exercise our spiritual muscles and be filled with the grace and power of the Holy Spirit. (I think I am accomplishing about .001 % of that objective.)
It was my prayer that lead me to gain control of myself to lose weight this far. That all said, (written) I think that there is a lot of self sacrifice involved in the discipline to lose excessive weight. I haven't discovered a fool-proof method to lose weight and then not struggle with the appetite, and the bad habits that I learned along the way that got me into trouble.
I am constantly running into people who are eating the very things that I want to eat. I can smell cookies, and cake, and other foods. Sometimes the smell is all it takes for my tummy to begin to rumble. And when the vessel (my tummy) is empty, that makes the temptation all that much worse.
I think hunger is a normal reaction to reducing down the calories and making the sacrifice needed to lose weight. This has been my experience. And, no amount of experimentation over that last two years has given me any solution to my hunger issues. You might be different, but I really doubt it.
Rush Limbaugh Attacked For Losing 85 Pounds
Today I was listening to a radio broadcast on which Rush Limbaugh was saying he lost 85-pounds, and never once felt hunger during the weight loss process. He was saying that he is being verbally attacked as a liar because he lost this weight in less than one year. He is being verbally attacked because he has claimed he doesn't suffer with hunger. He is being verbally attacked because he claims he is not counting calories.
I believe him. From what I hear so far, I think he is practicing a modified version of the Doctor Atkins' Diet. On this weight loss program it's not really necessary to count calories. Instead carbohydrates are counted.
I practiced the Doctor Atkins' Plan. I lost weight. I didn't always struggle with hunger during the initial phases of the plan (Induction as it is called). However, I couldn't keep doing that plan. My body would no longer respond. Not only that, I craved sweets, and carbohydrates.
Now, my experience is: I figured out that I could lose weight at around 1,500 calories a day. Along with that came unbelievable struggles with hunger. To this day, I wrestle with bouts of hunger.
I have tried stuffing my face with large amounts of green vegetables. I have retried the Induction process from the Atkins' Diet. I have done all sorts of things hoping I will find a solution.
I found out that I am human. When I am at a birthday party, and the Ice Cream and Cake is being handed out; I find myself wanting some just like a little child would. When I am at a banquet, and I see that apple pie; I can smell it, and I want it too.
I could go on, but I am going to end this here with this thought: If it were so easy to stop over eating, then we wouldn't have more than one third of the American population walking around obese. If weight wasn't a problem for so many people, then we wouldn't have the do-good-pushy-busy-body-liberals writing articles about our health. It's because they don't have anything better to do (The control freaks).
If losing weight were easy, then we wouldn't have the control freak politicians (who themselves are fat) wanting to enact laws and taxes to control us. Illinois just enacted a Chocolate Tax. You don't hear too much about that in the Liberal Media.
No, it's hard. It's real hard to lose weight. It's hard to change the schedule and do some exercise. It just is.
I was teasing my friend who was telling me how good he feels when he exercises. I was yawning and saying Ho-hum. He doesn't understand, I am 50 and it's hard to get these joints and muscles to move like I was 20 again.
I don't know what he'll be doing when he reaches my age. But, I am telling you when you get older it does seem to get harder.
And, let's not forget that even though the sky line is cloudless and blue out there right now, there is lurking in the air that "Evil, Noxious, Killer Air Pollution." Yes, I heard a report that we shouldn't do vigorous exercise outside right now because the pollution is lurking and we can get an Asthma attack from it. I am serious, that's what's being reported. Check out this non-sense:
Yes it's an orange alert out there and I better be careful.
So there is my excuse for not running, or walking. How about you? Gee, where is that chocolate cake I put inside of the refrigerator? It's here somewhere. It's a shame I don't have some Vanilla Ice Cream for the top. This will do for now.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane (Cough, Wheeze... Where is my oxygen?)
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 193-pounds.
That's even up from yesterday's weight.
Yesterday I wrote about what someone was telling me about dealing with hunger.
I want to clarify something: I do believe we should pray. I do believe we ought to exercise our spiritual muscles and be filled with the grace and power of the Holy Spirit. (I think I am accomplishing about .001 % of that objective.)
It was my prayer that lead me to gain control of myself to lose weight this far. That all said, (written) I think that there is a lot of self sacrifice involved in the discipline to lose excessive weight. I haven't discovered a fool-proof method to lose weight and then not struggle with the appetite, and the bad habits that I learned along the way that got me into trouble.
I am constantly running into people who are eating the very things that I want to eat. I can smell cookies, and cake, and other foods. Sometimes the smell is all it takes for my tummy to begin to rumble. And when the vessel (my tummy) is empty, that makes the temptation all that much worse.
I think hunger is a normal reaction to reducing down the calories and making the sacrifice needed to lose weight. This has been my experience. And, no amount of experimentation over that last two years has given me any solution to my hunger issues. You might be different, but I really doubt it.
Rush Limbaugh Attacked For Losing 85 Pounds
Today I was listening to a radio broadcast on which Rush Limbaugh was saying he lost 85-pounds, and never once felt hunger during the weight loss process. He was saying that he is being verbally attacked as a liar because he lost this weight in less than one year. He is being verbally attacked because he has claimed he doesn't suffer with hunger. He is being verbally attacked because he claims he is not counting calories.
I believe him. From what I hear so far, I think he is practicing a modified version of the Doctor Atkins' Diet. On this weight loss program it's not really necessary to count calories. Instead carbohydrates are counted.
I practiced the Doctor Atkins' Plan. I lost weight. I didn't always struggle with hunger during the initial phases of the plan (Induction as it is called). However, I couldn't keep doing that plan. My body would no longer respond. Not only that, I craved sweets, and carbohydrates.
Now, my experience is: I figured out that I could lose weight at around 1,500 calories a day. Along with that came unbelievable struggles with hunger. To this day, I wrestle with bouts of hunger.
I have tried stuffing my face with large amounts of green vegetables. I have retried the Induction process from the Atkins' Diet. I have done all sorts of things hoping I will find a solution.
I found out that I am human. When I am at a birthday party, and the Ice Cream and Cake is being handed out; I find myself wanting some just like a little child would. When I am at a banquet, and I see that apple pie; I can smell it, and I want it too.
I could go on, but I am going to end this here with this thought: If it were so easy to stop over eating, then we wouldn't have more than one third of the American population walking around obese. If weight wasn't a problem for so many people, then we wouldn't have the do-good-pushy-busy-body-liberals writing articles about our health. It's because they don't have anything better to do (The control freaks).
If losing weight were easy, then we wouldn't have the control freak politicians (who themselves are fat) wanting to enact laws and taxes to control us. Illinois just enacted a Chocolate Tax. You don't hear too much about that in the Liberal Media.
No, it's hard. It's real hard to lose weight. It's hard to change the schedule and do some exercise. It just is.
I was teasing my friend who was telling me how good he feels when he exercises. I was yawning and saying Ho-hum. He doesn't understand, I am 50 and it's hard to get these joints and muscles to move like I was 20 again.
I don't know what he'll be doing when he reaches my age. But, I am telling you when you get older it does seem to get harder.
And, let's not forget that even though the sky line is cloudless and blue out there right now, there is lurking in the air that "Evil, Noxious, Killer Air Pollution." Yes, I heard a report that we shouldn't do vigorous exercise outside right now because the pollution is lurking and we can get an Asthma attack from it. I am serious, that's what's being reported. Check out this non-sense:
Yes it's an orange alert out there and I better be careful.
So there is my excuse for not running, or walking. How about you? Gee, where is that chocolate cake I put inside of the refrigerator? It's here somewhere. It's a shame I don't have some Vanilla Ice Cream for the top. This will do for now.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane (Cough, Wheeze... Where is my oxygen?)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Will A Lot Of Praying End My Hunger?
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 193-pounds.
I was talking to a friend about my unquenchable hunger. Mind you my friend has his own protruding package out in front of his tummy that could use some trimming.
Anyway, he seems to think that if I could just get satisfied spiritually, then my hunger would disappear.
Well, that's the way I am interpreting his reply to my complaint about being hungry.
And I have to wonder, if that's true, then why is he getting bigger?
Well, this just goes to show me that there are more than one people out there who have crazy ideas about dealing with this thing called hunger.
Yes, I am back at trimming down my total calories. I am back at eating less food, and drinking less calories. This afternoon I did go overboard with the pretzels. But, for the most part today I kept my food consumption within reasonable limits.
That written, I am dealing with the non-stoppable hunger that keeps gnawing away inside.
This morning I woke up at 3:00 AM. I was raving hungry. I was trying to figure out what to do. It was keeping me awake. I grabbed the rum, and swallowed down a shot.
This helped me get sleepy again so I could finish off the night.
Yes, it's tough losing weight again. I wish I didn't let my weight slip this far. But, over time I think I will see 180-pounds again. But, I wrote recently, that's it. I am stopping there. It's impossible for me to get down lower than that. I tried. No amount of calorie reduction was accomplishing my objective.
Even adding exercise in didn't matter.
My food consumption for today: Early morning shot of rum (130 calories), 1 1/4 pound hamburger (290 calories), 1 hamburger bun (120 calories), 1 berry yogurt (270 calories), 2 cups milk (300 calories), 1 ounce peanuts (160 calories), 2 ounces of trail mix (360 calories), 4 serving of pretzels (4 x 160 = 640 calories), 1 hamburger bun (120 calories), 1 frozen meat paddy (150 calories), 1 Kelloggs Nutri-Grain bar (130 calories), 2 beers (300 calories). The total for today was: 2,970 calories. 600 calories of this was from beer and milk. Another 640 calories was wasted because of my indulging in the pretzels. Think about that the next time you are at a sporting event chowing down those beers, and pretzels.
It just goes to show, that it doesn't take much to run up those extra calories.
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 193-pounds.
I was talking to a friend about my unquenchable hunger. Mind you my friend has his own protruding package out in front of his tummy that could use some trimming.
Anyway, he seems to think that if I could just get satisfied spiritually, then my hunger would disappear.
Well, that's the way I am interpreting his reply to my complaint about being hungry.
And I have to wonder, if that's true, then why is he getting bigger?
Well, this just goes to show me that there are more than one people out there who have crazy ideas about dealing with this thing called hunger.
Yes, I am back at trimming down my total calories. I am back at eating less food, and drinking less calories. This afternoon I did go overboard with the pretzels. But, for the most part today I kept my food consumption within reasonable limits.
That written, I am dealing with the non-stoppable hunger that keeps gnawing away inside.
This morning I woke up at 3:00 AM. I was raving hungry. I was trying to figure out what to do. It was keeping me awake. I grabbed the rum, and swallowed down a shot.
This helped me get sleepy again so I could finish off the night.
Yes, it's tough losing weight again. I wish I didn't let my weight slip this far. But, over time I think I will see 180-pounds again. But, I wrote recently, that's it. I am stopping there. It's impossible for me to get down lower than that. I tried. No amount of calorie reduction was accomplishing my objective.
Even adding exercise in didn't matter.
My food consumption for today: Early morning shot of rum (130 calories), 1 1/4 pound hamburger (290 calories), 1 hamburger bun (120 calories), 1 berry yogurt (270 calories), 2 cups milk (300 calories), 1 ounce peanuts (160 calories), 2 ounces of trail mix (360 calories), 4 serving of pretzels (4 x 160 = 640 calories), 1 hamburger bun (120 calories), 1 frozen meat paddy (150 calories), 1 Kelloggs Nutri-Grain bar (130 calories), 2 beers (300 calories). The total for today was: 2,970 calories. 600 calories of this was from beer and milk. Another 640 calories was wasted because of my indulging in the pretzels. Think about that the next time you are at a sporting event chowing down those beers, and pretzels.
It just goes to show, that it doesn't take much to run up those extra calories.
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Friends Don't Always Help That Weight Loss Cause
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 193.4 (This error was corrected from this mistyped weight 183.4-pounds.) That's down from yesterday's total weight.
Today I had to add to my total calories for yesterday. Last night I went out with a friend to the store, and he wanted to stop in and drink a couple beers at the local restaurant. I told him it's too expensive for a glass of beer, and that it's cheaper to get a 12-pack from the local store, and then drink that.
A 12-ounce mug of beer at the Chili's restaurant was around $3.00. For two of us it would have been $6.00 and change for the tax and the tip. For $12.00 I picked up a name brand beer and got 6 times the beer. It was a lot less, and I saved myself that tip to have a bar maid walk to the bar and order a couple of beers. We drank a bottle of beer for about $1.00 a beer. That was a big savings.
When my friend and I went back to his house we had popcorn for a snack. I didn't want to eat it initially but he insisted I have some. He also whipped out some canned sausages, and insisted I chow down on a couple. NO didn't phase him.
Now, I never intended to be adding to my calorie totals for the day because I hit my consumption for the day. Only it just goes to show some friends don't respect my efforts to eat less food, and drink less caloric drinks, such as beer. I was being friendly and went along. Argh...
At the end of the day my totals went from just under 1,400 calories up to 2,155 calories. (I don't want a comment about this.)
So here is a lesson: Be weary of friends who want to eat at all hours of the day. You won't get any help trying to lose weight with them.
So far today I have eaten: 1 hamburger (290 calories), 1 hamburger bun (120 calories), 1 salad with lettuce (50 calories), Italian Dressing (90 calories). Total calories as of 2:41 PM Chicago time 550 calories.
Well, it's the end of the day for me and my ability to get onto the Internet. I am posting the end of the day events. At the end of the day I have eaten: 1 hot dog (130 calories), 1 hot dog bun (120 calories), 1 Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Bar (130 calories), and to round everything off, 2 Leinenkugel Honey Beers. Succulent beer I might add, yum, yum. The total calories today are around: 1,250 calories.
I went to the prairie path and did a two mile jaunt for approximately 27 minutes. I walked about 3/4 miles, and jogged about 1 1/4 miles total. I built up a real good sweat. My shirt was soaked. I am estimating I burned about 150 calories. I didn't have my walking meter on, so I am not completely sure.
I am not sure I am going to run tomorrow, since I was getting in my car to come post this, my back went into a spasm. Bummer.
That's a rap on the day.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 193.4 (This error was corrected from this mistyped weight 183.4-pounds.) That's down from yesterday's total weight.
Today I had to add to my total calories for yesterday. Last night I went out with a friend to the store, and he wanted to stop in and drink a couple beers at the local restaurant. I told him it's too expensive for a glass of beer, and that it's cheaper to get a 12-pack from the local store, and then drink that.
A 12-ounce mug of beer at the Chili's restaurant was around $3.00. For two of us it would have been $6.00 and change for the tax and the tip. For $12.00 I picked up a name brand beer and got 6 times the beer. It was a lot less, and I saved myself that tip to have a bar maid walk to the bar and order a couple of beers. We drank a bottle of beer for about $1.00 a beer. That was a big savings.
When my friend and I went back to his house we had popcorn for a snack. I didn't want to eat it initially but he insisted I have some. He also whipped out some canned sausages, and insisted I chow down on a couple. NO didn't phase him.
Now, I never intended to be adding to my calorie totals for the day because I hit my consumption for the day. Only it just goes to show some friends don't respect my efforts to eat less food, and drink less caloric drinks, such as beer. I was being friendly and went along. Argh...
At the end of the day my totals went from just under 1,400 calories up to 2,155 calories. (I don't want a comment about this.)
So here is a lesson: Be weary of friends who want to eat at all hours of the day. You won't get any help trying to lose weight with them.
So far today I have eaten: 1 hamburger (290 calories), 1 hamburger bun (120 calories), 1 salad with lettuce (50 calories), Italian Dressing (90 calories). Total calories as of 2:41 PM Chicago time 550 calories.
Well, it's the end of the day for me and my ability to get onto the Internet. I am posting the end of the day events. At the end of the day I have eaten: 1 hot dog (130 calories), 1 hot dog bun (120 calories), 1 Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Bar (130 calories), and to round everything off, 2 Leinenkugel Honey Beers. Succulent beer I might add, yum, yum. The total calories today are around: 1,250 calories.
I went to the prairie path and did a two mile jaunt for approximately 27 minutes. I walked about 3/4 miles, and jogged about 1 1/4 miles total. I built up a real good sweat. My shirt was soaked. I am estimating I burned about 150 calories. I didn't have my walking meter on, so I am not completely sure.
I am not sure I am going to run tomorrow, since I was getting in my car to come post this, my back went into a spasm. Bummer.
That's a rap on the day.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Accept This Reality, Dieting Means Always Being Hungry For Something
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto that Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 194.6-pounds (This error was corrected from this mistyped weight of 184.6-pounds.)
OH, ouch..... David you Porky Pig, where did that 180-pounds go that you boasted about....?
Umm, ummm, be honest, are you doing any better? Oh, and you want to be critical of me?
Guilty as charged... I have eaten more than my daily allocation of 1,500 calories which is what got me to the 180-pounds in the first place.
I have a friend who criticized me and said that I have given up. Who said? Who said that I have quit for good trying to get that weight down?
Here is what I told my friend... "I got sick and tired of being hungry all of the time." That's right, I was hungry all of the time. Most people don't understand that. I know he doesn't.
I would eat my measly little 500 calories for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and 30 minutes later I would be starving.
I don't have some internal organism in me that's eating my guts either. I just get hungry. Less than one hour ago I ate a hamburger on a bun. That's all I ate.
Right now, having eaten, I am rip-roaring hungry. I ate breakfast, I ate my measly little hamburger. I was less than 500 calories total. Still I am hungry.....
Now, I am the master when it comes to losing weight. You read that right. I am the master. For over one year I kept my weight at a steady 180-pounds. I went up and down some.
Well, since I am the master, I am going to show you the skeptics, I can get there again. I don't know how many days it will take. I will get back there.
I have decided to stop at 180-pounds. Here is why... I can't stay any lower. My body absolutely refuses to stay below 180-pounds.
I will have to be hungry all of the time...
Here is the hardest thing to accept about any weight loss program: I am going to be hungry.
You will be hungry if you want to lose weight. I don't care what weight loss program you choose. You can't lose weight unless you change your diet. That means you'll have to cut out something.
Accept the inevitable, you'll have to give up something. I don't care what program you pick.
And, you will always, always be hungry.
I told my friend, who is convinced I could lose weight faster if I would exercise, that I was jogging and exercising. He's convinced that I can increase my food consumption accordingly. NO.... I can't. That's not the purpose of exercise.
Exercise is to condition the body. In the long run it might aid in the ability to control one's own weight, but that's all.
I told my friend that I was really, really, getting hungry as a result of exercising. Yep, my appetite actually increased as I exercised. And, it was down-right frustrating.
Think about it... I was burning up more energy. My body started screaming for food.
I told my friend, I got sick of the hunger, and I ate to try to satisfy that raging hunger. It hurts folks. My stomach churns with pain as I wait for my next meal.
This is why so many people fail with their weight losing programs. The liars, and propagandists that want to sell you something tell a different story. They will say that you aren't doing their program properly if you're hungry.... It's a freak lie......
Accept it... If you want to lose weight, cut back, and suffer with that hunger.
I hate it.
So far today I have consumed: 1 hot dog (130 calories), 1 hot dog bun (120 calories), 1 quarter pound hamburger patty (290 calories), 1 hamburger bun (120 calories). I have some calories left for dinner. Here are the numbers for the end of the day, to include what's already there in front of this sentence: Salad with lettuce (50 calories), salad dressing (80 calories), 2 cups grapes (315 calories), 1 hot dog for dinner (130 calories), 1 hot dog bun (120 calories). I changed some of the numbers from earlier in the day upon finding I had underestimated the values. Grand total calories for today equal around 1355 calories.
Also I did some exercise today that used up about 157 calories. I jogged a little and then walked for almost 30 minutes total.
Whoops, it's the next day here, and I am adding to yesterdays numbers: Popcorn (130 calories), 2 small vienna dogs from the can (70 calories), 4 x 12-ounce beers (4 x 150 = 600 calories). This makes the days totals 2155 calories. Whoa....
One final comment for the day: For you who are overly concerned that I am eating the wrong food. What's worse, getting fatter, or having a little extra sodium from the Hot Dogs?
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane.
Today I stepped up onto that Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 194.6-pounds (This error was corrected from this mistyped weight of 184.6-pounds.)
OH, ouch..... David you Porky Pig, where did that 180-pounds go that you boasted about....?
Umm, ummm, be honest, are you doing any better? Oh, and you want to be critical of me?
Guilty as charged... I have eaten more than my daily allocation of 1,500 calories which is what got me to the 180-pounds in the first place.
I have a friend who criticized me and said that I have given up. Who said? Who said that I have quit for good trying to get that weight down?
Here is what I told my friend... "I got sick and tired of being hungry all of the time." That's right, I was hungry all of the time. Most people don't understand that. I know he doesn't.
I would eat my measly little 500 calories for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and 30 minutes later I would be starving.
I don't have some internal organism in me that's eating my guts either. I just get hungry. Less than one hour ago I ate a hamburger on a bun. That's all I ate.
Right now, having eaten, I am rip-roaring hungry. I ate breakfast, I ate my measly little hamburger. I was less than 500 calories total. Still I am hungry.....
Now, I am the master when it comes to losing weight. You read that right. I am the master. For over one year I kept my weight at a steady 180-pounds. I went up and down some.
Well, since I am the master, I am going to show you the skeptics, I can get there again. I don't know how many days it will take. I will get back there.
I have decided to stop at 180-pounds. Here is why... I can't stay any lower. My body absolutely refuses to stay below 180-pounds.
I will have to be hungry all of the time...
Here is the hardest thing to accept about any weight loss program: I am going to be hungry.
You will be hungry if you want to lose weight. I don't care what weight loss program you choose. You can't lose weight unless you change your diet. That means you'll have to cut out something.
Accept the inevitable, you'll have to give up something. I don't care what program you pick.
And, you will always, always be hungry.
I told my friend, who is convinced I could lose weight faster if I would exercise, that I was jogging and exercising. He's convinced that I can increase my food consumption accordingly. NO.... I can't. That's not the purpose of exercise.
Exercise is to condition the body. In the long run it might aid in the ability to control one's own weight, but that's all.
I told my friend that I was really, really, getting hungry as a result of exercising. Yep, my appetite actually increased as I exercised. And, it was down-right frustrating.
Think about it... I was burning up more energy. My body started screaming for food.
I told my friend, I got sick of the hunger, and I ate to try to satisfy that raging hunger. It hurts folks. My stomach churns with pain as I wait for my next meal.
This is why so many people fail with their weight losing programs. The liars, and propagandists that want to sell you something tell a different story. They will say that you aren't doing their program properly if you're hungry.... It's a freak lie......
Accept it... If you want to lose weight, cut back, and suffer with that hunger.
I hate it.
So far today I have consumed: 1 hot dog (130 calories), 1 hot dog bun (120 calories), 1 quarter pound hamburger patty (290 calories), 1 hamburger bun (120 calories). I have some calories left for dinner. Here are the numbers for the end of the day, to include what's already there in front of this sentence: Salad with lettuce (50 calories), salad dressing (80 calories), 2 cups grapes (315 calories), 1 hot dog for dinner (130 calories), 1 hot dog bun (120 calories). I changed some of the numbers from earlier in the day upon finding I had underestimated the values. Grand total calories for today equal around 1355 calories.
Also I did some exercise today that used up about 157 calories. I jogged a little and then walked for almost 30 minutes total.
Whoops, it's the next day here, and I am adding to yesterdays numbers: Popcorn (130 calories), 2 small vienna dogs from the can (70 calories), 4 x 12-ounce beers (4 x 150 = 600 calories). This makes the days totals 2155 calories. Whoa....
One final comment for the day: For you who are overly concerned that I am eating the wrong food. What's worse, getting fatter, or having a little extra sodium from the Hot Dogs?
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I'm Crashing..... Ah, I Can't Give Up The Double Helpings
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 194-pounds.
Whoa... Pull those food eating reins. Get under control there David...
Ah, it is what it is...
I've noticed something. I am not the only one whose having a hard time saying no to that plate of cookies as a snack. I have been reading other posts. Some others who have checked in on me are wildly out of control. So, nah, nah, nah, blah, blah.....
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 194-pounds.
Whoa... Pull those food eating reins. Get under control there David...
Ah, it is what it is...
I've noticed something. I am not the only one whose having a hard time saying no to that plate of cookies as a snack. I have been reading other posts. Some others who have checked in on me are wildly out of control. So, nah, nah, nah, blah, blah.....
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Friday, July 31, 2009
Up, Up And Away My Beautiful Ballooning Weight...
Hello weight losing friends...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 192-pounds.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 192-pounds.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Government Is Zeroing In On Your Health, And Demand You Change
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191.8-pounds.
That's up from yesterday. Here is something interesting about that weight. Yesterday I only consumed 1,000 calories. Yep, there is no reason my weight should have jumped up 1.8-pounds over night.
Government Now Zeroing In On Obesity
Yesterday there was a seminar in which Bill Clinton was a key speaker. The conference was called the "Weight of the Nation" Conference.
I'll get straight to the point about why this conference was held. This obesity epidemic is going to be part of the demonization that Barack Obama will use to justify his illegal, unconstitutional, government health care program.
Over the last two years that I have been blogging I have been writting over and over that the government is going to try to interfere with your being over weight.
That's coming in the health care bill.
The government is going to use health care to control every aspect of your life. I don't have any desire to elaborate on in this blog. I want you to be aware of what's coming.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191.8-pounds.
That's up from yesterday. Here is something interesting about that weight. Yesterday I only consumed 1,000 calories. Yep, there is no reason my weight should have jumped up 1.8-pounds over night.
Government Now Zeroing In On Obesity
Yesterday there was a seminar in which Bill Clinton was a key speaker. The conference was called the "Weight of the Nation" Conference.
I'll get straight to the point about why this conference was held. This obesity epidemic is going to be part of the demonization that Barack Obama will use to justify his illegal, unconstitutional, government health care program.
Over the last two years that I have been blogging I have been writting over and over that the government is going to try to interfere with your being over weight.
That's coming in the health care bill.
The government is going to use health care to control every aspect of your life. I don't have any desire to elaborate on in this blog. I want you to be aware of what's coming.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Monday, July 27, 2009
My Weights Down...
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.8-pounds.
That's down 5-pounds from the last report. It was easy to do... I just fasted one day with no food. Voila, the next day I was down 5-pounds.
Oh, I had a little food yesterday.
I don't know if I am going to get down to that 180-pounds. This is tough.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.8-pounds.
That's down 5-pounds from the last report. It was easy to do... I just fasted one day with no food. Voila, the next day I was down 5-pounds.
Oh, I had a little food yesterday.
I don't know if I am going to get down to that 180-pounds. This is tough.
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Friday, July 24, 2009
Weights Up Astronomically.......
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 195-pounds.
Yes you read that right. How? Well, I went to dinner last night and didn't finish eating until almost 10 PM. So all that food was there in the morning.
So, this puts me at 15-pounds over that 180-pounds I maintained for over one year. Oh ouch....
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 195-pounds.
Yes you read that right. How? Well, I went to dinner last night and didn't finish eating until almost 10 PM. So all that food was there in the morning.
So, this puts me at 15-pounds over that 180-pounds I maintained for over one year. Oh ouch....
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Calories Are Cut Back, And I Am Exercising With No Results
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191-pounds.
Yep, that extra ten, or so pounds just keeps hanging on. This is in-spite of me being so careful to go back to my daily intake of around 1,500 calories. Plus, I have been doing jogging every other day.
What's up with this? Who knows, I don't.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191-pounds.
Yep, that extra ten, or so pounds just keeps hanging on. This is in-spite of me being so careful to go back to my daily intake of around 1,500 calories. Plus, I have been doing jogging every other day.
What's up with this? Who knows, I don't.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Sunday, July 19, 2009
My Weights Up Some, Again
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191.2-pounds.
Whew I am such a long way from the 180-pounds I was.
Well, what has happened? Food, and more food. Yes, it's the couple extra bites of food, like cookies, cake, ice cream, etc...
Am I a complete washout? Yes, for some complete hard core dieters I am. However, time and time again I reinterate, "I don't care what they think."
I am surprised to see that anyone even looks at my blog at all anymore. I have been posting less lately. Mostly because this post is supposed to be a blog dedicated to help lose weight.
I can't do it for you. I can't stop you from eating. I can't make you exercise.
I can tell you it's tough to lose weight. I can tell you, that you'll fight to keep it off for the rest of your natural life. I can tell you that it's worth it. I lost 60 pounds. I regained around ten pounds. Oh my...
But what did I do? I ate less food. That was the whole secret. Now, I have eaten more food, and you can see what's happened.
I am going to end here. I have no knew revelations for you.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 191.2-pounds.
Whew I am such a long way from the 180-pounds I was.
Well, what has happened? Food, and more food. Yes, it's the couple extra bites of food, like cookies, cake, ice cream, etc...
Am I a complete washout? Yes, for some complete hard core dieters I am. However, time and time again I reinterate, "I don't care what they think."
I am surprised to see that anyone even looks at my blog at all anymore. I have been posting less lately. Mostly because this post is supposed to be a blog dedicated to help lose weight.
I can't do it for you. I can't stop you from eating. I can't make you exercise.
I can tell you it's tough to lose weight. I can tell you, that you'll fight to keep it off for the rest of your natural life. I can tell you that it's worth it. I lost 60 pounds. I regained around ten pounds. Oh my...
But what did I do? I ate less food. That was the whole secret. Now, I have eaten more food, and you can see what's happened.
I am going to end here. I have no knew revelations for you.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is... I'm David Dane
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Diet Is The Key....
Hello weight losing fans....
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.4-pounds.
I don't have much time to finish this post.
Time and time again, I have read articles, and had some friends suggest that if I'll exercise, then my weight will mysteriously begin to disappear. Well, I have time and time again tried to refute this thinking. I keep reinterating the idea that the captions at the bottom of the page say, "Diet, and exericise, to get these results."
I have been running now for almost a month. I have logged in over 15 miles or so. So far, I have seen no results.
It must be the diet is the key. I have to go...
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190.4-pounds.
I don't have much time to finish this post.
Time and time again, I have read articles, and had some friends suggest that if I'll exercise, then my weight will mysteriously begin to disappear. Well, I have time and time again tried to refute this thinking. I keep reinterating the idea that the captions at the bottom of the page say, "Diet, and exericise, to get these results."
I have been running now for almost a month. I have logged in over 15 miles or so. So far, I have seen no results.
It must be the diet is the key. I have to go...
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Exercise, But Nothings Changed
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190-pounds.
I keep at the exercise. It doesn't seem to matter.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 190-pounds.
I keep at the exercise. It doesn't seem to matter.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Monday, July 13, 2009
Exercise Hasn't Cut My Weight
Hello weight losing fans...
What ever might be left of you...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 192-pounds. Yep, that's up 12-pounds from where I was one year ago. Oh my...
Well, this is even after the fact I have begun an exercise regimen of jogging. Yep, it seems that even with an increase in energy expended, calories consumed from exercise, my body still wants to pile on those extra pounds.
I am not so sure this is muscle building in my legs. No, It's fat. Ooops...
Have I quit? NO! Am I struggling to get off these pounds? Yes, I hated eating those skimpy little meals that only added up to 1,500. I wasn't losing any more weight at 1,500 calories anyway.
I think if I dropped more than 1,500 calories per day than I would have been at risk of causing myself some harm. Maybe...
Well, we'll see what the days bring... Oh don't feel discouraged for me. I never promised that I was a perfect dieter.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...
I am David Dane.
What ever might be left of you...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 192-pounds. Yep, that's up 12-pounds from where I was one year ago. Oh my...
Well, this is even after the fact I have begun an exercise regimen of jogging. Yep, it seems that even with an increase in energy expended, calories consumed from exercise, my body still wants to pile on those extra pounds.
I am not so sure this is muscle building in my legs. No, It's fat. Ooops...
Have I quit? NO! Am I struggling to get off these pounds? Yes, I hated eating those skimpy little meals that only added up to 1,500. I wasn't losing any more weight at 1,500 calories anyway.
I think if I dropped more than 1,500 calories per day than I would have been at risk of causing myself some harm. Maybe...
Well, we'll see what the days bring... Oh don't feel discouraged for me. I never promised that I was a perfect dieter.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...
I am David Dane.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Not So Much To Say Today
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.4-pounds.
That's all for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.4-pounds.
That's all for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystial-Digital-Scale weighing in at 192.8-pounds.
Oh boy...
This increase is in spite of my increasing my exercise. Go figure....
This is weird because just two days ago I was at 186-pounds. Now, I have jumped up...
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is....I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystial-Digital-Scale weighing in at 192.8-pounds.
Oh boy...
This increase is in spite of my increasing my exercise. Go figure....
This is weird because just two days ago I was at 186-pounds. Now, I have jumped up...
Bye for now....
And that's the way it is....I'm David Dane
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Who's Responsible To Lose That Weight Anyway?
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 187-pounds.
That's down from yesterday.
I commented on someones blog who wrote something about letting people hold someone accountable for their weight loss.
The person claims that weight loss is a community affair, and that it's inspiring to others.
I am not going to name the person, or try to embarrass anyone.
Here is how I view the community weight loss thing: "Bull Crap."
I am not saying that I don't think people need a coach if let's say they want to play golf. I am not saying that people don't need help once and a while gaining a concept.
I am not against community efforts when it comes to let's say launching the Space Shuttle, or building a giant airplane.
What I do have a problem with is expecting someone to coach you to lose weight, and exercise some. Here is why. This is a life long commitment to lose weight.
When I embarked on this "personal challenge," I didn't have anyone to help me. No one was around to help me keep the food out of my mouth that got me bloated in the first place.
I certainly don't expect anyone to be around to help me keep my sticky fingers off the sticky cinnamon buns.
And, who am I going to call anyway, "Eaters Anonymous?" Who am I going to tell that I am tempted to eat more than I should?
No, this weight loss thing is my baby. No one, not anybody on this planet, can keep me from putting into my mouth the things that I shouldn't.
On the other hand there are plenty of people out their who can tempt you to overeat. Isn't that strange?
I have a cousin who insists that I eat the cake she makes. I have friends who want to dine out and waste money. It's not enough to sit at a clean kitchen table to eat, drink, and talk there. No we have to have the atmosphere too.
Meanwhile all my friends are fat, except two. One guy runs a lot, and if he didn't he would surely blow back up to where he was two years ago. He knows it too.
But, I can't call him up and say, "Did you run today?" He'd get real tired of that, and so would I.
Here is what I am trying to say; It's up to you to go through what ever it takes to lose weight. No one can make you put down the donuts. No one can make you reduce down your food portions. No one is going to suffer your hunger pains. No one lives in your skin.
It's up to you to finally have that little talk with yourself that will give you the resolve you need. You have to say to you, "What ever it takes, I am going to lose the weight I need to, and then keep it off."
I'm sorry, I can't do it for you. I don't want to either. I have enough to deal with on my own.
Does that sound mean? It's not. You have to live with you. You wake up in the morning, and you look in the mirror. You see those ripples of fat. What are you going to do about them?
You know what you eat; even in secret.
And, who on the Internet is going to tell me how to live? I can get some ideas, but ultimately every one's life experiences are unique.
I guess I have one or two people who watch what I write and get inspired by it. Honestly, I shouldn't be a steady diet. Eventually I expect someone to master their own appetite.
If you don't, and I don't then we will suffer the ultimate consequences. We'll get fat (Preponderant) and stay that way.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 187-pounds.
That's down from yesterday.
I commented on someones blog who wrote something about letting people hold someone accountable for their weight loss.
The person claims that weight loss is a community affair, and that it's inspiring to others.
I am not going to name the person, or try to embarrass anyone.
Here is how I view the community weight loss thing: "Bull Crap."
I am not saying that I don't think people need a coach if let's say they want to play golf. I am not saying that people don't need help once and a while gaining a concept.
I am not against community efforts when it comes to let's say launching the Space Shuttle, or building a giant airplane.
What I do have a problem with is expecting someone to coach you to lose weight, and exercise some. Here is why. This is a life long commitment to lose weight.
When I embarked on this "personal challenge," I didn't have anyone to help me. No one was around to help me keep the food out of my mouth that got me bloated in the first place.
I certainly don't expect anyone to be around to help me keep my sticky fingers off the sticky cinnamon buns.
And, who am I going to call anyway, "Eaters Anonymous?" Who am I going to tell that I am tempted to eat more than I should?
No, this weight loss thing is my baby. No one, not anybody on this planet, can keep me from putting into my mouth the things that I shouldn't.
On the other hand there are plenty of people out their who can tempt you to overeat. Isn't that strange?
I have a cousin who insists that I eat the cake she makes. I have friends who want to dine out and waste money. It's not enough to sit at a clean kitchen table to eat, drink, and talk there. No we have to have the atmosphere too.
Meanwhile all my friends are fat, except two. One guy runs a lot, and if he didn't he would surely blow back up to where he was two years ago. He knows it too.
But, I can't call him up and say, "Did you run today?" He'd get real tired of that, and so would I.
Here is what I am trying to say; It's up to you to go through what ever it takes to lose weight. No one can make you put down the donuts. No one can make you reduce down your food portions. No one is going to suffer your hunger pains. No one lives in your skin.
It's up to you to finally have that little talk with yourself that will give you the resolve you need. You have to say to you, "What ever it takes, I am going to lose the weight I need to, and then keep it off."
I'm sorry, I can't do it for you. I don't want to either. I have enough to deal with on my own.
Does that sound mean? It's not. You have to live with you. You wake up in the morning, and you look in the mirror. You see those ripples of fat. What are you going to do about them?
You know what you eat; even in secret.
And, who on the Internet is going to tell me how to live? I can get some ideas, but ultimately every one's life experiences are unique.
I guess I have one or two people who watch what I write and get inspired by it. Honestly, I shouldn't be a steady diet. Eventually I expect someone to master their own appetite.
If you don't, and I don't then we will suffer the ultimate consequences. We'll get fat (Preponderant) and stay that way.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Friday, June 26, 2009
Beginning That Slow Agonizing Weight Decent
Hello weight losing fans...
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 187.6-pounds. That's down from yesterday's weight.
I don't think that's so bad, considering that just four days ago I was tipping that scale at 192-pounds two days back to back. Oh boy.....
Now folks, I have no one to blame for this but me....
If you will check my archives from 2007, and 2008, you will see I managed to maintain 180-pounds for over one year.
I got impatient, and wanted to get to 170-pounds, and then 160-pounds. I started tinkering with my diet, instead of eating everything I did, but much less of what many call a normal portion.
This is where I got into trouble. I started craving sweets like you would not believe.
I think I also reached a point, albeit a temporary time period, where I was thinking I could get away with eating more than I should. Well, you see the results.
I Am A Preponderant
I am a Preponderant. I haven't written that term for a long time. It means to tip the scales in the wrong direction. It's usually a term, preponderance, used in a court of law. It means to over whelm with evidence, or to tip the scales of justice; as in the preponderance of evidence.
I adapted the term to Preponderant. I morphed the term to mean a person who tips the scales in the wrong direction.
I am a Preponderant. I am very much like an alcoholic. Only my addiction isn't alcohol, it's food.
I have a slow metabolism. There isn't very much I can do about that, except add in some exercise to offset some calories consumed, and to condition my body.
If you are like me, then you too are a Preponderant. You aren't like that guy who can chow down on two big hot dogs on a bun for lunch, each half of a pound of French Fries, then a large coke, and still stay thin like a sapling tree. I am not that lucky.
If you are like me, then you have to admit, you are a preponderant. That's a nice term for stating you are fat. You may be a little fat, let's say 20 pounds or so like me. Or, you may be a lot fat, like I was, at 80-pounds over my normal body weight.
None-the-less, I was a preponderant, and still am. And I don't have the luxury of being able to consume everything my little heart desires. You don't either. So sorry about that, I really am.
I wish that it were different. As my dad used to say, "Wish in one hand, then crap in the other. Which one weighs more?" That's a crude way of saying "Wishing" doesn't count for anything.
Walt Disney Studios had a cartoon they made where Jimmy Cricket sang, "When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true." That's all cute for children, and for fantasy, but you and I must face the cold hard reality.
We can wish that things were different than they are with our bodies. But wishing on a falling star isn't going to change the fact you weigh more than you should.
It's also not going to change the reality you may suffer adverse effects as a result; diabetes, heart trouble, joint problems, etc..
I want it to be different, but it's not.
What Must Be Done To Change Our Preponderance?
Well, you must first admit you are over weight. Like the alcoholic, or the drug abuser, you must come to accept that you have a problem with your weight. It could be 20-pounds, and then it could be 100-pounds.
Then you have to make a simple plan to lose the weight. It has to be a simple plan, because if it gets too complicated, then you won't follow it for long.
My plan was to keep a very simple food log. I had everything that I ate and drank written in a spiral note book. I didn't make columns, or fancy pages. I just wrote what I ate. Later I began estimating the calories to the best of my ability, and added those calories next to my food.
You'll be truly surprised about the amount of food, and drink you consume if you'll keep a written record throughout the day.
You'll be even more amazed when you start tabulating the calories for each food, and drink item on your list. That 20-ounce coke is 250-calories. That ice cream sandwich is 160 calories. That pint of Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Ice Cream is 600 calories. That Cinnamon Sweet Roll is 600 calories.
It's easy to over look what is causing your weight problem when you aren't paying attention to the food you are consuming.
You have to monitor your weight. There are people who think that weighing in once a month is enough. Some people weigh in once a week. I weigh most every day. I have too.
Has weighing in everyday saved me from regaining 12-pounds? No, it hasn't. However, I knew that I was gaining weight again. I was gaining as much as one pound per day. That's a lot.
This is how screwed up my metabolism really is. It doesn't take much food to push me over the edge and I begin to regain weight.
Unfortunately, you are probably the same way. Judging by the number of fatties I see walking around, I think I am not the only one with this problem.
Finally once you decide to implement your plan, expect it not to be easy. That's right, it's not easy to lose weight.
Expect that you will get hungry like you never got hungry before. That's right you'll get hungry, and you'll be tempted to eat the wrong things. This is where you'll have to have the resolve to avoid breaking your diet plan.
Don't believe the Magazines, and the so called experts in the news media. I was reading in a major magazine that stated counting calories doesn't work. The author wrote if you just bulk up on certain foods, then you won't be hungry for the wrong foods. That's a lie. You'll still want that ice cream even after you've swallowed a pound of green beans.
I am here to tell you, "It sucks trying to lose weight. It sucks keeping the weight off. It sucks."
Don't Expect Anyone To Understand
Before I go: Don't expect anyone to understand your sacrifice. Don't expect anyone to be supportive, not you're spouse, not your children, not your mother, or your best friend. Accept this is your gig, and that's it.
One would hope that those who are closest to us to support our efforts, but they don't live in your skin. They don't have to lay awake at night when the Hunger Monster is gnawing in your guts.
Nope, it's you, and you alone, that has to face this Weight Monster.
You can lose weight if you want to.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 187.6-pounds. That's down from yesterday's weight.
I don't think that's so bad, considering that just four days ago I was tipping that scale at 192-pounds two days back to back. Oh boy.....
Now folks, I have no one to blame for this but me....
If you will check my archives from 2007, and 2008, you will see I managed to maintain 180-pounds for over one year.
I got impatient, and wanted to get to 170-pounds, and then 160-pounds. I started tinkering with my diet, instead of eating everything I did, but much less of what many call a normal portion.
This is where I got into trouble. I started craving sweets like you would not believe.
I think I also reached a point, albeit a temporary time period, where I was thinking I could get away with eating more than I should. Well, you see the results.
I Am A Preponderant
I am a Preponderant. I haven't written that term for a long time. It means to tip the scales in the wrong direction. It's usually a term, preponderance, used in a court of law. It means to over whelm with evidence, or to tip the scales of justice; as in the preponderance of evidence.
I adapted the term to Preponderant. I morphed the term to mean a person who tips the scales in the wrong direction.
I am a Preponderant. I am very much like an alcoholic. Only my addiction isn't alcohol, it's food.
I have a slow metabolism. There isn't very much I can do about that, except add in some exercise to offset some calories consumed, and to condition my body.
If you are like me, then you too are a Preponderant. You aren't like that guy who can chow down on two big hot dogs on a bun for lunch, each half of a pound of French Fries, then a large coke, and still stay thin like a sapling tree. I am not that lucky.
If you are like me, then you have to admit, you are a preponderant. That's a nice term for stating you are fat. You may be a little fat, let's say 20 pounds or so like me. Or, you may be a lot fat, like I was, at 80-pounds over my normal body weight.
None-the-less, I was a preponderant, and still am. And I don't have the luxury of being able to consume everything my little heart desires. You don't either. So sorry about that, I really am.
I wish that it were different. As my dad used to say, "Wish in one hand, then crap in the other. Which one weighs more?" That's a crude way of saying "Wishing" doesn't count for anything.
Walt Disney Studios had a cartoon they made where Jimmy Cricket sang, "When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true." That's all cute for children, and for fantasy, but you and I must face the cold hard reality.
We can wish that things were different than they are with our bodies. But wishing on a falling star isn't going to change the fact you weigh more than you should.
It's also not going to change the reality you may suffer adverse effects as a result; diabetes, heart trouble, joint problems, etc..
I want it to be different, but it's not.
What Must Be Done To Change Our Preponderance?
Well, you must first admit you are over weight. Like the alcoholic, or the drug abuser, you must come to accept that you have a problem with your weight. It could be 20-pounds, and then it could be 100-pounds.
Then you have to make a simple plan to lose the weight. It has to be a simple plan, because if it gets too complicated, then you won't follow it for long.
My plan was to keep a very simple food log. I had everything that I ate and drank written in a spiral note book. I didn't make columns, or fancy pages. I just wrote what I ate. Later I began estimating the calories to the best of my ability, and added those calories next to my food.
You'll be truly surprised about the amount of food, and drink you consume if you'll keep a written record throughout the day.
You'll be even more amazed when you start tabulating the calories for each food, and drink item on your list. That 20-ounce coke is 250-calories. That ice cream sandwich is 160 calories. That pint of Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Ice Cream is 600 calories. That Cinnamon Sweet Roll is 600 calories.
It's easy to over look what is causing your weight problem when you aren't paying attention to the food you are consuming.
You have to monitor your weight. There are people who think that weighing in once a month is enough. Some people weigh in once a week. I weigh most every day. I have too.
Has weighing in everyday saved me from regaining 12-pounds? No, it hasn't. However, I knew that I was gaining weight again. I was gaining as much as one pound per day. That's a lot.
This is how screwed up my metabolism really is. It doesn't take much food to push me over the edge and I begin to regain weight.
Unfortunately, you are probably the same way. Judging by the number of fatties I see walking around, I think I am not the only one with this problem.
Finally once you decide to implement your plan, expect it not to be easy. That's right, it's not easy to lose weight.
Expect that you will get hungry like you never got hungry before. That's right you'll get hungry, and you'll be tempted to eat the wrong things. This is where you'll have to have the resolve to avoid breaking your diet plan.
Don't believe the Magazines, and the so called experts in the news media. I was reading in a major magazine that stated counting calories doesn't work. The author wrote if you just bulk up on certain foods, then you won't be hungry for the wrong foods. That's a lie. You'll still want that ice cream even after you've swallowed a pound of green beans.
I am here to tell you, "It sucks trying to lose weight. It sucks keeping the weight off. It sucks."
Don't Expect Anyone To Understand
Before I go: Don't expect anyone to understand your sacrifice. Don't expect anyone to be supportive, not you're spouse, not your children, not your mother, or your best friend. Accept this is your gig, and that's it.
One would hope that those who are closest to us to support our efforts, but they don't live in your skin. They don't have to lay awake at night when the Hunger Monster is gnawing in your guts.
Nope, it's you, and you alone, that has to face this Weight Monster.
You can lose weight if you want to.
Bye for now...
And that's the way it is...I'm David Dane
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Hello Weight Losing Fans, Today I stepped up onto the Digital Scale weighing in at 208.2-Pounds. My heart is very heavy with pain since my...
Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 179.2-pounds. That's up from yeste...
Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 178.6-pounds. Oops, thats 81.012-kilog...
Hello weight losing fans... Today I stepped up onto the Magical-Mystical-Digital-Scale weighing in at 188.8-pounds. A year ago I warned you ...